Jumblat Meets Berri, to Issue Stance on Electoral Law Proposal within 24 Hours

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat held talks on Friday with Speaker Nabih Berri on the government formation process and the parliamentary electoral law.

He said after the meeting at Ain el-Tineh: “We discussed several proposals over the law and I will issue a stance over one of them within 24 hours.”

He stressed the importance of holding the parliamentary elections on time “in order to maintain stability in Lebanon.”

On the formation of a new cabinet, Jumblat remarked: “We hope the new government will include various political powers and respect the policy of disassociation.”

Lawmakers have until May 15 to reach an agreement on a new electoral law through consultations outside the parliament.

Regardless if they reach an agreement or not, Berri is set to call for a legislative session to vote on the so-called Orthodox Gathering proposal.

The plan that calls for each sect to vote for its own MPs under a proportional representation system is the only proposal that has been approved by the joint parliamentary committees.

But Berri has given the lawmakers more time to agree on an alternative to the 1960 law after al-Mustaqbal bloc, Jumblat's National Struggle Front and the March 14 alliance's independent MPs rejected the Orthodox proposal.

Comments 6
Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (Guest) 26 April 2013, 13:22

mr joumblat , nothing is more democratic than each party will take its true size
give the Christians the right representation and stop fooling around

Default-user-icon Commoner (Guest) 26 April 2013, 15:42

"TOUCHE" Flamethrower

Thumb geha 26 April 2013, 16:51

have you noticed both were executed by the same quawmieh under the orders of the Syrian regime?

Thumb geha 26 April 2013, 16:56

since the start of the 1975 war we have seen so many bullies come and go, and they all represent the same sh**t: the Syrian regime.
their aim was and still is to make us desperate, which seems to be the point reached by thephoenix.
but that will not happen as long as there are free spirited Lebanese.

Missing themadman 26 April 2013, 20:52

@ the1phoenis
Même dans un parti de masse moderne, comme le parti phalangiste, les relations de famille investiront l’appareil du parti, permettant aux Gemayel une domination quasi totale de cet appareil et, à travers lui, de la communauté maronite, et cela en dépit d’un demi-siècle de transformations socio-économiques depuis les années 1930.
Avec LE plus grand respect de leurs morts, je ne classifierai pas Pierre et Bachir (malgré son courage), ni aucun des Gemayels comme étant l'Espoir d'une république citoyenne, d'un État de droit non confessionnel,laïc, et harmonieux avec sa géographie. Ils ne sont que des héritiers intellectuellement falots et dont l'horizon politique n'a pas dépassé un égocentrisme immobile, fondé sur des intérêts sectaires ou matériels étroits, déguisés sous une grossière mythologie idéologique moderne.

Thumb banima3roof 26 April 2013, 21:50

the1phoenix, you make bachir sound like an angel! with all due respect, he participated in lots of killings. just because he was a charismatic leader and had followers did not qualify him as a true leader working for the common cause of everyone! but then again, half the times, your posts make no sense. I suppose you can continue to live in the past, but there are plenty of individuals that can be true leaders in lebanon and we do not need to be reminded of people from 30 years ago. the problem in lebanon is that true leaders have no chance as the people will not elect them! they prefer the mobster system! we are tired of these so called true leaders coming from the same political families that ruined lebanon!