سليمان يدين تعرض سيارة اسعاف لصواريخ سورية بعرسال

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اغار الطيران السوري ليل الاثنين الثلاثاء على جرود بلدة في شرق لبنان، بحسب ما ذكر مصدر امني لوكالة "فرانس برس" الثلاثاء.

وقال المصدر ان "طائرة حربية سورية اطلقت خمسة صواريخ قبل منتصف الليل على منطقة وادي حميد في جرود بلدة عرسال".

وبينما لم يشر المصدر الى هدف الغارة، دان رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان في بيان اصدره مكتبه الاعلامي "تعرض سيارة اسعاف لصواريخ سورية"، داعيا الى "تحييد المؤسسات الانسانية عن الصراعات والاعمال الحربية".

وذكر مسؤولون محليون في عرسال ان الغارة لم تؤد الى وقوع اصابات.

وتملك عرسال حدودا طويلة مع الاراضي السورية. وكانت هذه الحدود ذات الطبيعة الصخرية الجرداء تستخدم على مدى عقود في عمليات تهريب سلع متنوعة بين لبنان وسوريا. ومنذ بدء النزاع في سوريا قبل اكثر من سنتين، تفيد تقارير امنية عن تهريب ادوية ومسلحين وسلاح خفيف عبرها.

كما نقل عبر هذه الحدود مرارا عشرات المصابين في الحرب، لا سيما من المقاتلين المعارضين للنظام لتلقي العلاج في لبنان. ونزح منها في محطات دموية، مثل معركة القصير في حمص، الاف السوريين الهاربين من اعمال العنف.

وقصفت الطائرات السورية خلال الاشهر الماضية مرات عدة عرسال ذات الغالبية السنية والمتعاطفة اجمالا مع المعارضة السورية.

التعليقات 16
Missing phillipo 15:27 ,2013 تشرين الأول 08

Where is the complaint to the UN Security Council on this cross-border raid.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 15:39 ,2013 تشرين الأول 08

Mansoor did not get instructions from Syria in this regard... Lebanese instructions do not matter to him..

Missing peace 18:43 ,2013 تشرين الأول 08

"Lebanon needs to beef up its army in order to retaliate to any hostile acts from either neighbor. "

that is why hezbi should give up their arsenal to the army, go under it's sole command, train lebanese soldiers to the techniques they acquired... thus lebanon would have a strong army led by the nation only!
but hezbis cannot accept that, they cannot accept that the army gets strong, it is bad for their business!

Missing peace 18:58 ,2013 تشرين الأول 08

LOL!!! what a stupid answer... who is talking shia apart you sectarian boy?
i am talking of a political party outside the laws of lebanon....
but your answer is so ridiculous i won't even go on discussing with such a fool...

Thumb benzona 15:36 ,2013 تشرين الأول 08

Perhaps it's time for the Lebanese army to shoot down one of these helicopters.

Thumb EagleDawn 16:26 ,2013 تشرين الأول 08

are you sectarian australian?

Thumb haile.selassie. 16:12 ,2013 تشرين الأول 08

so Sleiman instead of criticizing why don't you summon the Ambassador of Syria in Lebanon and give me him a warning that if such action will happen again all diplomatic channels will be canceled and he will be a Persona Non Grata on Lebanese soil. Because the President has the authority to do that individually if he wishes without any consultation.

Missing peace 17:57 ,2013 تشرين الأول 08

"A security source said war planes had fired five rockets in the attack."

if israel carried out the raid you would have seen M8ers bark ... but here? no one to criticize the fact that a foreign army bombs once again lebanon... true, they won't say a thing as it is not on a hezbi village! so they are not lebanese!
i guess they are going to thank syria once more for the bombings they do on lebanese villages ...

Thumb irus_da_virus 18:38 ,2013 تشرين الأول 08

The roar: and who told you that the absolute majority of Muslims don't frown upon the marriage of minors. I'm not sure what Muslims your hanging out with, perhaps its time for you to stop hanging out at centrelink and upgrade your social circle.
and who told you that my sect is muslim, a very stupid assumption for someone who is giving advice on signing papers

Missing peace 19:00 ,2013 تشرين الأول 08

by the way the same applies to shia as you seem to forget they are muslims too! LOL

Missing peace 19:11 ,2013 تشرين الأول 08

oh! shia are not muslims? they do not follow the koran which says that girls can be married when they get to puberty? LOL

thank you for the scoop the roar so shia are not muslims! LOL

Thumb irus_da_virus 19:06 ,2013 تشرين الأول 08

Guys the Amish who are christians marry minors, a lot of cultures still do it. That doesn't mean that we can generalise like that. Just because the roar is a racist bigot, that doesn't mean his stupidity and all swooping statements should be tolerated. If it makes you sleep better, have it your way, all Muslims love 8 year olds, there you discovered gun powder. Happy now.

Missing peace 19:12 ,2013 تشرين الأول 08

the same book your shia friends worship LOL!

Thumb cityboy 20:56 ,2013 تشرين الأول 08

Roar. In fairness to my sunni brothers in Lebanon. Marrying off an 8 year girl is not something you would really ever see in Lebanon. There are many sunnis that are disgusted by such a practice especially under the pretext that it is permissible under Islam. The sick wahabism ideology is poisoning the great religion of Islam. I am sure you probably don't have much issue with muslims in Malaysia or Indonesia. I would agree though that Muslim leaders need to regroup and help restore the image of muslims around the world. I would also like to add that the west could use a little looking in the mirror as well. It is very common there for girls in the west to engage in sex at the age of 12 or 13, often with multiple partners and sometimes with the knowledge of the parents. There doesn't seem to be an uproar about this, pardon the pun, in the west.

Missing peace 22:28 ,2013 تشرين الأول 08

sure the roar... the very fact that you try to generalize on all sunnis this filthy practice makes you not worth any respect...especially trying to hint that sunnis in lebanon are just a filthy sect shows what you M8ers believe and the brainwashing you have undergone... you bring no facts just propaganda to scare people, like any facist-like party will do! M8's new policy is to scare people, try and persuade that all sunnis in lebanon are qaeda, terrorists and saudis! your lies are so big that only you sheep believe it!
learn your history, you are just repeating it! LOL
that was my point....

Thumb cityboy 23:12 ,2013 تشرين الأول 08

Peace, you just generalized all M8. Is that fair of you, you didn't exactly see me agreeing with the_roar, did you.