سليمان: الهبة السعودية للجيش عززت استراتيجية الدفاع في لبنان

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أكد رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان أن "لبنان ملتزم اعتماد سيسة النأي بالنفس عن الأزمة السورية بالرغم من أنه سيشارك في مؤتمر جنيف 2"، مردفاً أن "الهبة السعودية للجيش عززت استراتيجية الدفاع في لبنان".

وأشار سليمان في كلمة القاها أمام السلك الديبلوماسي، الإثنين، الى "ان مسارنا الوطني اصيب بانتكاسات جدية منذ العام 2011 جراء الارتدادات السلبية المختلفة للازمة المتمادية في سوريا على مجمل اوضاعنا السياسية والاقتصادية والاجتماعية، وشهدت الساحة الداخلية ارتفاعا ملحوظا في التوتر المذهبي وانخراطا متدرجا في الصراع المسلح الدائر على الاراضي السورية وتدفقا متناميا لاعداد اللاجئين السوريين والفلسطنيين وترافق ذلك مع عودة موجة التفجيرات الارهابية المتنقلة"، مؤكدا "ان التفجيرات لن تفلت من يد العدالة كما هو حاصل اليوم في لاهاي، حيث بدأت المحكمة الدولية الخاصة بلبنان اعمالها سعيا لكشف الحقيقة وردع المجرمين ومحاسبتهم".

ولفت الى ان "السعي سيستمر لتشكيل حكومة جديدة واستئناف اعمال هيئة الحوار الوطني والتهيئة لانجاز الاستحقاق الدستوري والتوافق على قانون انتخاب جديد يسمح باجراء الانتخابات النيابية"، مردفاً أن "الدولة ستواصل جهودها في خلال الشهور التي تفصلنا عن الاسحتقاق الرئاسي وما يليها لتطبيق ما امكن من البرامج الاصلاحية وضمان تنفيذ الخلاصات المتكاملة لمجموعة الدعم الدولية وقرارات الشرعية الدولية ذات الصلة".

وأعرب سليمان عن تمنيه من "الدول الصديقة والشقيقة القادرة مساعدة لبنان في تحقيق هذه الاهداف الكبرى خصوصا من خلال المقاربات والاطر الرئيسية". وأضاف "إننا نتطلع الى مبادرات نشطة بصورة ثنائية ومشتركة لتشجيع الاطراف الداخليين والدول المؤثرة على الساحة اللبنانية لتحييد لبنان عن الصراعات الاقليمية من طريق الالتزام قولا وفعلا باعلان بعبدا والعمل كذلك على تنفيذ كامل لمندرجات قرار مجلس الامن الدولي رقم 1701".

وأضاف "اننا نسعى الى دعم دولي مباشر للوزارات والمؤسسات اللبنانية الرسمية لمساعدتها في تحمل الاعباء المترتبة عليها، والتزام التعهدات التي تم تقديمها في مؤتمري الكويت للدول المانحة واستمرار العمل على تطبيق مبدأ تقاسم الاعداد على الدول القادرة الذي اقر في مؤتمر جنيف في شأن اللاجئين"، متمنياً من "الدول الصديقة والشقيقة مع استمرار العمل على تعزيز مجالات تعاونها الثنائي التجاوب مع الجهد الذي سيبذله البنك الدولي بالدعوة الى تمويل مشاريع الدعم للبنان".

وأمل سليمان "من الدول القادرة والراغبة تلبية الدعوة التي ستوجه اليها من قبل الامم المتحدة والحكومة الايطالية بالتنسيق مع لبنان للمشاركة في المؤتمر الدولي الذي سيعقد في روما"، شاكراً "المملكة العربية السعودة وعاهلها خادم الحرمين الشريفين على عزمه تقديم مساعدة استثنائية للجيش اللبناني مقدارها 3 مليارات دولار".

واعلن ان" لبنان يتابع بكثير من الاهتمام الجهود المبذولة لانجاح المفاوضات الاسرائيلية الفلسيطنية"، مذكرا ان "لا سلام فعليا في الشرق الاوسط من دون ايجاد حل عادل وشامل لكل اوجه الصراع العربي الاسرائيلي".

وفي ما يتعلق بالشأن السوري، اكد سليمان ان "لبنان سيشارك في اعمال مؤتمر جنيف 2 الذي سيعقد بعد يومين"، مشدداً على "موقف لبنان حول هذا الموضوع، بانه ملتزم بتحييد نفسه عن الداعيات السلبية للازمة السورية المتمادية ويعارض اي تدخل عسكري اجنبي في هذا النزاع".

