Geagea Says Berri's Dialogue Initiative 'Will Not Lead Anywhere'

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Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea stated on Tuesday that Speaker Nabih Berri's proposal to hold national dialogue sessions is “not helpful” and that it will not be beneficial.

"I thank the speaker on coming forward with his initiative although I don't think it will be beneficial,” Geagea said after meeting with a delegation of Berri's Liberation and Development bloc.

He elaborated: “National dialogue is one thing, and talks to form a new cabinet is another and I don't think anyone is opposed to discussing the government's formation in a general parliamentary session.”

"I think Berri's initiative does not lead anywhere and I have sent with the Liberation and Development delegation a proposal to the speaker. I suggested that the delegation reaches common grounds between all factions they are communicating with instead of holding dialogue sessions.”

“Berri is thinking of a way to get out of the current deadlock and we have completely opposing views.”

The LF leader said he opposes a ministerial statement that mentions the army-people-resistance formula, adding that this affects the state's powers and people's freedom.

“The latest incident in (the Bekaa city of) Zahle is an example of this,” he remarked.

Armed Hizbullah members deployed on Sunday along the highway extending between the city's industrial zone to the Mar Charbel church in an attempt to expand party's telecommunications network.

Residents of the city protested against its actions and temporarily blocked the road in the area.

The army soon intervened and set up checkpoints in the industrial zone and security forces deployed patrols in the city, which led to Hizbullah's withdrawal from the area.

"We do not want to support statements that are unclear and that we have no idea where to they would take us,” Geagea explained.

The Christian leader continued: “Dialogue's fate is unclear with a party that keeps repeating its political speech and does not change anything.”

"No party in Lebanon is linked to a regional power, to a fixed ideology and to static strategies.”

“The Lebanese constitution is usually the basis for any dialogue and this is not the case with Hizbullah.”

In a televised speech he gave in the 35th memory of the disappearance of the spiritual leader Moussa al-Sadr, Berri suggested holding a five-day dialogue retreat to discuss pending issues in the country.

“I suggest to Suleiman setting a roadmap that would get the country out of the current crisis and it includes holding a five-day dialogue retreat that would discuss the formation of the cabinet and its policy statement ,” the speaker said on August 31.

But on Wednesday, Berri expressed his “annoyance” over the “misinterpretation” of his dialogue proposal, announcing that he will form a delegation tasked with explaining his initiative to different factions in the country.

Geagea urged premier-designate Tammam Salam to “assume his responsibilities.”

“We are in need to deal with people's problems through forming a cabinet,” he told reporters.

Answering questions regarding Free Patriotic Movement leader's relationship with Hizbullah, Geagea said:

“I do not agree with (MP Michel) Aoun because his party's stance is clear towards some activities Hizbullah is doing but the FPM has a memorandum of understanding with Hizbullah.”

Comments 12
Thumb benzona 17 September 2013, 21:06

Wisdom comes from experience and from learning from previous mistakes.

God bless Samir for his wisdom, for his protection of Christendom in Lebanon and for working for the Interest of every Lebanese.

Thumb benzona 17 September 2013, 21:16

Indeed he paid for his crimes. Aoun didn't. Nasrallah is ongoing with his crimes against humanity by assisting the giraffe.

Missing peace 17 September 2013, 21:42

as long as a dialogue does not include the issue of the illegal weapons of the iranian militia then like geagea says it ll lead nowhere...

by denying the lebanese the right to discuss this national matter it shows how respectful those politicians are toward their people!

Thumb thepatriot 18 September 2013, 14:58

FT... when you say "us" you mean you and your other aliases... :)

Thumb benzona 17 September 2013, 22:19

He's waiting for the nazisrallah to put another bullet in the foot. Jamiroqai( H.N.) keeps going deeper underground... He's burying himself alive pretty well. The icing on the cake being the underage checkpoint terrorists à la Pakistani Taliban terrorists.

Allahū Akbar

أإله يلعن بشار، نصر الله ، و عون!

Thumb benzona 17 September 2013, 23:21


Missing peace 17 September 2013, 23:29

no alternative possible, no dialogue possible with outlaw militias.... poor FT so naive.

Missing VINCENT 17 September 2013, 23:40

Well said. It was a civil war, and soldiers/militias do not exchange lover letters with their enemy. Sometimes, you have a bad apple and you can save the rest of the basket by throwing the bad one away. Here, I think you have to get rid of the entire basket and pick some new fresh ones to enjoy. I mean these doorknobs who post their comments in Naharnet are looking at two or three equally rotten apples and arguing which one is better.

Missing peace 17 September 2013, 23:44

great you applied that to yourself... no more than a line like a drone you are...

Missing peace 18 September 2013, 00:28

WAW FT... can you tell us in which way you are better? a proud M8er allied with people who did the same atrocities during the same period? LOL and some still continuing! LOL
and you dare come here and lecture others? you d better have a low profile coz you are in NO way better than those you criticize! LOL

Default-user-icon Ortonsio Shlivak (Guest) 18 September 2013, 03:14

For this one time, I give Dr. Arreet 7akeh credit for saying this about Berri's latest initiative because nobody knows about endeavors that lead to nothing more than the Doc of Bull whose endeavors all led to disasters, and mainly the Christians. We all (perhaps???) recall his famous slogan: amn al moujtama3 al i7ibi7i fawqa koul e3tibar. Little did we know that the magic word: i7ibi7i meant everybody but the Christians! wlak akh mennak ya arree7 7akeh ya bou la2a akh!

Thumb sophia_angle 18 September 2013, 14:23

can you tell the lebanese how the hek he bought the hills of me3rab? i don't think even if he was a doctor could have achieved this...