Al-Rahi from Jbeil: Arab Spring Cannot Take Place through War

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi stressed on Monday that Christians have a great duty in assuming their responsibilities in the developments taking place in the Middle East.

He said during his ongoing tour of the Jbeil district: “The Arab Spring cannot take place through violence, war, terrorism, displacement, and murders.”

“These acts will not produce the Arab Spring,” he declared from the town of al-Kafr.

Lebanon was built on good and peace, “not evil divisions, and weapons,” he added.

“We reject the policy of division. Lebanon needs to devise its national social fabric and we must return to our Lebanese identity and message,” al-Rahi said.

“The Church will remain the main voice of peace and it will stand against terrorism, evil, and war,” he continued.

“We must preserve national agreement between Christians and Muslims and not just coexistence between the sects,” he stated.

“All sides have a major responsibility in maintaining national coexistence,” al-Rahi remarked.

Comments 9
Thumb benzona 02 September 2013, 19:18

The Arab Spring is a revolution, it would have happened without a bloodshed in Europe. But not in the middle east where dictators hold on to their illegitimate powers. More blood will be shed, and the longer people such as Al. Raï play it like this..... More people will unfortunately die. They should stay out of politics and stop manipulating the masses. We have out opinion, we want a middle east without fake resistances, without dictators à la Bachar.

Thumb bustany 02 September 2013, 21:14

The elements that started the so called "arab spring" are dead people walking. Jeasus once said, "the cup spurts whats inside" and whats inside these people of arab spring is murder, hate, rape and hunger for blood. It was to show sooner or later. The so called Dictators in Arab countries are the MEN that stood to fight firmly this culture of blood thirsts. And the only support these murderers is getting ISRAEL & company

Thumb primesuspect 02 September 2013, 23:34

well said benzo. This man was on a long trip in the Americas when Christians of the Middle East needed him most. WTF? Where are you Nasrallah Sfeir!? You're missed!

Missing karim_m2- 02 September 2013, 20:40

“The Arab Spring cannot take place through violence, war, terrorism, displacement, and murders".

God bless al Rahi!

Thumb benzona 02 September 2013, 22:19

Ouuuuh, Joli!

Missing cedars 03 September 2013, 05:17

I am a Lebanese Christian and I fully respect every religious leader(Of Course those unarmed I meant), I have always stated in my postings that they should stick to religion, love and peace. Religious leaders do not perform politics and should not speak it as it is a totally different language that is opposite to their teaching if they truly follow GOD. Every politician is a liar and that's called politics 101 in order to gain votes, so how could a true religious leader speak his language or address him/her?
P.S: It is written in the old testament to defend yourself if you are being attacked, and that's what the Arab Spring has done.

Missing VINCENT 03 September 2013, 06:15

Well said and Amen.

Missing hb9z 03 September 2013, 09:03

al rahi is not a rahi of anything but himself...he has changed since he became patriarch...his speeches were v reasonable years ago but when he sat on that chair in bkirki.....he became someone else.....sad
who wants wars ? but 40 years of bullshit from the assads and the mubarak and zein el abidin and all the despots in their countries are enough...the french revolution took 10 years to sort itself out and come up with a republic after many many guillotines....have we forgotten that??

Missing hb9z 04 September 2013, 03:07

no one is accusing Rahi of connivence with the assads but the mere fact that he is tolerant and supportive in his speeches of what the assads are doing in syria , he becomes biased and incapable of concrete reasoning and if you beleive putin is antiwar may be you need to go to chechniya or read about how he pacified it ....with roses ......