Geagea Calls on Salam to Form Cabinet 'With What is Available'

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea stressed on Monday that PM-designate Tammam Salam should form a cabinet with “what he has at hand or apologize from lining one up,” he told the al-Akhbar daily.

“A cabinet should be lined-up as soon as possible, and PM-designate Tammam Salam should form one with what is possible at hand, or apologize from his mission,” Geagea told the daily al-Akhbar.

Geagea assured that although Salam was keen to form a consensual cabinet, he realized that the conditions set were inapplicable in light of Hizbullah's demands. “I don't think there is a possibility to form a cabinet in light of the conditions imposed by Hizbullah.”

Salam was designated following the resignation of PM Najib Miqati's cabinet on March 22.

The March 14 alliance demands the formation of an impartial cabinet while March 8 aims for a political one, and the Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblat wants an all-embracing government.

On last week's fierce clashes in Sidon, Geagea blamed Hizbullah's arms saying “as long as Hizbullah keeps its weapons, as long as every citizen will allow himself to possess arms and form an armed organization, hence things will aggravate to the way they did in Sidon.”

Eighteen soldiers and more than 20 supporters of salafist cleric Ahmed al-Asir were killed in the clashes when the Lebanese Army launched a manhunt against him.

On boycotting the three-day parliamentary session that will kick off today, Geagea said: “We will boycott the sessions because the agenda will not tackle urgent affairs.

“The session is an extraordinary one and it therefore should address pressing issues put forward by President Michel Suleiman or outgoing PM Najib Miqati, which is not the case.”

The Lebanese Forces and independent March 14 MPs announced on Saturday their boycott of the sessions.

On extending the tenure of army chief General Jean Qahwaji, Geagea assured that the Lebanese Forces will “participate in any extraordinary session requested and signed by Suleiman and the PM to tackle special issues.”

Comments 25
Thumb mckinl 01 July 2013, 09:52

Geagea finds a way to blame Hezbollah for Sidon ... simply amazing ...

And what of the initial ambush on Lebanese Army soldiers ???

Geagea is paid to ignore Salafist terrorism ... he has no credibility left ... none

Thumb justice 01 July 2013, 10:16

Assir and the people of Saida were complaining about too much sugar in their coffee or about HA intimidation tactics and armed presence in their city? We should be against all arms outside state control. Lest you think that Assir only armed himself after several peaceful and unarmed demonstrations against your militia. But, people like you don't see the existence of a state except that of HA.

Thumb mckinl 01 July 2013, 10:25

So complaints against HA allow Assir to ambush Lebanese soldiers?

Assir is just another paid terrorist, paid by Qatar and the KSA.

A messenger was just arrested for trying to buy violence in Tripoli.

This messenger used the auspices of the Red Crescent to bribe a Tripoli Sheikh.

Assir is just a agent of Wahhabi violence as you should know ...

Thumb justice 01 July 2013, 10:55

No, nobody is allowed or should be allowed to fire at the army. I guess you misunderstood me. I am stating that HA intimidation and armed tactics led to the Assir crisis. It does not mean anybody supports Assir firing at the army.

Thumb mckinl 01 July 2013, 11:11

@ justice

The Assir crisis was no crisis but a planned operation paid for by the KSA and others to destabilize Lebanon.

It is no secret that the KSA, US and Israel have and will take any measures to hurt the HA even if that means hurting all of Lebanon.

Hopefully the lists of donors to Assir will be made public so all the world can see who it is trying to start a civil war in Lebanon.

Thumb justice 01 July 2013, 12:16

I don't buy into your conspiracy theory which is always HA fallback. Assir did not take up arms until the very last few months. Like him or not, he went public criticizing HA tactics and armed presence in Saida and all over Lebanon, something perhaps you also will deny? He demanded so did many citizens of Saida to have Saida a weapons free city. He demonstrated peacefully along with his followers. What happened at the end, I really don't know. But, for you to tell me it was a conspiracy or a planned operation by KSA or Qatar does not follow logic.

Thumb justice 01 July 2013, 13:00

FT: I finally have come to understand why people dislike you so much. First, you address me sarcastically as "injustice" for no reason. Second, you patronize me by saying Habboub. Third, you refer to a political party as Mustahbal. Let alone you aggressive approach to debate. I never engaged with you in a debate and I for the above reasons will disengage now.

Missing forces 01 July 2013, 13:27

wrong mckini, incase you misunderstood the report, Geagea blamed Hezb's weapons and unfortunatley this is true. As long as an organisation can freely bear arms independant of the state then it sends a signal to every nut case in the country such as al asir that it is ok for you to bear arms and make demands, this is the real issue at hand not Hezb as a political party. They have as much right as anyone else to representation, however now the elements are coming out assuming the same right to bear arms as hezb..

Missing Killuminati 01 July 2013, 17:54

Well said..the only problem is what would the Christians from the Lebanese forces who blindly follow Geagea do if the Syrian government were to fail and it was replaced with Takfiris?

Thumb geha 01 July 2013, 09:55

a cabinet that will work for the people?
we are dreaming! with the likes of hizbushaitan and aoun, you expect they will allow such a thing?
they want all the Lebanese to fall below poverty line.... to control them better.

