المشاورات مستمرة لتسهيل ولادة الحكومة والحريري يتصل بجعجع والجميل بعد تصعيدهما

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تستمر حركة المشاورات الحكومية بين الافرقاء السياسيين في أمل التوصل الى ولادة قريبة للحكومة العتيدة بإجماع الكل.

فقد استقبل رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري، في عين التينة، ظهر الثلاثاء، وزير الداخلية في حكومة تصريف الاعمال مروان شربل، الذي اعرب عن أمله اثر اللقاء، بأن يكون موضوع تأليف الحكومة "سائرأ في المسار الصحيح".

ولفت الى أنه تم استعراض الامور الامنية، و"ما ينتظر البلد من احداث والمعلومات التي لدينا".

وأضاف أنه تم التمطرق الى الملف الحكومي حيث لمس شربل منه أن "كل شيء يسير بطريقة جيدة وطبيعية، ولا يوجد حتى الآن عراقيل".

وقال: "ان شاء الله نصل الى تأليف الحكومة ونستطيع ان نخلص البلد من هذه المشكلة الامنية التي نمر بها وما سنواجهه في المستقبل".

الى ذلك، اجرى رئيس "تيار المستقبل" سعد الحريري، اتصالاً صباح الثلاثاء، برئيس "حزب القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع، جرى خلاله بحث في الملف الحكومي.

ووفق المعلومات الصحافية، فقد تم خلال الاتصال، التأكيد على وحدة موقف قوى 14 آذار.

وأجرى الحريري اتصالا مماثلا بمنسق اللجنة المركزية في حزب "الكتائب اللبنانية" النائب سامي الجميل.

وكان قد صعد الرجلان الإثنين، إذ قال جعجع انه يرفض "حكومة التناقضات" معلنا أنها لن تعطي شيئا أبدا، في حين قال الجميل أن المشاركة في الحكومة "مستحيلة" إذا كانت ستغطي القتال في سوريا.

يذكر أن مساعي الأفرقاء تتجه نحو تشكيل حكومة سياسية جامعة وفق صيغة "8-8-8" مع تدوير الزوايا، في ظل معلومات صحافية عن موافقة قوى 14 آذار عليها.

التعليقات 33
Thumb geha 15:05 ,2014 كانون الثاني 14

hizbushaitan has received its orders to back down totally, and they are starting to do that trying to save face :)

anyway, m8 has lost big time :)

we will regain our country soon :)

Missing imperatrice 15:18 ,2014 كانون الثاني 14

the funniest thing about it is that the president is negotiating with M8 the name/portfolio of his chief chiite minister, what a laugh really
viva the objectivity
the saddest thing about it, is that they still prefer to run instead of facing their demons

Missing imperatrice 15:23 ,2014 كانون الثاني 14

how do u gain back a country when ur essentially being coerced into a lose-lose deal out of fear of being outnumbered and killed
please do tell, id like some hope

Thumb geha 16:53 ,2014 كانون الثاني 14

you win back a country by regaining a sort of independence.
I know it is a sort of as Lebanon has never been allowed to be free.

slowly hizbushaitan will stop terrorizing the Lebanese people, and as happened previously with other communities (like the Christians), the shia will start realizing again that an armed militia is not the answer, rather it is the state.

before disbanding the LF all the Christian community was with the LF, and afterwards, they rejected militias to the benefit of the state. the LF understood it and rejected reconstructing a militia.

Thumb beiruti 15:34 ,2014 كانون الثاني 14

Geagea has held out on principle. The principle being that Hezbollah cannot be accepted into a government, the policies and decrees of which it flaunts at will whenever the independent interests of Hezbollah as dictated by Iran require. To date, it has been understood that Hezbollah stands against the nation and Hezbollah's actions in the Syrian War have caused retaliation against Hezbollah in Lebanon. If the rest of the Lebanese accept Hezbollah and its war policy, then all of Lebanon and all of her people become subject to retaliation coming out of Syria for the actions of Hezbollah taken in support of the regime.

Thumb IndependentThinker 16:37 ,2014 كانون الثاني 14

Exactly. Nothing good has come out of Hezbollah. They are the biggest cancer and problem Lebanon has today. Let's not be ashamed to say it.

Thumb ice-man 17:49 ,2014 كانون الثاني 14

I totally agree with your words.

