Obama Tells Abbas of Opposition to U.N. Move

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

U.S. President Barack Obama told Mahmoud Abbas on Sunday that his administration opposes a Palestinian bid for non-state membership of the U.N., the Palestinian leader's spokesman said.

"There was a long telephone conversation between president Mahmoud Abbas and Barack Obama," Nabil Abu Rudeina told Agence France Presse.

"Obama expressed the opposition of the United States to the decision to go to the U.N. General Assembly."

Abbas explained "the reasons and motives for the Palestinian decision to go to the U.N. ... including the continued (Jewish) settlement activity and Israeli aggression against citizens and property," Abu Rudeina said.

Israel and the United States are both opposed to the Palestinian plan, insisting that a Palestinian state can only result from peace negotiations, which have been suspended for the past two years.

Comments 2
Missing phillipo 12 November 2012, 07:25

Have you ever spoken to a stone wall expecting an answer? Well, this is exactly what Obama just did.
Abbas will do everything in his power to prevent his people from having their freedom and independence by refusing to sit down and talk peace with Israel, something he learned well from Arafat.
Arafat missed every opportunity to miss the advance towards peace for his people, and Abbas has learned well from his teacher.
He should remember the simple mathematical squation - 95% of something is a lot better than 100% of nothing.

Thumb benzona 12 November 2012, 08:48

Arafat reached a good deal until a jewish terrorist killed Izhaak Rabin. Later on, another jewish terrorist (AKA Sharon) had Arafat poisoned to death. There's no hope for peace with a Natayahu or Lieberman in office... so for now, Abbas is right to do what he's undergoing.

at least, that's my p.o.v.