Nasrallah Tells March 14 Not to Await Hariri's Return via Damascus Airport as 'Battle in Syria is Far from Over'

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on Sunday called on the rival March 14 forces not to await the return of former prime minister Saad Hariri to Lebanon “via the Damascus airport,” saying they must instead end their boycott and take part in drafting a new electoral law.

“Do not await the return of certain figures via the Damascus airport,” said Nasrallah in a televised address during an academic graduation ceremony organized by Hizbullah.

“I want to draw your attention to the fact that you are making wrong calculations” concerning the Syrian crisis, Nasrallah added, addressing the March 14 camp.

“You are boycotting (any meeting attended by the government) and preventing the adoption of a new electoral law,” Hizbullah's leader said, noting that March 14 are betting that “within one or two days, within one or two months, the Syrian regime will fall.”

Nasrallah said reports about an imminent fall of the Syrian regime “are not new.”

“From the very first day, some princes, kings and presidents and their followers in the March 14 camp said that the regime will fall in two months,” he added.

“They put one deadline after the other, but two years passed and nothing happened. If you're betting on certain information, your information is wrong. Let any just person open Syria's map and see the areas held by the regime and the opposition and decide whether the regime will fall or not,” Nasrallah went on to say.

He called on the March 14 forces to “give up their wrong assumptions and reconsider their boycott decision and not to worsen the tensions in the country.”

“Let them take part in drafting a new electoral law and the outcome of elections will decide the shape of the government and this is the interest of the country,” he added.

“The boycott was aimed at toppling the government, but it was not toppled and it will not be toppled by further boycotting, not because we're clinging to it but rather because all international and national circumstances indicate this. Boycott is inflicting losses on the country and this insistence will put us before two choices: the 1960 law or no elections and both choices are bad.”

Nasrallah said “whoever thinks that the (Syrian) opposition is capable of winning militarily is very delusional.”

He noted that “the battle is not at all between the regime and its people.”

“There is a division. A segment of the population supports the regime and another supports the opposition which has taken up arms and is being aided by regional forces and there is an armed confrontation,” Nasrallah said, describing the situation in war-torn Syria.

Commenting on the latest deadly bombings that targeted regions in Damascus and its suburbs, Nasrallah asked: “Are the residents of Qatana Syrians or foreigners? Are the residents of Jaramana Syrians or foreigners? Are the residents of Damascus Syrians or foreigners so that you send them booby-trapped cars at 8:00 a.m. when the streets are packed with people?”

Addressing the regional and international supporters of the Syrian opposition, Nasrallah added: “This is the peak of viciousness. Where is your stance on the Syrian people who are being killed by the opposition? Where is your moral stance on those whose throats are being slit, on those who are being thrown from the roofs of buildings and on those who are being killed because of their religious identity?”

Nasrallah pointed out that “the battle is far from over in Syria because the armed opposition is rejecting any dialogue with the regime, which will bring further violence and bloodshed.”

He said “there are countries that do not care about Syria, even if people there kept fighting each other for 10 years and some regional forces are benefiting from the conflict.”

Addressing al-Qaida, Nasrallah added: “The Americans and Europeans have set a trap for you in Syria and some Arab governments have set a trap for you in Syria and gave you an arena to flock to from all over the world so that you kill each other and you have fallen prey to this ambush.”

“Should these groups achieve anything, they will be the first to pay the price in Syria because there is a trap set up for them,” Hizbullah's chief said.

“On the humanitarian level, our hearts are severely grieving for the death of every child in Syria. Anyone preventing dialogue is the criminal who bears the responsibility for the killing of every person in Syria,” he announced.

  • 16 December 2012, 15:40

    Nasrallah: On the humanitarian level, our hearts are severely grieving for the death of every child in Syria. Anyone preventing dialogue is the criminal who bears the responsibility for the killing of every person in Syria.

  • 16 December 2012, 15:38

    Nasrallah to al-Qaida: The Americans and Europeans have set a trap for you in Syria and some Arab governments have set a trap for you in Syria and gave you an arena to flock to from all over the world so that you kill each other and you have fallen prey to this ambush. Should these groups achieve anything, they will be the first to pay the price in Syria because there is a trap set up for them.

  • 16 December 2012, 15:37

    Nasrallah: There are countries that do not care about Syria, even if people there kept fighting each other for 10 years and some regional forces are benefiting from the conflict.

