Lebanese Border Town Comes under Shelling from Syria

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

A house was damaged in a northern town near the Syrian border from overnight shelling, the state-run National News Agency reported.

The shelling damaged the house in the Akkar town of Jenin, which along with other border towns and villages have bore the brunt of the cross-border attacks.

Jenin residents urged the authorities to protect them, NNA said.

Lebanese towns near the Syrian border have been shelled and come under rocket attacks, the result of fighting between Syrian government troops and rebels seeking to topple President Bashar Assad.

Comments 6
Thumb Roaring-FlameThrower 09 August 2013, 08:27

God Bless our heroic Islamic Secular Resistance aka HA (Hussain Army) and our LAF for their heroic acts in the North, South, East, and beyond. These Akkar villages are terror hubs for Takfiris and Cannibalis and must be cleaned up from every man, woman, and child including cattle. We, the Lebanese pay special thanks to our Adnan Mansour for not filing a complaint with Syria or the U.N as these attacks are justified and consolidate our sovereignty. Tfehhhh

Default-user-icon George (Guest) 09 August 2013, 09:33

Where is Mansour "our" foreign minister? Isn't he meant to launch a complaint to the UN like he did the other day when the Israeli's entered Lebanon?!!! Or is it acceptable to get bombed from our sister country?

Whatever your political affiliation, this cannot be acceptable!

Missing samiam 09 August 2013, 10:12

mansour as usual disappears after such events....

Missing helicopter 09 August 2013, 18:49

Wrong samiam, he is on the phone with his Syrian counterpart coordinating the shelling.

Thumb cedre 09 August 2013, 12:29

where the hell is our 155mm artillery ? why the hell did we get us m198 hwitzer if we dont use them to protect our citizens?

Thumb cedre 09 August 2013, 15:52

i wonder if u would be talkin like that if christians were slaughtered instead of sunnis...