وشدد رئيس الجمهورية على انه "سيبذل قصارى جهده لتهيئة الظروف المناسبة لاتمام الاستحقاق الرئاسي بصورة ديموقراطية وهادئة، متمنيا على الدول الصديقة والشقيقة والمجتمع الدولي ككل الوقوف الى جانب لبنان لدعمه في مسعاه الهادف دوما لصون استقلاله ومسؤسساتها الشرعية وتعزيز وحدته الوطنية".

التعليقات 31
Thumb Mystic 12:16 ,2014 كانون الثاني 20

Mr. President, did the Saudis ever tell you, what they wanted in return?

Thumb cedars2 12:37 ,2014 كانون الثاني 20

M8 vigilance!! I can only say ROFL...

You probably mean vigilance as in watching and following political opponents to plan the best way to eliminate them? That kind of vigilance?

Thumb cedars2 12:38 ,2014 كانون الثاني 20

What do the Iranians want from you?

Missing helicopter 17:11 ,2014 كانون الثاني 20

Yes Yes Southern M8 (the Iranian fox) guarding the hens (Lebanon's sovereignty.

Thumb geha 18:43 ,2014 كانون الثاني 20

the Iranian Zarif did :)
disband hizbushaitan and return Lebanon to its legal institutions :)

Missing people-power 00:28 ,2014 كانون الثاني 21

Geha..... Zarif is a liar and he can't be trusted. He promised Ban to accept Geneva 1 conditions, and after Ban's invitation to Geneva 2, they recanted and no longer accept Geneva 1 conditions, so their invite to Geneva 2 was rescinded. Whatever Iran says or promises cannot be relied upon or trusted.

Thumb Mystic 12:16 ,2014 كانون الثاني 20

We will see what they require from Lebanon in return.

Thumb cedre 12:37 ,2014 كانون الثاني 20

getting rid of the iranian militia...

Thumb geha 18:43 ,2014 كانون الثاني 20

they, and the whole world community, want a calm and secure Lebanon, free of terrorists.

this is why iran agreed to disband hizbushaitan :)

is it clear now m8 idiots?

try to cover up in any way or shape, no one cares, because we are recovering our country from and in spite of you.

Thumb geha 18:44 ,2014 كانون الثاني 20

they, and the whole world community, want a calm and secure Lebanon, free of terrorists.

this is why iran agreed to disband hizbushaitan :)

is it clear now m8 idiots?

try to cover up in any way or shape, no one cares, because we are recovering our country from and in spite of you.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 12:40 ,2014 كانون الثاني 20

May be to strengthen the army to the point that we need not tolerate outlaw militias.

Thumb Mystic 13:39 ,2014 كانون الثاني 20

That is very unrealistic indeed.

Thumb jabal10452 15:22 ,2014 كانون الثاني 20

Bravo peacelover. well said!!

Thumb proudm14. 16:32 ,2014 كانون الثاني 20

There will never be a HA-LAF war, but there can be a Sunni-Shia war, if the Hezb does not stop its irresponsible actions of trying to eliminate the other side by assassinations and intimidation.

Default-user-icon Hanoun (ضيف) 13:17 ,2014 كانون الثاني 20

Mr president
in order to tell hizb to leave its arms and adopt defence strategy
the LA should have weapons like hizb and better , and I agree that in order to relax big powers just ask for defensive weapons so nobody will give an excuse that offensive weapons may be used to attack
so just defensive ie: anti aircraft , anti war ship , anti tank missiles and drones to controle our borders from south to north
god bless lebanon

Thumb ice-man 14:33 ,2014 كانون الثاني 20

How did your interview go?

Thumb -phoenix1 14:52 ,2014 كانون الثاني 20

(1). When the army becomes strong, the state becomes strong and the militias become weak. When the state becomes strong it will impose its will through strong and stable constitutional institutions. Once these show their capacity to endure its will on the people, the militias will see their roles diminished with every passing month, to the point where the militia can no longer convince anyone of their need but their demise. When the state becomes strong through its army, then the law becomes for all, then new people will appear, willing to serve the nation, then we shall see fresh young faces from our youth, ready to prove that Lebanon needs not old dinosaurs to lead but to move out of the way.

Missing helicopter 17:15 ,2014 كانون الثاني 20

I wish roar, southern, mowaten, mystic and other M8 posters would endorse your enthusiasm for a stronger army phoenix. To them anything that results in the diminishing role or demise of HA is considered unacceptable (why else would you get few thumbs down for wishing upon us the Lebanese a strong army and a strong Government?