  • 16 December 2012, 15:37

    Nasrallah: The battle is far from over in Syria because the armed opposition is rejecting any dialogue with the regime, which will bring further violence and bloodshed.

  • 16 December 2012, 15:36

    Nasrallah: Are the residents of Qatana Syrians or foreigners? Are the residents of Jaramana Syrians or foreigners? Are the residents of Damascus Syrians or foreigners so that you send them booby-trapped cars at 8:00 a.m. when the streets are packed with people? This is the peak of viciousness. Where is your stance on the Syrian people who are being killed by the opposition? Where is your moral stance on those whose throats are being slit, on those who are being thrown from the roofs of buildings and on those who are being killed because of their religious identity?

  • 16 December 2012, 15:34

    Nasrallah: The battle is not at all between the regime and its people. There is a division. A segment of the population supports the regime and another supports the opposition which has taken up arms and is being aided by regional forces and there is an armed confrontation.

  • 16 December 2012, 15:33

    Nasrallah on Syria: Whoever thinks that the opposition is capable of winning militarily is very delusional.

  • 16 December 2012, 15:33

    Nasrallah: Whoever wins the elections must form a government.

  • 16 December 2012, 15:32

    Nasrallah: Do not await the return of certain figures via the Damascus airport.

  • 16 December 2012, 15:32

    Nasrallah: I advise these people to give up their wrong assumptions and reconsider their boycott decision and not to worsen the tensions in the country. Let them take part in drafting a new electoral law and the outcome of elections will decide the shape of the government and this is the interest of the country.

  • 16 December 2012, 15:30

    Nasrallah: They put one deadline after the other, but two years passed and nothing happened. If you're betting on certain information, your information is wrong. Let any just person open Syria's map and see the areas held by the regime and the opposition and decide whether the regime will fall or not.

  • 16 December 2012, 15:28

    Nasrallah: These reports are not new because from the very first day, some princes, kings and presidents and their followers in the March 14 camp said that the regime will fall in two months.

  • 16 December 2012, 15:27

    Nasrallah to March 14: I want to draw your attention to the fact that you are making wrong calculations. You are boycotting and preventing the adoption of a new electoral law. What are they betting on? That within one or two days, within one or two months, the Syrian regime will fall.

  • 16 December 2012, 15:26

    Nasrallah: We accept advice from others and we offer advice to others.

  • 16 December 2012, 15:26

    Nasrallah: We are not centrists because our political position is being targeted. We are a party in the dispute and we're proud of our position and we will hold onto it.

  • 16 December 2012, 15:25

    Nasrallah: The boycott was aimed at toppling the government, but it was not toppled and it will not be toppled by further boycotting, not because we're clinging to it but rather because all international and national circumstances indicate this. Boycott is inflicting losses on the country and this insistence will put us before two choices: the 1960 law or no elections and both choices are bad.

  • 16 December 2012, 15:23

    Nasrallah: If such a group was formed, we're ready to take part in it, even alongside those who curse us night and day. There is a major moral issue related to people's fate and all forces must support the national program.

  • 16 December 2012, 15:22

    Nasrallah: The government and the opposition must form a national action group that puts forward a program to confront this crisis before we reach economic collapse.

  • 16 December 2012, 15:18

    Nasrallah: All political ploys and military wars have failed and everyone knows that this resistance that defeated Israel in 2000 and 2006 is deep-rooted, strong and present in the conscience of its people and that it is stronger that all these conspiracies. They only have insults not more.

  • 16 December 2012, 15:17

    Nasrallah: Today, poverty transcends sects and there are no privileged regions and underprivileged regions. This country has not been given a chance. We call on them to embark on work and they refuse.

  • 16 December 2012, 15:15

    Nasrallah: Even the blood of martyr premier Rafik Hariri was exploited with the aim of targeting the resistance.

  • 16 December 2012, 15:14

    Nasrallah: It is regretful that a large number of political forces dropped this priority ever since the release of the ominous Resolution 1559. What are the priorities in all the speeches and statements: The resistance and its weapons and they have nothing else, day and night, and it is bizarre that they keep repeating the same idea.

  • 16 December 2012, 15:11

    Nasrallah: Worries rise at the start of the school year. Bad living conditions pave way for crimes such as robberies.

  • 16 December 2012, 15:09

    Nasrallah on social and living conditions: The suffering of the Lebanese and the families is huge.

