Akkar-Tripoli Road Blocked to Protest Police Request for Building Licenses

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

The owners of trucks transporting building material briefly blocked the Akkar-Tripoli road on Monday to protest measures taken by security forces to prevent the illegal delivery of goods to the area, the state-run National News Agency reported.

NNA said the protesters blocked the road near al-Bayader Bakery after Akkar's police station prevented the trucks transporting cement and steel bars lacking the appropriate legal documents to enter the area in an attempt to curb the rise in illegal buildings.

Security forces later reopened the road.

But the owners of the trucks claimed they were not concerned with the decision, saying it wasn't their job to seek evidence whether the construction sites had legal licenses.

They urged the interior ministry to allow municipalities to issue licenses for 120-meter-square construction areas to end the chaos of illegal building.

Lebanon witnessed over the years illegal construction in several areas mainly in the Beirut southern suburb of Ouzai. But powerful politicians shield violators.

Comments 15
Missing maroun 15 April 2013, 11:18

FT it is bad but not as bad as your Hizb friends where they dont just block roads but also shoot at the police and army?

Missing maroun 15 April 2013, 11:37

my facts are correct FT..what i was commenting about your hizb friends protesting about the police stopping illegal buildings on the airport road last year ..they closed the roads and shot at the army and the police ...you only see things with one eye ..open both of your eyes .

Missing maroun 15 April 2013, 11:39

and i dont agree with the protests in Tripoli either ..all illegal buildings should be stopped and torn down.

Thumb benzona 15 April 2013, 16:39

You're such a communist FT, it isn't the state's job to provide decent lodging to anyone.

They dont deserve wala compensation wala ballout.

Missing phillipo 15 April 2013, 13:12

What utter nonsense you write.
You can't even spell Israel.

Default-user-icon Click (Guest) 15 April 2013, 13:25

Yes FT . It was Israel Who murdered Cpt Samer Hanna Right?
They were israelis who stripped the police from their weapons in Lassa and shot at them right?
It is the lebanese forces who wont allow the army or the police entering el moraba3 el amni whenever there is an explosion or if the army or the police are chasing criminals right?
Israel was behind the attack on the army on Mar Mkheyil church right?
ouf man ,really there is no way on earth reasoning with you .

Thumb banima3roof 15 April 2013, 15:17

lol christian from wata el jawz? lol he was from harajel. you just talk out of your rear end and accuse everyone and talk down to everyone for not having their facts straight. rooh herd your sheep march 8 filth.

Thumb Elemental 15 April 2013, 13:41

As much as this is booming profit for people selling tires, does anyone here no nothing better than blocking roads to get attention? There's more civilized ways like peaceful protests and peititions...not guns and pyromaniacs, does that reflect well on what people will think of Lebanon? food for thought.

Missing greatpierro 15 April 2013, 13:45

Ft what are tour criticism one sided knowing what goes on in HA regions.

Default-user-icon Click (Guest) 15 April 2013, 15:02

1:Samer hanna murderer was handed tried and indicted and released in 6 months !!! how come other prisoners have been waiting for trial for 4 or 5 years?i am sure you are the expert and you know the answer.
2:who told me that the army cannot get the criminals in el moraba3 el amni?refresh your memory,the biggest example was the "gas canister" incident where the army was not allowed in !!!of course you will deny it.
By the way we all saw his mum s reaction to what happened?but of course she is a Mossad agent in it?
3:MAr mkheyel church??Michel aoun accused first the lebanese forces of having snipers on the top of the buildings and not el mostakbal ,And as you said do you have verifiable stories before accusing el mostakbal or the lebanese forces?of course no so zip it,everybody knows the incident took place between the army and hizbollah and amal thugs.keep living in denial.

Default-user-icon Click (Guest) 15 April 2013, 15:04

4:Lassa ,it was future TV,MTV and Future TV who spoke about the incident and FSA issued a statement about the incident before the jeep and the weapons were turned back,
5:By the way ,remember Madi in ain el remeneh?The FMP guy who was murdered by the Hizb thugs?his family still waiting for justice no?

Thumb benzona 15 April 2013, 16:42

On est trop nombreux.... Pour un si petit pays. Not enough natural resources for everyone.... Hence all kinds of conflicts.

Thumb lebnanfirst 15 April 2013, 20:03

@the1phoenix's observation rings true for those of us experiencing the hardening of positions even between members of the same family (mine included).
Our basic problem is that we as Lebanese are still unable to overcome our age-old divisions based on Western vs. Eastern leaning philosophies. We are unable to agree a common system for Lebanon as a whole.
Some of us, myself included, believe that the Eastern oriented philosophy has proved inadequate. We believe in the inherent value of the individual, in freedom of speech and in separation of Church/Mosque and state as opposed to the Eastern philosophy where the individual is only worthwhile in the context of the larger group and also embraces the authoritarian model.
Until and unless we can get together and transcend petty issues in order to agree an overall system we will remain treading water and going nowhere. Witness the Byzantine discussions about the election law...

Missing samiam 15 April 2013, 23:03

unfortunately, copying the HA thugs who build wherever they want. Actions lead to consequences, whether intended or not.

Default-user-icon akkal (Guest) 07 June 2013, 16:55

ana rouaid