21 Islamists Interrogated over Nahr al-Bared Clashes

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

The judicial council interrogated on Friday a third batch of Islamists over their links to the 2007 Nahr al-Bared clashes.

It interrogated 21 detainees ahead of their trial.

The last round of interrogations took place on Tuesday, bringing the total of Islamists who have been questioned to 84.

The clashes at the Palestinian refugee camp of Nahr al-Bared in northern Lebanon erupted in May 2007 and ended in September of that year with the army defeating Fatah al-Islam militants who had taken up base at the camp.

Over 400 people, including 168 soldiers, were killed in the battles.

The arrested Islamists have been detained at Roumieh prison, Lebanon's largest jail.

The prison has witnessed riots and failed and successful jail breaks over the years, with inmates protesting the poor conditions and the delay in their trials.

In June 2012, nine Islamists, linked to the 2007 clashes, were released from Roumieh prison.

Comments 3
Thumb pierotgourmand 08 March 2013, 16:39

badon dabeh

Default-user-icon ya hansel ya gretel (Guest) 08 March 2013, 17:16

Hands off our brave fellow Jihadists, Sayyed Hassan put red lines bil khatt el 3areed around them, they are saints like Sayyed Hassan's Jihadists. But the corrupt Saniora and General Francois Hajj refused to listen to Sayyed Hassan's "suggestion", and a lesson had to be taught!

ya hussein ya hussein, or like little brucie would say why hitting herself about the head yiah husseing yiah hussein

Missing biglebanese 09 March 2013, 08:51

Hang the scum .,