  • 16 December 2012, 15:08

    Nasrallah: It's time for the government to end the debate on the wages scale and send the bill to the parliament.

  • 16 December 2012, 15:07

    Nasrallah: Some parties should make concessions and cooperate because there is enough funding for the wages scale.

  • 16 December 2012, 15:06

    Nasrallah: Had this been the Hizbullah government as some said, then there is something wrong.

  • 16 December 2012, 15:05

    Nasrallah on the wages scale for civil servants: The cabinet is under pressure on the implementation of the salary increases.

  • 16 December 2012, 15:03

    Nasrallah: When we invest in security we resolve the results. But when we invest in education we would be resolving the reasons.

  • 16 December 2012, 15:01

    Nasrallah: 4,000 contract workers in the security forces were given full employment in a single cabinet session.

  • 16 December 2012, 15:00

    Nasrallah: The LU is growing bigger so it needs more professors. We shouldn't put an employment ceiling for them.

  • 16 December 2012, 14:58

    Nasrallah said some contract professors at LU have been waiting since 1995 to be fully employed.

  • 16 December 2012, 14:56

    Nasrallah said LU's manpower should increase.

  • 16 December 2012, 14:55

    Nasrallah said that the number of Lebanese below the poverty line is increasing by the day and this would grow worse.

  • 16 December 2012, 14:55

    Nasrallah: The Lebanese University should be cared for and it's true when sad that it is the university of the poor.

  • 16 December 2012, 14:54

    Nasrallah hoped that the graduating students would liberate the nation, defend it and improve its security and stability.

  • 16 December 2012, 14:53

    Nasrallah: Education is a grace that could be used for good or bad.

  • 16 December 2012, 14:52

    Nasrallah: People are using resources badly.

  • 16 December 2012, 14:51

    Nasrallah: Educational development is being used to satisfy certain factions and their eagerness to control others while they could have been used to spread justice.

  • 16 December 2012, 14:50

    Nasrallah: Education and ethics go hand in hand which are a guarantee for their use in the service of people and the nation.

  • 16 December 2012, 14:49

    Nasrallah: Some of the Hizbullah students were martyred either before or after graduating in the past years.

  • 16 December 2012, 14:48

    Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah: This graduation ceremony is an image of the role of Hizbullah and the resistance in Lebanon.

Comments 75
Missing phalangistes 16 December 2012, 15:25

the guy is enjoying some last speeches! the sooner anyone finish with him (let it be Palestinian, Israelians or FSA) the better for Lebanon!

Thumb benzona 16 December 2012, 17:10

get a Wii U FT.

Missing samiam 16 December 2012, 17:40

still talking from his 'undisclosed cave' though--I think he needs some oxygen though judging from the content of his latest speeches.

Missing orangutaoun 16 December 2012, 20:14

Your labia ya nassrallah !

Missing peace 16 December 2012, 15:27

another M8er criticizing the gvt they are part of! LOL!!!

Missing peace 16 December 2012, 15:29

" Some parties should make concessions and cooperate because there is enough funding for the wages scale." said the president of lebanon and you ll see they will miraculously find the !

Missing samiam 16 December 2012, 20:50

suddenly, he is an economics expert. The country is $52 BILLION in debt and suddenly there are funds available. There are no tourists (sorry, tourists from Iran aren't really wealthy) because of the situation in Syria and HA's allies kidnapping spree, there is little help from outside countries due to HA's influence, and the infrustructure is getting worse and needs repair.

So, again, where is the $1.2 Billion coming from again?

Missing samiam 16 December 2012, 22:12

so you are saying that the government has $1.2 BILLION of free cash sitting around it can spend on extra salaries in the first year? Where is this money coming from?

Delusion comes in many forms---best to see a doctor or realize that when a political figure says something, ask what he gains from saying it.

Missing samiam 16 December 2012, 22:57

actually, I do.

I know from your comments you haven't a clue.