Thumb primesuspect 15:35 ,2014 كانون الثاني 14

u have no memory whatsoever. u killed our politicians 1 by 1. they regrouped in order 2 weigh against Iranian/Syrian/HA/FPM/+ others terrorism. those who call themselves M8 r the cancer, the not so silent killers. in the end, they r izrael's allies which has been proven as the US picked Iran 2 protect Izrael. The Syrian Baath has been very good at it since the Assads seized power.

Thumb geha 16:56 ,2014 كانون الثاني 14

the roar:

Ms are nothing but BS, and that is to answer your question.

we have two sides here that are not better from each other, except for the fact that one side has a terrorist militia, and they are terrorizing the Lebanese each day.

when all are equal, Lebanon can strive even if all our politicians are crooks and stupid.

we want to live, work, have fun, and not worry about our kids playing in the streets. that is all.

other than that, I have no respect for any politician.

Thumb primesuspect 18:03 ,2014 كانون الثاني 14

well dear loser, our m14 got rid of syria's army in lebanon. it's the blood of our m14 figures who did this. not aoun, not nusrallah, not berry, not franjieh, nobody from ur M8 friends who r about 2 disband because they r meaningless and worthless!

Missing imagine_1979 18:43 ,2014 كانون الثاني 14

There was a time when a general was saying that syrian regime was stealling lebanese money (go back to samizdat, a journal that we used to distribute with our fellows tayyar..) no by magic nothing to blame the syrian regime....
Then there are other people that use to del with syrians, had bunch of them assassinated during the past 8 years but still defending lebanon souvereignty against syrian egemony...
U see my point?...

Thumb primesuspect 21:36 ,2014 كانون الثاني 14


Lebanon has been trying very hard to steer away from Syria, since it's very first day in 1943, but people kept getting crushed by the Syrians and Israelis. All these people who stood up in the media and streets got murdered. But on feb 14 2005 syria killed the one person who fixed Lebanon. 1/3rd of Lebanon was in beirut's street 1 month later. Sure, the assassins r paying people including ur friends here on naharnet 2 tarnish the image of mr rafeek Hariri the martyr of Lebanon but we all know the truth. U r agents of Syria, always were, always will be. The next step 2 shift away from Syria's sphere of influence is 2 grant the 400.000 Palestinians the citizenship. And as a Christian fear nothing for my representation in politics, but the Palestinians will help break the Zionist/Syrian/persian imperialist plans 4 the country. They will be a million times more patriotic than the Shiites who serve a geographically distant power.

Thumb primesuspect 23:05 ,2014 كانون الثاني 14


well, the kids who were born on lebanese soil should be granted the citizenship. of course, just like the kids born in america get theirs too [and their mothers tambien 18 years later]. And believe me, nobody gives birth in lebanon by choice. the palestinians should get it but the state of lebanon should get financially compensated by the US/izrael/etc... many palestinians i have met are wealthy, and if they buy properties, it'll help the entire economy. and if they r allowed 2 become doctors and educated it will benefit every1. not only their communities. it's time 2 move on. izrael will never be defeated by lebanon, nor by syria or iran [their new allies] even if KSA gave the LAF 500 billion dollars. if we get stability by absorbing the Pals, Syria will lose, Israel will lose, Iran will lose, and Hizballa will no longer have to fight izrael 2 send the palestinians back there [a neverending story].

Thumb primesuspect 23:06 ,2014 كانون الثاني 14

And I trust our sunni muslim lebanese brothers more than the shias because KSA doesn't have a master plan 2 dominate us unlike iran. KSA is not ambitious and is no threat 2 us. there is much more 2 say about it...

Thumb primesuspect 23:54 ,2014 كانون الثاني 14


I would love to send them as u suggests, but let's get real. it's not going to happen ever. and if they r 2 remain in the te3teer inside camps instead of purchasing appartements like any normal humain being, troubles will never end either. izrahell is not interested in peace with lebanon, neither is hizballa. poverty is the source of all troubles. keeping people poor voluntarily is not only evil and contradictory 2 our christian values but it'll keep hitting lebanon back. the time 2 become wise and smart has come, they should be granted the citizenship.