Missing helicopter 19:53 ,2014 كانون الثاني 20

Thumbing up and down is done based on the ideas not the poster. I know that there is mutual respect between you and phoenix, but that does not mean you will not thumb his idea down. I have thumbed phoenix down on few occasions and up often. I am specifically referring to this posting of phoenix and my statement is based on the fact that I never heard you (or others mentioned in my post) express desire for a strong army so HA can go away.

Missing helicopter 20:37 ,2014 كانون الثاني 20

My conclusions are based on reading your posts over a long time.
I never heard you condemning HA for infringing upon the duties of the army, shooting down a helicopter and killing its pilot, refusing to turn in suspects in crimes (I do not mean STL here), kidnapping an airport employee (Joseph Sader), having zones off limits to the LAF (they decide when to allow ISF or LAF to investigate an incident and when to withold such permission...... I can go on and on with this. But I always hear you loud and clear defending HA and Assad at every occasion. So I believe on what I read and what suits me.

Thumb -phoenix1 20:38 ,2014 كانون الثاني 20

Chopper and Roar, both of you are my dear brothers and it pains me to see you wonderful guys affront each other. Both of you post brilliant posts like do several folks here, and in all honesty, both of you are indispensable to this forum. Even if we don't always agree, it's fine, this is the beauty of it all, our variety of thoughts, it's healthy and it's the way to go about, but we all share in the very same thing, our genuine and sincere love for this beloved country of ours. Please shake hands and let's move on, love you all.

Missing helicopter 20:38 ,2014 كانون الثاني 20

I believe what I read and NOT what suits me

Thumb -phoenix1 14:55 ,2014 كانون الثاني 20

(2). Let the LAF be given all it needs, if its the devil that's giving it the means so be it, but for heavens' sake, help us get rid of those damn militias, since independence day we saw nothing but them, damn them, we want the state and nothing else, pure Lebanese, for the Lebanese. The hell with militias, and I care less who they are, the hell with them all. The proof is that they've never done anything but mess this whole country up, to the point we don't know what it looks like anymore. We've seen countries where the state is strong, their people live well, why should we Lebanese be condemned to be ruled by militias and not by a state with powerful institutions? Are we any different from normal human beings? Is our country a dumping ground for all the causes but Lebanese ones? The hell with them all, we just want a Lebanese where we could live head high, not head down, eupht wloh shou ftilitkoun tawileh, wloh!!!

Thumb -phoenix1 14:57 ,2014 كانون الثاني 20

**We just want a Lebanon where we could live....***

Thumb jabal10452 15:20 ,2014 كانون الثاني 20

There MUST NOT be an LAF/HA conflict at any cost. Let's talk, and keep talking until we come to a formula where HA's armed wing is placed under the exclusive authority of the state. And I don't care how long it takes to get there. No civil war, thank you. We paid enough.

We are a diverse country. We cannot exist without embracing every sect. No one must be left behind, being Sunni, Shia, Christian or Druze. We have arrived at this point precisely because the Shia were left behind to fend for themselves ever since independence.

I keep hearing talk about winners and losers. M14 will win and M8 will lose, and vice-versa. Has it crossed your minds that the only viable solution is a win-win that will involve compromise of all involved?

Thumb -phoenix1 15:30 ,2014 كانون الثاني 20

Thank you @Jabal, one post I enjoyed reading thoroughly, please continue to post because it's words like yours that we Lebanese need most, not the tit for tat characteristic of this forum and other Lebanese ones, but mature posts like yours that help move us away from hatred and suspicion. Again, grand merci bro.

Thumb jabal10452 15:43 ,2014 كانون الثاني 20

My pleasure, Phoenix.

Missing helicopter 17:21 ,2014 كانون الثاني 20

100% correct. Yet so far you got one thumb down from one enemy of co-existence and harmony. Is it a takfiri who does not want Shia, or a Baathist who does not want a strong Lebanon, or a Persian who wants to propagate Iran's influence or who cares .... such a person is an enemy of the State of Lebanon.

Missing shootingstar 16:13 ,2014 كانون الثاني 20

In the 60's and 70's, Lebanese Christians took arms to protect themselves from the Palestinians aggression. Now Shia's are taking arms to protect themselves from the Israeli/takfiri aggression. Until the army is strong enough to protect all sects, its going to be this way.

Thumb proudm14. 16:33 ,2014 كانون الثاني 20

roar pretends that any changes in lebanon will affect his life in some way, the truth is that no matter what happens here he will always have his welfare housing in australia, his welfare cheque and his welfare food stamps.

Thumb proudm14. 18:16 ,2014 كانون الثاني 20

i live in Beirut, originally from Saida, and we don't have any form of welfare because this is lebanon, not some cushy western country. not that i would need any since i am a big shot.