Nice try anyway

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 16 December 2012, 15:35

here we go again... why are they targeting our weapons? we are innocent little sheep who never used them to twist the democratic will of the people to our own benefit. we have used to better the security of Lebanon and the Lebanese.. we have safeguarded ALL politicians with our illegal networks and intelligence services that have stopped 90% of political assassinations and uncovered the truth behind the 10%...
we are daily resisting Israel, even though not a single act of "resistance" has happened since 2006.
Enough of your garbage, your weapons have given you the upper hand ever since Rafic was killed...(not to mention free control of the south thanks to the Syrians before that) ENOUGH... time for you to step down a notch and play politics how it should be played.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 16 December 2012, 15:36

why did you not offer concessions when you had the upper hand???? now taste your own medicine.. and it is your time to offer the concessions.. we can start with turning over your weapons to the Army.. and we can call it even after that.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 16 December 2012, 15:39

The government and the opposition must form a national action group that puts forward a program to confront this crisis before we reach economic collapse.
solution: GET RID OF YOUR DAMN WEAPONS... as long as you control the govt with weapons in your hands there will be no economic stability in Lebanon.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 16 December 2012, 15:40

If such a group was formed, we're ready to take part in it, even alongside those who curse us night and day. There is a major moral issue related to people's fate and all forces must support the national program.
How did you help those tired, poor and hungry by bringing war to us every few years?

Missing thatisit 16 December 2012, 15:53

i am curious to know what is his take on the big bang theory and evolution?

most people are bored with this guy now- he thinks he is an expert on everything now. That is the problem - he talks about economics and poverty and blames everyone else but his party for this? He doesn't even understand or acknowledge that his weapons and militia are a major cause of instability to Lebanon and this has dragged our economy to the bottom. If it weren't for persian money his people will be devouring themselves by now...

Default-user-icon tillwhen (Guest) 16 December 2012, 15:57

the leader of a terrorist group is talking about education.
what a messy country we have.
give us a break Mr hassan

Default-user-icon Alma Nar (Guest) 16 December 2012, 16:00

666 minutes ago Nasrallah: I have recently discovered the AeroBed air mattresses, what wonderful invention they are, for the first time in six years I sleep like a baby all night long. Furthermore in case the sewers back up, like they often do, the AeroBed air mattresses floats and I don't wake up chocking on sewage although they tell me than my breath does not smell as fresh as it did.

Thumb andre.jabbour 16 December 2012, 16:04

Who graduates now? Oh wait I know, The University of Terrorism Dahye (UTD)

Thumb shab 16 December 2012, 18:20


Thumb fero 16 December 2012, 16:20

what is funny is i see lots of news stories that are interesting and could be tlaked about but no one even bothers to do it but get one news story about sayed hassan and everyone becomes and insult expert why cant you poeple just disagree without being disrespectful by insulting the man all you are showing is that you are ignorant and have no intrest in logical debate or argumentation you should all be asahmed of yourselves

Thumb fero 16 December 2012, 17:26

my freind i respect the fact that you may not like him ar agree with him you have every right to have an opinion about anything you want all i am saying is that we can disagree on a person or his ideas without resoerting to insults and name calling we should respectfully disagree

Thumb benzona 16 December 2012, 17:35

ma you don't get it, He's NOT a person.

Default-user-icon Waseem (Guest) 16 December 2012, 16:35

Labeyka Ya Nasrallah? What you want to hide underground with him?

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 16 December 2012, 16:38

The more speeches he makes the more desperate he seems. Becoming harder an harder these days for people to accept his bs. The ballot is your enemy right now and that's a pretty bad place to be.

Thumb JabalElFersan 16 December 2012, 16:50

Weak propaganda lies??? How long has this failed uprising been going for??

Missing mohammad_ca 16 December 2012, 17:06

failed uprising? more than half the country is with the revolutionaries...

Default-user-icon majd (Guest) 16 December 2012, 17:18

How long did the Lebanese resistance against the Israeli and Syrian occupations last, how about the Palestinian one? How many years did it take Khomeini before he was able to overthrow the shah, maybe after so many decades of failures the old fart should have stayed in Paris gotten himself a beret and a bike and spend the days painting tourists and eating baguettes.

Do you think there should be a time limit on fighting to be free, is that what the Hezbollah educational system is teaching you?

Lateezeh Nasrallah

Missing orangutaoun 16 December 2012, 20:31

As long as the hezzy has mercenaries to fight along with the shabi77a and the Badr brigades from Iraq have enough she77attas to run with across the border with their Iranian weapons

Thumb JabalElFersan 16 December 2012, 16:51

Labayka Naserallah

Thumb benzona 16 December 2012, 17:12

Shat ap FT. so you work 6 days a week now? you're only off on Saturdays... good to know.

