سليمان يجدد الالتزام بإعلان بعبدا: ليس مقبولاً التنكر له

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شدد رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان على أن "حزب الله" هو" مكون أساسي من النسيج اللبناني"، مؤكداً في الوقت عينه أنه ليس مقبولاً "التنكر لإعلان بعبدا"، الذي ركّز على حياد البلاد عن الصراعات.

وفي حديث الى صحيفة "السفير"، الخميس، شدد سليمان على انه "ليس معقولاً ولا مقبولاً التنكر" لإعلان بعبدا، الذي نوقش بحضور جميع أعضاء هيئة الحوار الوطني.

وأوضح أن كل ما ورد في بيان اعلان بعبدا هو ما تمت مناقشته والتوافق عليه، وأن "ما لم يناقش أو كان محل تحفظ أو اعتراض، تم حذفه، مثل الاستراتيجية الوطنية للدفاع التي اتفق على بحثها كإطار متكامل وقدمتُ لاحقا بشأنها تصورا معروضاً للبحث والنقاش بعدما أشرنا اليها في الإعلان".

الى ذلك، لفت الى أن التركيز هو على الحياد عن الصراعات ورفض أن يكون ممرا للاعتداء على سوريا والعكس صحيح.

وأكد أن إعلان بعبدا لمصلحة الجميع، لأنه ينص على تحييد لبنان عن الصراعات، ولم يتحدث عن حياد لبنان، وأضاف أنه "من الخطأ قول البعض اننا لا نجلس مع حزب الله إلا بعد عودته من سوريا، لأن حزب الله مكون أساسي من النسيج اللبناني".

وأردف "صحيح نحن ضد انخراطه في سوريا، ولكن نجلس معه ونقول له انه يجب ان يعود من سوريا".

يُذكر أن "حزب الله" أعلن مشاركته في القتال الى جانب النظام السوري في الازمة الدائرة منذ آذار 2011، وقد أعلن عن تشييع عدداً من مقاتليه "قضوا خلال قيامهم بواجبهم الجهادي"، على حد اعلان الحزب.

التعليقات 9
Thumb sophia_angle 14:12 ,2013 تشرين الأول 03

@banimishma3roof why don't you for once say something useful & intelligent for the sake of debating wisely, insults brings your soul comfort you feel better?

Missing peace 16:47 ,2013 تشرين الأول 03

“The Declaration serves all Lebanese powers because it calls for Lebanon to distance itself from regional conflicts,” said Suleiman.

tell that to hezbis and those supporting them!

Missing peace 17:29 ,2013 تشرين الأول 03

i based what i said on the 1 st article that the palace issued over that trip... then came other infos... so when i posted i was NOT wrong... but of course you stick to that to try and look smart... but funny you did not comment on the presence of your friends in syria who are their against the will of the lebanese state... i guess for FPM it is normal to act against the state!!!! and you pretend to respect the state? LOL!

good that you comment on a detail (postponement of the trip) but you are careful not to discuss the important matters !

oh! and i guess that the presence of hezbis in syria means to "distance itself from regional conflicts" as the president asks? or am i wrong too here? LOL...

Missing peace 17:43 ,2013 تشرين الأول 03

yes i did the roar seems you are nervous? LOL

in the light of the article you were discussing nothing in it backed your arguments... in the article it was based on a declaration of the palace saying that the president decided to postpone the trip... no mention to a saudi decision at the time.... so yes i was right...

so no it was not wishful thinking , it was based on what the article said nothing more nothing less... the day AFTER ONLY did the info change....
so YOU have to admit that "before you gain any right to engage in further debate" LOL

Missing peace 17:52 ,2013 تشرين الأول 03

sure, the roar , sure...

"President Michel Suleiman has postponed a visit he planned to make to Saudi Arabia on Tuesday for talks with top officials, his office announced."

this was what the article mentioned, just go and reread it....
but never mind... i wish i could be as stupid as you , i would have been happy! LOL

Missing peace 17:38 ,2013 تشرين الأول 03

"the M14 supported terrorists were infiltrating Syria from Lebanon? "
funny how you mix things that have no link whatsoever....
first: did those individuals go in syria in the name of an M14 party? because they are against bashar makes them M14? LOL

Hezbi went their in the name of a party against the will of the state which is far worse but of course not for FPMers...

second: M14 asked the gvt to tackle the issue of the refugees from the beginning but M8 laughed at them saying there were no refugees as nothing was going on in syria... now we don't even know where they are thanks to the inefficiency of the gvt you are part of !!!

third : "Your commitment only came after HA defeated M14's plan" what plan? LOL! oh! the plan M8 wants to believe in to justify hezbi presence in syria? so what plan?

Thumb chrisrushlau 18:28 ,2013 تشرين الأول 03

Leading figures in Lebanon today announced their joint, mutual, reciprocal, and binding commitment to the idea of not saying anything ever about anything while never shying away from the fullest political engagement with all issues whatsoever. The new doctrine, to be called the Beirut Declaration, was launched at a gala oyster feed co-sponsored by the Saudi and French embassies. Guests received their oysters in solid gold oyster-shell-shaped dishes.

Thumb Senescence 20:49 ,2013 تشرين الأول 03

"Leading figures in Lebanon today announced their ... commitment to the idea of not saying anything ever about anything while never shying away from the fullest political engagement with all issues whatsoever"
Great wordsmanship.

Missing peace 21:49 ,2013 تشرين الأول 03

you d better be careful with that "conspiracy" theory of yours, victimizing the poor shia and iran, we know where it has always led people!