Lebanon in Wait-and-See Situation Over Indictment as STL Remains Mum

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Lebanon was in a wait-and-see situation on Tuesday after reports that the indictment in ex-Premier Rafik Hariri’s assassination would be issued by the international tribunal soon.

While some media reports said that the Lebanese authorities have already received a copy of the indictment, most officials, including Prosecutor Saeed Mirza denied.

“There is no decisive information on the release date of the indictment,” Mirza said Monday.

Special Tribunal for Lebanon spokesman Marten Youssef also declined to comment on newspaper reports that the indictment would name five Hizbullah members.

"The STL has no comment to make about the content of the indictment,” he said in remarks published Tuesday.

"The integrity of the STL proceedings requires that legal considerations alone determine if and when the tribunal will make any announcement about the completion of the review process," Youssef added.

Comments 3
Default-user-icon Esteban (Guest) 28 June 2011, 15:38

The poster in the background is an advertisement for dog food. Chow!

Missing allouchi 28 June 2011, 19:54

Esteban; you are an absolute idiot and ignorant SOB....let the dead rest in peace. The day will soon come when Aoun, Berri and Nousralla will be stinking like a big a pile of sh$t in the street.

Default-user-icon An independent thinker (Guest) 29 June 2011, 00:51

Esteban: I am sure you tried very hard to find something intelligent and useful to say... but your mind couldn't come up with anything better eh! I honestly feel sorry for you!