Missing helicopter 16 December 2012, 18:54

In that case take the Iranian flag as your avatar iranelbasij.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (Guest) 16 December 2012, 17:06

to have a real picture of the actual hassan nasrallah,review a speech made by the invincible hassan in 2006/7/8....and the speech he is making at the end of 2012,u will notice the clear decadence.
it is the cruel reality of the farsi..they lost the syrian..palestinian card,the economy in iran is suffocating...and i dont think the future is brighter..more corn plse

Missing gabby11 16 December 2012, 17:09

Nasrallah on Syria: Whoever thinks that the opposition is capable of winning militarily is very delusional.

Gabby on Nasrallah: It is you who are delusional Nassy boy. The Hezz and Syria are losing the war.

Nasrallah: Do not await the return of certain figures via the Damascus airport.

Gabby on Nasrallah: Why....because they might be killed like Hasan and Tueini because the airport is a spy command center run by the Hezz? Yet another reason you cannot be trusted. You kill people you do not like when they come through "your" airport.

Missing gabby11 16 December 2012, 17:13

Nasrallah: On the humanitarian level, our hearts are severely grieving for the death of every child in Syria. Anyone preventing dialogue is the criminal who bears the responsibility for the killing of every person in Syria.

Gabby: Stop lying....since the very beginning your shabiha have been there killing and sniping. Nobody believes your bullshit lies anymore. Not even the Shia and now the PFLP.

Missing gabby11 16 December 2012, 17:19

Nasrallah: Today, poverty transcends sects and there are no privileged regions and underprivileged regions. This country has not been given a chance. We call on them to embark on work and they refuse.

Gabby: The ones in poverty in other regions are further impoverished by having to pay double for electricity because the Shia do no pay. What work do you want people to embark on and they refuse ya Nassy? Are you supplying jobs now too?

Thumb benzona 16 December 2012, 17:41

I thought it was extremely funny... I wonder how he keeps his seriousness... ana faratet min el do7ok

Default-user-icon mazen (Guest) 16 December 2012, 17:41

"Nasrallah: Whoever wins the elections must form a government."

really, that's what you said the last time you lying little girl but then you threatened the winners with your illegal weapons if they dared form a majority government. The only people that still believe your garbage are the Ashura brain damaged retards who will eat any crap you throw at them.

Default-user-icon mfawaz (Guest) 16 December 2012, 18:20

Look at that Hassan's concerned for his fellow fundamentalist Muslim jehadists of al Qaeda, goes to show they're both the two cheeks of the same butt.

Thumb shab 16 December 2012, 18:21


Thumb benzona 16 December 2012, 18:31

Desperate for attention, he is indeed.

Thumb geha 16 December 2012, 18:47

traitors by definition are those who follow a foreign country.
as Arabs we follow the arab league. who do you follow? iran.
iran is not an arab country, thus you are the traitors.

Missing helicopter 16 December 2012, 18:48

The voice of Teharn

Thumb primesuspect 16 December 2012, 18:48

wait for a minute and you still fill depress just take a knife dont ask why just say goodbye and shed a tear and cry.
wait for a minute you still mad just take a gun put it to yo head.dnt ask why but just stay dead.before you do that shed a tear and cry and go ahead say goodbye.
wait for a minute you still sad just take the pills stuff them down yo throat its better than having a stroke. just shed a tear say goodbye now slowly as i fade i will cry.
next time you think and you want to say goodbye just shed a tear and just cry.

By the way sir, I pressed 'report' and hope naharnet will deal with your sick statement swiftly. I also gave you a thumb down pendejo.

Missing damascene 16 December 2012, 18:49

Nasrallah is nothing more than an Iranian stooge in the Levant. In the next couple of years, you will go back to being nothing but normal citizens under the rule of state law. No more persian influence in the Levant when Bashar is dead meat.

Missing damascene 16 December 2012, 18:49

the roar change your name to the_bark.

Thumb geha 16 December 2012, 18:52

this man will not go down in history: he is a nobody terrorist traitor doing the job iran asked him to do. period.
but he will go down :)

Default-user-icon KEVINFAILE (Guest) 16 December 2012, 18:57

Nasrallah and assad want war for world not peace.Remember he who lives by sword dies by sword!A free syria w/o assad is a safer syria.Assad started a war he cant finish!Hezbollah seeks 2 kill inocent children and old ladies.What kind of COWARDS are these?!

