Geagea Hopes Christians Will Unite over Apostolic Exhortation: Pope’s Visit Was Needed at this Time

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Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea noted on Sunday that Pope Benedict XVI’s visit to Lebanon pleased Muslims and Christians.

He told LBCI television: “We hope Christians would unite over the Apostolic Exhortation.”

“We hope they would all adhere to it completely,” he added.

Furthermore, he said that the pontiff’s visit was “needed at this time.”

“The Apostolic Exhortation does not address local disputes, but it includes general principles and clear directions in the region,” continued the LF leader.

“There should therefore be no disputes over its implementation,” remarked Geagea.

“There can be no escaping a position on the Arab Spring and other details such as the parliamentary elections have nothing to do with the pope’s visit,” he noted.

“This visit will not only empower the Christians, but it will help them restore some confidence in themselves that has been missing for a while,” he stressed.

Today’s scene in downtown Beirut where the Sunday mass was held “should erase all fears over the fate of Christians in the area, an issue which has only been used for political purposes,” said Geagea.

“We will exert all efforts to ensure that moderate Christians and Muslims are victorious in order to build a better future and end all fears of the other,” he told LBCI.

The pope ends on Sunday a three-day visit to Lebanon.

Comments 10
Thumb cedar 16 September 2012, 18:59

Nicely said

Thumb ado.australia 16 September 2012, 19:06

Attacks on Patriach el Rahi about his positions on hezballah and syria were wrong. We all know how disgrafull they were. Especially from Geagea and the LF. Some on this site declared that the Vatican was disappointed with the batrak. Today we all are tought a lesson of peace and truth! Enough of the crazy position that some have been taking. Unity and peace are the object for all Lebanese. why do we have to take foreign sides against our fellow Lebanese brothers? The Lebanese army is not taking sides like Geha and others want us to believe. The army is the saviour of lebanon. God bless them and all patriotic lebanese!

Thumb geha 16 September 2012, 19:30

the previous message of alrahi was away from what the Pope said:
- rahi took sides with the shia in this country against what he called salafi sunnis, until he retracted or "corrected" lately.
- the message of the pope is one of unity with all.
- until we see the army defending our border with syria, we cannot respect it, as it is clearly not defending its people.
if this explanation is too hard to understand for some, then they are one sided.

Thumb geha 16 September 2012, 20:32

let us not forget what rahi said aout syria's dictator and how he is good for christians :)

Missing peace 16 September 2012, 23:39

hezbollah is the same sh... as the salafis.

educate urself

Missing minlibnan 16 September 2012, 19:59

Who cares about these politicians. They love the attention. It's ironic how all of lebanons politicians are millionaires! Think about it ya libnaniyi! Ur za3im is a thief. No matter what camp he represents. Same old crowd in parliament for the past 60 years.

Thumb fadi_albeiruti 17 September 2012, 04:01

Religious men like patriarch Rahi and his muslim counterparts should stick with preaching co-existing and peace and leave politics to the politicians as screwed up as they might be, I for one didn't care for the remarks al Rahi made about ASSad, if he likes him so much then maybe he needs to pack up and move to Damascus, how quickly did the patriarch forget the christian blood spilled by the Syrian regime in our beloved Lebanon, the patriarch have betrayed all those who died fighting to protect our christian way of life including the patriarch's.

Missing shark12 17 September 2012, 10:37

For all the dreamers out there if you think Hezb Iran is better than the salafi sunnis you are wrong ,you guys have to stop taking drugs they are both the same.I`m sure Heb Iran is Christian friendly and so do the salafi sunnis..

Missing sibleen 17 September 2012, 15:25

The christians In Lebanon are finished, drive around Lebanon and you will see it with your own eyes, also they are divided into two camps and they hateneach other more than anybody else, quite frankly they deserve it and they only have themselves to blame

Default-user-icon Lambo Doftanyi (Guest) 17 September 2012, 17:37

Any new predictions about anything these days?