Aoun Slams Jumblat's Rejection of Orthodox Law: Does He Want to Usurp Christian Rights?

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun criticized on Saturday Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat's rejection of the Orthodox Gathering parliamentary electoral law, saying that he has “done nothing to eliminate sectarianism,” reported the daily An Nahar on Sunday.

He wondered: “Does Jumblat want to deny the rights of 110,000 Christians residing in Aley and the Chouf regions?”

The FPM leader made his remarks to al-Alam television on Saturday.

He continued: “Why is Jumblat fearful of granting each individual his rights?”

“Jumblat is the leader of isolationists in Lebanon,” declared Aoun.

“Does he want Christians in his region to be incorporated in a colony of his own?” he asked.

The Orthodox Gathering proposal, which calls for each sect to elect its own lawmakers, has created divisions among various political factions in Lebanon.

A Christian four-party committee, comprised of the Phalange Party, FPM, Lebanese Forces, and Marada Movement, has advocated the law.

President Michel Suleiman, Prime Minister Najib Miqati, Jumblat, the Mustaqbal Movement, and independent MPs of the March 14 camp all rejected the proposal.

Jumblat had said earlier in January that the proposal “would lead to extremism and the isolation of sects,” as well as jeopardize coexistence and the Taef accord.

Comments 27
Thumb geha 20 January 2013, 08:54

m8 are desperate to win a majority in the upcoming elections as are m14 therefore I can foresee one of three things:
- elections will not happen.
- a civil war that hizbushaitan will loose.
- they will go for the 1960 law.
whichever path they decide to go with, they will be the biggest losers.

Thumb geha 20 January 2013, 09:53

you proved once more you do not know how to read :)
civil war is one of 3 options.

Thumb jcamerican 20 January 2013, 14:03

If that law passed, how can the LF win if they are not on Jumblatt's list?

Thumb jabalamel 21 January 2013, 12:47

the filthy zionist scum trash and filth hopes for a civil war that will not happen

Missing ssnp01 20 January 2013, 09:52

FT you seem to have problem with Jumblat ,why dont sorted out with him and give him a suck off .

Thumb jcamerican 20 January 2013, 14:10

two voted you down, while me american know these are very well known facts.

Thumb geha 20 January 2013, 10:23

he is desperate and trying to instigate sectarian strife in a bid to get more votes like what he did in 09 elections.
he knows he cannot have anything close to the number of MPs he now enjoys come the next elections and this is driving him crazzzzzyyyyyy :)

Thumb jabalamel 21 January 2013, 12:53

the filthy zionist scum, who usualy incite civil strife, is not accusing other of inciting civil strife

Missing lqu7 20 January 2013, 12:19

All Christians who oppose what Aoun is saying deserve the fate of being employees to the Hariri Foundation. IF the future of Christians is the likes of Boutros Harb, Carlos Edde, and Michel Mouawad, ya 3eeeeennnnn.

Missing ssnp01 20 January 2013, 12:24

FT Jumblat might rerepresent 5% of the Lebanese but those 5% are the real deal dude ,regarding a check you need one cause you live in the past mate .

Missing Cyanide 20 January 2013, 17:15

dude! im starting to think that you are a lady flame.. you just argue like one.

Default-user-icon greek-italian (Guest) 20 January 2013, 12:42

I liked just 1-word in your "meaningless" "exchange" of opinions: enough! Not for what he/she particularly say but because you, lebanese, aren't you tired to go on with this IDIOT & ENDLESS DIVISIONS??? You live (I did, working there for many years, luckily ;-) in a Paradise country and you are not able to acknowlege how lucky you are...when the wind of Wisdom will blow on the Cedars' Land and its modern people to tell them that they have JUST to love each other and protect their own glorious (once) country in face of OTHERS/foreign's interest? Simple suggestion: put aside your idiot religious/economic/personal interests and build again a UNITED LUBNAN which could show the world (in the face of your southern neighbours) that coexistence between intelligent and wise (and lucky!) people is possible! Inshallah!

Thumb jabalamel 21 January 2013, 17:47

how do you build united lebanon with those who say "let's give away shebaa and 7 villages" and calling domestic people iranians.

for a country to be united, first the territory must be united

Thumb chrisrushlau 20 January 2013, 18:03

Equality and rights in Lebanon: the one third of Lebanese who are Christian are equal to the two thirds who are Muslim: each group gets half of Parliamentary seats.
Let's do the math. One third equals one half, and two thirds equal one half. Let's add it up. Two sixths equal three sixths and four sixths equal three sixths, making two sixths equal four sixths. So there are twice as many people in Lebanon as there are people in Lebanon.

Missing samiam 20 January 2013, 20:51

I have never heard anyone complain as much as Aoun--I sort of equate him as a rambling old man who complains so much that people start ignoring him, you know, like Grandpa Simpson.

If he wants people to respect his decisions, then he should give answers on his positions and why he has flipped on so many of them. He was once against confessionalism, but now he supports a system which espouses those beliefs. Why the flip flop on this (and numerous other issues)?

Missing samiam 21 January 2013, 12:28

this is like someone advocating peace by declaring war--words are inconsistent with actions. In addition, the rights of ALL lebanese must be respected and not trying to correct a perceived wrong with another one. This still separates Lebanese on the basis of religion, further dividing this country.

Missing peace 20 January 2013, 22:52

the one pretending to want secularism is strongly defending sectarianism! what a hypocrit aoun and his followers are....

Missing peace 20 January 2013, 23:01

he is speaking BS as usual by defending a sectarian law! even al rahi is skeptical about it!

Thumb jabalamel 21 January 2013, 12:54

the filthy zionist scum is not happyabout aoun talking truth

Thumb beiruti 20 January 2013, 23:52

First, I am Christian. Second Christians, regardless of thei number comprise only 35-39% of the population. Yet, under Taif, we have 50% or 64 Deputies allotted in Parliament. Christians should not demand too much their "rights" in a confessional system or else the Moslms with their 61-65% of the population will start demanding theirs.
The orthodox gathering electoral plan is political suicide for the Lebanese State. Taif is a better vehicle to get us to a post-confessional state than is this plan of confessional polarization that is guaranteed to creat dysfunctional gridlock in The Lebanese Parliament. as mR Owette has written he will consider anyone who does not think like him to be a traitor. Traitor to whom? Multiply this sentiment by 4 million and this is the Lebanon such a system will create.

Thumb beiruti 20 January 2013, 23:54

Aoun is not a demigod, but a opposition and he is playing this issue to his benefit while holding the fate of the country hostage to his own ambitions. Nothing new for this most destructive character.

Missing peace 21 January 2013, 10:54

poor roar... seems you do not appreciate that the cardinal goes against your orange puppet but as you have no principals you prefer insulting others than criticizing him.... lol
typical M8 behavior : total hypocrisy

oh and i repeat my principals: religious people should stick to religion... and your aoun using his toilet stick to clean his BS....

Missing beirutbastard 21 January 2013, 01:58

Well all of jumblatts candidates are puppets. As well as aouns, ga3ga3s, harriris, n every other leaders candidates. We're only fighting over who gets to have more puppets... When in fact we're all puppets :-)

Viva liban!

Thumb jabalamel 21 January 2013, 12:52

the fitlhy zionist scum want to incite strife between druze and christians

Thumb jabalamel 21 January 2013, 12:53

the filthy zionist scum want lebanese to ignore facts on the terrain

Thumb jabalamel 21 January 2013, 13:21

the filthy zionist scum tries to show that he's educated and he tried to say something but it's useless as always

Thumb jabalamel 21 January 2013, 13:23

the filthy zionist scum wanted to say something