Missing helicopter 16 December 2012, 19:00

the_roar .... you make a great fiction writer. If you grew up thinking Muslims were your enemies that is because of your parents upbringing and neighborhood not Kataeb. I was a Kataeb sympathizer growing up while I went to a school where I and my siblings were the only Christians there and they were my best friends and still are. We all know that secular thinking starts at home not with the party you belong to.

Missing helicopter 16 December 2012, 22:47

Thanks the1phoenix .... In our eyes and hearts we all see and feel Lebanon the dream that is embodied in the Songs of Wadih and Fairuz. The dream that we see is slipping away. It hurts, but we must stay hopeful that the dark cloud will one day blow away and the sun shines again on this beautiful land.

Thumb tabasco 16 December 2012, 19:16

your hot air does not mean anything anymore !

Default-user-icon B (Guest) 16 December 2012, 19:37

Where was your moral stance during the invasion and control of Lebanon by father and son? Where was your stance during the almost 40 year old reign of torture and kidnapping? What would be your stance I wonder of the Hama massacre that begun with the father and was repeated by the son leading to its annihilation TWICE. Where was your stance during the past 30 years when any and every citizen speaking against the regime was assassinated (whether in Syria or Lebanon – Kamal Jumblat, Bashir Gemayel…)? Have you forgotten that the reason behind this uprising was the way your masters butchered many peaceful demonstrators in the early stages, where they foreigners? Are the Sunnis foreigners? Is any discontent citizen a foreigner? What is your stance now that you realized to entire Syrian conflict is the product of your arrogance?

Thumb geha 16 December 2012, 20:01

whatever FT, the fact remains that you are traitors to your country as you follow iran.
btw, just for clarification, Lebanon strived and got richer only through the Lebanese making fortunes working in Arab countries.
and if the law allows arabs to buy properties in Lebanon, I do not see why it becomes my fault!

Default-user-icon N (Guest) 16 December 2012, 20:03

the_roar IP address: 666.666.666.tehran

Default-user-icon Masked (Guest) 16 December 2012, 20:19

It's always a treat when this mythomaniac puts on a cheap religions Halloween costume and virtually goes around trying to trick people. I'm surprised that there are still a few deluded fools who fall for this masquerade.

Missing michelabujamra 16 December 2012, 20:30

Benzona, where are you from, you dont sound lebanese when writing in latin arabic. Whats your accent?

Missing michelabujamra 16 December 2012, 20:31

Benzona, where are you from, you dont sound lebanese when writing in latin arabic. Whats your accent?

Default-user-icon 118 (Guest) 16 December 2012, 20:43

what does m14 have to do with the election law ya travolta in a turban, you hold the parliamentary majority, your boyfriend nabih owns the key to parliament so why don't you tell him to open parliament and vote on the 13 districts electoral law that the government you control passed. something else you can do, the lf and kataeb already said that they will vote for the orthodox law if a vote was held in parliament, call their bluff and tell berri to hold a vote.

Missing peace 16 December 2012, 20:47

“They put one deadline after the other, but two years passed and nothing happened. If you're betting on certain information, your information is wrong."

so were your information lol! you kept on saying that nothing was going on in syria, some M8er said and repeated it would be over by the next week...

just be objective iranman....

Default-user-icon John (Guest) 16 December 2012, 22:54

...There is a division. A segment of the population supports the regime and another supports the opposition which has taken up arms ...So they are not terrorists who are fighting the regime after all... you did say they are and Assad is still saying it...Isn't that a proof of who are the liers?

Missing gcb1 16 December 2012, 23:06

He spent a good portion of his speech talking about education and actual issues in Lebanon that we need to address, and not the typical weapons-Syria-Zionist topics. Yet, Naharnet makes absolutely no mention of his talks on the importance of education and the poverty in Lebanon, these are the actual issues.

Meanwhile, you people sit and insult one another. Pathetic.

Default-user-icon riveting (Guest) 16 December 2012, 23:52

@gcb1 don't take this as an insult but you shouldn't have dropped out of school in second grade friend it's obvious to everyone else that Naharnet covered his "importance of education and the poverty in Lebanon" bit, it all start with "Nasrallah: Education and ethics go hand" and goes all the way up till he being talking about Syria, get a literate family member to read it for you.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 16 December 2012, 23:31

Your words are pure gold my friend. Pure gold!

Default-user-icon Martyred Hizbullah student (Guest) 16 December 2012, 23:45

"Nasrallah: Some of the Hizbullah students were martyred either before or after graduating in the past years."

you should stop sending us to die in Syria and elsewhere then we signed up to die for Lebanon not to further Iranian strategic intrests.

