France: Arsal Shelling Dangerous Violation of Lebanese Sovereignty

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France strongly condemned on Friday the Syrian shelling of the outskirts of the Bekaa town of Arsal.

The French Foreign Ministry considered the development a “dangerous violation of Lebanon's sovereignty.”

It stressed France's keenness on Lebanon's stability, while condemning the Syrian's regime's actions.

Five people were wounded in the Syrian shelling on Wednesday and Thursday, reported the National News Agency.

The attacks targeted the Sarjal Ajram region on the outskirts of Arsal.

President Michel Suleiman held talks on Thursday with Army Commander General Jean Qahwaji on the details of the various shelling incidents that had been committed by the Syrian regime against Lebanese border areas.

Earlier this week, the Foreign Ministry sent a letter to the Syrian embassy in Beirut upon the request of Suleiman.

NNA did not specify the nature of the letter sent on Monday, but media reports said it included the recent request made by Suleiman to hand the ministry copies of security reports on the latest Syrian airstrikes on Lebanese territories.

Comments 2
Thumb banima3roof 12 April 2013, 22:33

thank you france! march 8 wont open their mouths so thank you 'Oom el hanooni ya France!

Missing karim_m2 13 April 2013, 09:32

"It stressed France's keenness on Lebanon's stability."

France seems more keen on Al Qaeda's stability.