Thumb primesuspect 23:57 ,2014 كانون الثاني 14

about ur religious [im]balance, well it'll help the sunni dominate the islamic representacion as it was in 1943. us christians have the diaspora 2 rely on, 80% of expats r christians. granting them the citizenship will boost the economy and will motivate them 2 climb the social ladder. radicalism will fade away too. look @ gaza in comparison 2 the west bank, they r poor and unstable because they live in a huge prison. lebanon is like that prison for all of us with a dozen gazas inside. obviously, kicking them out of the county is also not an opcion, it's not human. lebanese r smart enough 2 create tools/laws in order 2 find the necessary resources in order 2 educate them. that's how the country would become a better place. as long as they remain uneducated, they remain a threat.... this also applies 2 the shias voting 4 hizballa. they r uneducated.

Thumb primesuspect 00:17 ,2014 كانون الثاني 15


U r dreaming, honestly u r!

keeping such as stance will keep everything as it is for another 50 years if not more. thanks 4 spoiling our kids and grandkids' lives and in the mean time their numbers is growing....

well, i don't care i don't live in lebanon. but if u want 2 keep tensions and problems and bad news a daily habit, u've got the solution.

there's nothing wrong in admitting defeat 2 izrahell. the civilized world is protecting them. don't count on iran 2 modify this. we need 2 put our ego aside, it's useless and it clouds the judgement.

Thumb beiruti 15:36 ,2014 كانون الثاني 14

The principled stand of Geagea and to a certain extent of Sami Gemayel stands at odds with the transactional nature of Lebanese politics. To remain viable as a political class, it is necessary to milk the government and in order to milk the government, there must first be a government.
The Lebanese political class is a sucking wound on the body of Lebanon. They serve no one but themselves and their lackies. They steal the wealth of Lebanon. When Syria occupied her, they were required to share the stolen wealth of the nation with the Syrian overlords. Now, Hezbollah simply takes everything and dares anyone else to dip into their pile.
Hezbollah elites are now billionaires with stolen wealth. I am sure that Saad is imploring Geagea to join, not to end the thievery, but to "spread the wealth" so that all may survive.

Thumb ice-man 18:39 ,2014 كانون الثاني 14

leb_roar: Do you have a life? a hobby? a family? a home? why are you here 24/7 like seven eleven? No ambition, no initiative to better yourself? Perhaps, some evening classes? Please, roar, I am concerned about you.

Thumb ice-man 18:48 ,2014 كانون الثاني 14

leb_roar: When will you visit Lebanon? Perhaps, we can have coffee.

Thumb ice-man 18:48 ,2014 كانون الثاني 14

leb_roar: do you mind if I refer to you as Seven Eleven from now on?

Thumb ice-man 18:54 ,2014 كانون الثاني 14

cool, come visit me in California. I will be there beginning of March. Do you have a passport or you are still refugee status?

Thumb ice-man 19:06 ,2014 كانون الثاني 14

cool, you are as generous as KSA.

Thumb ice-man 04:50 ,2014 كانون الثاني 15

It's so cruel to make homeless and unemployed people pay taxes.

Thumb shab 23:05 ,2014 كانون الثاني 14

Funny it should come from you. The other day you labeled me M14 althoug I never comment on either M's.

Thumb shab 23:05 ,2014 كانون الثاني 14

to the roar

Thumb shab 23:05 ,2014 كانون الثاني 14

Funny it should come from you. The other day you labeled me M14 althoug I never comment on either M's.

Thumb joker37 01:47 ,2014 كانون الثاني 15

Ice-man please go back to posting under your other alias "roaring flame thrower" it was hilarious

Thumb proudm14. 03:56 ,2014 كانون الثاني 15

keeping the palestinian refugees in the same state that they are in now is an untenable position, and it has been a constant headache on the political and security level because the lebanese government does not want to deal with this problem. now the camps are terrorist enclaves which the LAF does not even have the permission to deal with. allowing the palestinians at least to work and live in non-ghetto's will do 100x for our security better than what we have now: zones of lawlessness ie: quasi-states.

Thumb primesuspect 04:45 ,2014 كانون الثاني 15

u wish i were, but i'm not. jajajaja gilipolla. keep ur virgins 2 urself, talking about satanism, the only 1 close 2 satan is the one living underground w/ demons. u know, nusrallah the terrorist.

Thumb ice-man 06:54 ,2014 كانون الثاني 15

Do you have any farsi roots coz your name sure sounds like it.

Thumb ice-man 07:28 ,2014 كانون الثاني 15

Yes, I am R-FT. How about you, what other screen names do you use?

Thumb ice-man 08:08 ,2014 كانون الثاني 15

I don't recall ever talking to you before. What screen name were you using? Your charisma, candor, leadership, boldness and dynamic ability are something to be commended.