Missing beirutbastard00 17 December 2012, 00:25

He had some good points. U can't hate on that.

As far as the weapons go, hizballah will not give them up. It's a resistance, without weapons they cease to have purpose. They will assassinate any1 that gets in the way.

Thumb bigsami 17 December 2012, 00:32

No one gives a turd from comes out of a Iranian terrorist's trap!

Thumb bigsami 17 December 2012, 00:33

No one gives a turd from 'what' comes out of an Iranian terrorist's trap!

Missing jimbei 17 December 2012, 02:00

I would like to put some things in perspective. After the last conflict between Israel and Hamas it has become clear that all the iranian missiles that were fire are obsolete. 80% of the them were down before reaching their target.

Hezbollah is armed with practically the same weaponry as Hamas. After the success of the Israel "Iron Dome" defense system, Hezbollah knows that their missiles will never be able to cause any considerable harm to Israel. Mark my words, Hamas will not wage any battles with Hezbollah anytime soon. And after the success of the Iron Dome Hezbollah wont either. What the Hezb is doing know is pointing their arsenal towards lebanon so as to maintain their influence. What do you think will happen after the Syrian regime falls?

Missing jimbei 17 December 2012, 02:01

Let's not forger the economic conditions of Iran. How long will they be able to support Hezbollah? There is no way that Hezbollah will ever be able to defeat Israel. Do you think that a country that has one of the most sophisticated defense systems and fighter jets and missiles from the USA is scared of Hezbollah? Hezb is just putting on a facade trying to keep everyone from realizing the truth. They are in deep shit and sooner rather than later, they will drown in it.

Thumb joesikemrex 17 December 2012, 02:23


Thumb LebDinosaur 17 December 2012, 06:52

In other words, he's saying Syria could become a mess like Iraq, thanks to his future involvement. What a peace loving person this guy is!

Thumb benzona 17 December 2012, 07:12

michelboujamra AKA FT disguised again. #43

Why do you want to know where I come from? So you can send after me your Hezzy and FPM trained Chabiha? Well, I'm going to tell you something, my family's root is Sidonian, I was born and lived in Beirut and left as a kid during your master Aoun's war... yes, note that the Syrians, the Israelis didn't make my family flee but one person managed to achieve this, his name is petit general minable Aoun. Next time, don't disguise yourself just be honest and ask without cheap subterfuge. I'm also of Russian origin and another European country where I currently reside. But then, that's too much info for you already. I don't want to be arrested and tortured and abducted by Hezboterrorists next time I land in Beirut.

Thumb benzona 17 December 2012, 07:14

Good to see you again tonyfarris.

Thumb dandoun 17 December 2012, 08:50

u don't like him..don't watch him sure everyone waits for for the sayed to talk ...and know what he says is the truth, but the lack of brain cells is ur brains, don't
let u see the right from wrong..
الله يحميك وانت تاج على
رؤوس الشرفاءالسيد حسن

Thumb dandoun 17 December 2012, 08:56

friendship with the enemy... what a way to lead and free a country .... go judge who u follow before u judge who we r

Missing michelabujamra 17 December 2012, 14:23

Benzonax are you ok? All of this just to answer a simple question about your non-lebanese accent?? Wow, you must have something to hide. In what way is your family sidonian? Are you one of the khaleeji families that moved to saida in recent times? If yes then that doesnt make you sidonian in the real sence of the matter.

No im not FT, i am not aouni and i hate bashar el assad as well as hezballah so dont get carried away. You dont sound lebanese at all so as a real lebanese i question you because i dont want non-lebanese calling themselfs lebanese or giving the impression that they are.

Just because your family lived in lebanon at some point, it doesnt mean your lebanese. You have to have lebanese roots to be lebanese. Otherwise we have hundreds of thousands of syrians, palestinians, circassians, kurds, chechens, armenians and others who are "lebanese" when in reality they arent.

Default-user-icon kevin faile (Guest) 16 January 2013, 07:02

somebody needs 2 drone this loudmouth.who the hell is he? killing is all he thinks about.killing children and blowing up mosque.hes even thinking of killing all the jews. hes a coward and a lowlife. oh i know some of u see him as islams defender. hes hooked up with cia u idiots. how do u think he got his power? hes a cia puppet!