توقيف شبكة إرهابية تخطط لتفجيرات واغتيالات على الأراضي اللبنانية

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أعلن الأمن العام الثلاثاء أنه أوقف شبكة "إرهابية" كان تخطط لاغتيالات وتفجيرات في المناطق اللبنانية.

وقال الأمن العام في بيان أنه "نتيجة للتحريات والمتابعة الأمنية للشبكات الإرهابية، أوقفت الأجهزة المعنية في المديرية العامة للأمن العام ثلاثة أشخاص من جنسيات لبنانية وسورية من ضمن شبكة إرهابية كانت تخطط للقيام بأعمال تخريب وإخلال بالأمن على الأراضي اللبنانية بواسطة عبوات ناسفة وعمليات إغتيال".

وأشار إلى أنه "قد تم التحقيق مع الموقوفين وأحيلوا على القضاء العسكري مع المضبوطات، من مواد متفجرة وأجهزة إتصال وسلاح مع كاتم للصوت وذلك بناء على إشارة معاون مفوض الحكومة لدى المحكمة العسكرية القاضي داني الزعني، وبإشراف مفوض الحكومة لدى المحكمة العسكرية القاضي صقر صقر".

عليه أكدت المديرية العامة للأمن العام أنها "لن تتوانى عن ملاحقة المجموعات الإرهابية والعصابات التخريبية والشبكات التي تتعاطى الهجرة غير الشرعية، بالتنسيق مع بقية الأجهزة الأمنية، ضمانا لسلامة المواطنين وحفاظا على الأمن والإستقرار في البلاد".

ولاحقا أمر مفوض الحكومة لدى المحكمة العسكرية القاضي صقر صقر بتوقيف اللبناني والسوريين.

وتسلم صقر الملف مع الموقوفين ويعكف على دراسته تمهيدا لاتخاذ الاجراء القانوني.

وتأتي هذه المعلومات بعد توقيفات كثيرة لمختلف الأجهزة الأمنية عقب أربع تفجيرات هزت لبنان اثنان منها في الضاحية الجنوبية وآخران في طرابلس.

التعليقات 8
Thumb haile.selassie. 16:24 ,2013 تشرين الأول 08

Bravo !!!! Keep it Up !!!!

Thumb EagleDawn 16:27 ,2013 تشرين الأول 08

Good, but the question begs itself: where was the General Security for the last 15 years?

Thumb liberty 19:15 ,2013 تشرين الأول 08

flamer: you really are a well paid mouthpiece:))))))

Thumb lebanon_first 17:37 ,2013 تشرين الأول 08

If General Security stops both the bombing plots of al Qaeda and those of the Assadists, even those under Hezb iran's management, then they will deserve our respect.
Anything short of that, they are security agency of Iran.

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:03 ,2013 تشرين الأول 08

indeed too soon to draw conclusions. we'll find out soon who was behind them, but in the mean time just a few points:

anonyme: samaha is not linked to the tripoli bombings, he had been in prison for (what, over a year?) when they happened
the tripoli bombings case is still very unclear, they have a "witness" who suddenly decided to talk after the bombing, and failed the lie detection test when he accused some people.

also, you guys keep mentioning samaha but you forget that in parallel there were several terrorist networks which were dismantled and were takfiri, or pointing at takfiris. the ones who had hundreds of israeli-made detonators for instance, what ever happened to them? those who fired the rockets on baabda, on dahiyeh... those who bombed the liqor shops in sour (and turned out to be salafis based in ain el helweh)... etc etc..

Thumb haile.selassie. 01:20 ,2013 تشرين الأول 09

It was under Rifi and therefore useless very well said Flame Thrower. you can know that from Rifi's behavior a piece of nothing coming from the Village as it says from his family name RIFI just because he became something and offcourse gets paid extra for dirty work now this crook has body guards who accompany his son to Beit mery and pull him up to his horse in order to do his weekly sport riding a horse. His horse? A Thorough bread worth more than 100.000$ i wonder how can a person who was just the general of the ISF get such amounts of money that he could spend this much on a horse. He was such a great man with no corruption i guess lol.

Default-user-icon Truth (ضيف) 08:52 ,2013 تشرين الأول 09

Hizbollah is a terrorist group which has become what we knew only in recent years. It has evolved under the radar, under different labels, Islamic Jihad, maybe others, sponsored by Iran , supported by Syria, and implemented their weapon of political domination: political assassinations (to be found nowhere else but in Lebanon!), and Kamikaze terrorists! Only recently have we known about the terrorist Moghaniyeh and his terrorist prowesses, and that the Hizb terrorist machine, had been behind many of the major political murders of recent years: always Hizb fingerprints to be found, never anyone to be arrested.The Hizb is today the active ally of Syria which has been proven to plot daily against Lebanon security. And yet....Some day, I hope this party will be banned, and presented along with his sponsors a full laundry list stretching back to 1980! However, unlikely under Obama I'm afraid.

Thumb sophia_angle 14:11 ,2013 تشرين الأول 09

good job !