Thumb mckinl 01 July 2013, 10:08

It is the M14 that boycotts the Parliament so that needed legislation can not be enacted.

It is Al Mustaqbal that funds and enables Salafist terrorists to bring the economy to a halt.

Once again you accuse the wrong parties because it is your own parties that threaten Lebanon.

Thumb justice 01 July 2013, 12:31

Aoun also boycotted the session? It was druze and shia MPs who attended...?!

Missing peace 01 July 2013, 18:36

"It is Al Mustaqbal that funds and enables Salafist terrorists to bring the economy to a halt."

i advise you to educate yourself and see the figures of the economy under the previous gvt and how economy was improving... compare them to the figures under your M8 gvt... then come with your stupid propaganda....

Missing trueleb 01 July 2013, 10:53

I don't understand how people calling themselves Lebanese are defending that low life scum Asir before and after what he did to our army .I have one thing to say ,screw Asir & screw Hassan & everyone who attacks our army .God bless our great army.

Thumb mckinl 01 July 2013, 11:07

The HA has never attacked the Lebanese Army ... Once again innuendo is inserted to paint HA guilty when it is not ...

Thumb justice 01 July 2013, 12:26

I am copying a post from another article written by a fellow user.... He raised some interesting points, here it is:

dagger 1 hour ago 23
Dear Ali: If an army check point is installed at the entrance to Dahiyeh or Baalbeck or Masnaa and a convoy of HA warriors is passing to enter Syria along with their artillery and rocket launchers, and the army adamantly stops the convoy, and attempts to arrest this group for possessing illegal weapons... can you tell me what at that point in time would happen? Would your warriors surrender or fire at the army? If the army fires back and kills your warriors, would you be now supporting the army?

mckinl: I will tell you my opinion on this issue: I believe HA will fire at the army in this case, and HA supporters will be branding the army as traitors! I am against HA weapons, but I will support the army when someone fires at the army because my loyalty is to my country not to Iran or any other foreign entity.

Thumb Lebanon4life 01 July 2013, 15:13

a simple Question ? What would you prefer ? A strong army ? Or Hezbollah ?

Thumb geha 01 July 2013, 12:21

nobody is defending asir :)
but when concrete evidence about hizbushaitan opening fire at both asir and the army, which resulted in such a high number of deaths among the army....
have you even wondered how come there is such a high number of fatalities within the army?
do you really believe that asir's men are better trained than the army so they could score that much?
think again....

Missing --karim_m2 01 July 2013, 12:23

Go back to your homeland in Saudi Arabia, Geagea. You are nothing but an Al Qaeda tool masquerading as a Christian.

Thumb justice 01 July 2013, 12:29

Now come on.... you guys have gone so far in your Salafi Wahabi stuff...... Geagea is now an Al Qaeda tool? Ridiculous indeed.....

Missing Killuminati 01 July 2013, 18:05

No. 1 believe it or not, yes HA will refrain from attacking the army
No. 2 I think there is something you fail to understand here, you talk about weapons beyond states control, but what you either intentionally or unintentionally fail to understand, is that HA cannot merge with the state because it is full of traitors who will at a moment's glance betray these weapons to Zionists. We do in our country have politicians will burn Lebanon for money and power, and if HA was to merge with the state and be betrayed, what we will witness in Lebanon is the new Palestine, Israel will come here and do exactly what it's doing in Palestine, don't forget they have tried that in the past. If you go to Na2oora, you can see the patios and seaside terraces that were being built, this is alone is evidence that proves that Israel, if it weren't for the resistance, would have occupied Lebanon a long time ago

Thumb Lebanon4life 01 July 2013, 15:14

As far as I know he was born in Beirut ? I didn'T know that he was from Riad :O

Missing peace 01 July 2013, 18:31

no need to be from tehran to be an iranian tool...are radicals like nasrallah and aoun from tehran? c'm FT you should know better...

Thumb Lebanon4life 01 July 2013, 15:21

M14 has now it's own wahabi terrorist militia with the aim to create a wahabi Lebanon. And the militas commander is Samir geagea who recently converted to Sunni islam . Karim how can we stop them from destroying lebanon :O

Default-user-icon Peligando Vidaquin (Guest) 02 July 2013, 00:49

We all know that Dr. Arreet 7akeh, the prominent guardian of amn al moujtama3 al massi7i bi art el 7akeh, gave Salam two weeks to form a government or get out of the picture. Well, my compatriots and supporters of Dr. Arreet 7akeh, aka Drs. Arteena Satleh, I am not sure if this should be considered another prediction by Dr. Arreet 7akeh or an ultimatum. The point is that Salam has 5 more days according to the doc's preset schedule or grace period. I am not sure if the prediction re. the POSSIBLE fall of the Syrian regime will materialize before of after this latest one. Stay tuned, Drs. Arteena Satleh. But then, mistakes happen and the doc never wavers, even though he is wrong just about every time. Talking about learning from one's own mistakes! wlak min addak ya 7ak...awati manou fahman kou3o men bou3o?