Report: March 14 Participation in Extraordinary Parliament Session Linked to Extending Rifi's Term

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The dispute over the legality of holding a parliamentary session in the presence of a caretaker government has persisted amid claims that the Mustaqbal bloc and its March 14 allies may take part in it exchange for certain demands linked to the formation of a new cabinet, reported As Safir newspaper Saturday.

Widely informed sources told the daily that the bloc is also seeking to propose extending the term of retired Internal Security Forces chief Ashraf Rifi in exchange of attending an extraordinary parliament session.

An Nahar daily meanwhile said on Saturday that the March 8 camp objects to extending his mandate.

It explained that this proposal will only serve to complicate the approval of a draft law on extending the tenures of security officials.

Given these conflicting positions, it added that it seems doubtful that the parliamentary session scheduled for July 16 will be held.

Mustaqbal MP Ahmed Fatfat told An Nahar: “Extending the term of security officials is part of the problem linked to the parliamentary session.”

“The March 14 camp is adamant in demanding the extension of Rifi's term because it is a political and security necessity for the alliance that has become exposed on the security level,” he explained.

Acting ISF chief Brigadier General Roger Salem took over the post of Rifi after his retirement, who was succeeded in turn by Brigadier General Ibrahim Basbous last month.

Discussions over extending the term of security officials has included Army Commander General Jean Qahwaji.

His term ends in September when he turns 60, the maximum age for the post of the army commander.

Comments 7
Missing --karim_m2 06 July 2013, 08:18

“The March 14 camp is adamant in demanding the extension of Rifi's term because it is a political and security necessity for the alliance that has become exposed on the security level,” he explained."

Its actually the other way around. Its the February 14/Mustaqbal supporters like Assir and his terrorist thugs that are assaulting the army, which is this country's only protector of security.

Missing greatpierro 06 July 2013, 13:40

Are the IFS also protecting the country or are they traitors.

Was it not the ISF under Rifi that stopped spies collaborating with Israel but also traitors to the nation like Samaha.

Besides m14 has always disassociated themselves from Assir and condemned his attack on the army and the fact that he has taken weapons.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (Guest) 06 July 2013, 18:02

but hizballah is protecting the army no?

Missing helicopter 06 July 2013, 18:15

iranpatriot, yes that is so funny. What is more funny though is when HA hijacks the country and its institutions. When a Cabinet is illegal unless they have the veto power. When they insist that border demarcation must start from Sheba3a farms. And the funniest of them all is when they claim to be islamic (how secular)resistance ..... may the khomeini bless you all.

Missing helicopter 06 July 2013, 18:38

Did I make you stop laughing, sorry about that.
No I am not OK with HA defending my southern border and opening up the rest of the border to Asaad and Khameni. I am OK withh HA going back to its home base Iran, and leave Lebanon for its LAF to defend.

Missing helicopter 06 July 2013, 18:45

knife slasher (HA) and cannibals (the ones you fantasize about) deserve each other and both need to get out of the land of cedars.
The Palestinians (outside the PLO factions) are HA buddies and are armed by your friend Asaad. You are also buddies with Jama3a El-Islamiyah in Sidon, go do your research ...... in fact all the extremists are wither your friends or your creation (by you I mean HA of course since your Darius-trained warriors). I will let you have the last word, I need to go to the gym, maybe I would run into you there and go for coffee afterwards to continue our chat)

Thumb liberty 06 July 2013, 20:20

I am dying here @roaring-flamethrower:)))))))))))