"داعش"يبيع النفط والإرهابيون يستهدفون الأمن العام والجيش

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أظهرت التحقيقات الأخيرة حول تفجير فندق "دو روي" في الروشة، أنه تم تبليغ الإنتحاري ورفيقه بضرورة مهاجمة الأمن العام والجيش، وذلك تزامناً مع بيع داعش للنفط في سوريا والعراق لتأمين الأموال، بحسب المعلومات الصحافية.

وكشفت قناة الـLBCI ، السبت، أن المنذر الحسن، المشتبه بانه يزود الانتحاريين بالمتفجرات، طلب من انتحاريي الروشة تبديل وجهة الهجوم نحو مطعم الساحة وقد ذهب الثلاثة واستطلعوا المطعم ومداخله.

وأضافت ان اﻹنتحاري المصاب عبد الرحمن الشنيفي كشف أن شخصاً سورياً أبلغه مع رفيقه في اسطنبول أن مهمتهما تقضي بمهاجمة اﻷمن العام أو الجيش، كما كشف للتحقيق أن داعش يبيع نفطا في سوريا والعراق ويستطيع من خلال ذلك تأمين اﻷموال نقدا.

وعلم ايضا أن اﻹنتحاري الشنيفي نقل الجمعة الى مستشفى اوتيل ديو لفترة حيث تلقى العلاج اللازم قبل أن يعاد الى مركز التوقيف، بحسب القناة.

وأشارت الـLBCI الى أن شقيق اﻹنتحاري أحمد عبد الرحمن الثواني كان قد تم توقيفه لدى اﻷمن العام منذ فترة للاشتباه به كإرهابي ثم تم اخلاء سبيله.

وأظهرت التحقيقات الجمعة ان الحسن الذي زود انتحاريي فندق "دو روي" في الروشة بالتفجيرات والذي عمم الامن العام صورته على "علاقة بأكثر من انتحاري وعملية تفجير وعلى صلة بين التنظيمات المتطرفة التي ترسلهم"، وأنه "يتقاضى 50 ألف دولار نقدا عن كل انتحاري".

وكان الامن العام عمم أمس الخميس صورة منذر الحسن مواليد 1990 بزبينا - عكار، والذي يحمل الجنسية السويدية.

والحسن بحسب ما ذكرت الـ LBCI "أخ لشقيقين نفذا عملية انتحارية في قلعة الحصن في محافظة حمص العام الماضي".

والأربعاء فجر انتحاري سعودي نفسه داخل غرفته في فندق "دي روي" في الروشة أثناء مداهمة نفذها الأمن العام، فيما ألقي القبض على الارهابي الاخر الذي كان ينزل الفندق معه ما أدلى الى جرح عشرة مدنيين وسط حالة هلع سادت النزلاء في الفندق.

ونقلت تقارير تم تأكيدها ان مطعم "الساحة" في الضاحية الجنوبية كان مستهدفا خلال العملية.

ويعتبر تفجير الروشة الثالث خلال اسبوع في لبنان. ففي 20 حزيران، اسفر هجوم انتحاري على حاجز لقوى الامن في منطقة ضهر اليبدر عن قتيل واحد و33 جريحا.


التعليقات 14
Missing imagine_1979 18:17 ,2014 حزيران 28

Yes ksa is sending money, training jihadists and jailing them on their way back,
While iran sends flower only, and bury its matryr in official burials proud of its revolutionary gards dead during jihadist duty..
Southern go hv some chupachups man, chupachups...

Thumb cedre 19:30 ,2014 حزيران 28

isil is not bashar's and maliki's biggest threat, they're objective allies...

Missing VINCENT 20:19 ,2014 حزيران 28

Bunch of dysfunctional hoodlums. You people won't recognize God's blessing if it fell on your respective laps in a gift package with a red bow. Once the West and the U.S. (similar to current
Administrations) loose interest and appetite of the venom that is the Middle East, cultures like the Persians and the Turks will rape and subjugate every inch of you because you haven't earned and do not deserve what Earth has given you. The nail on your coffins was the glorious gift of religion which fuels your need to prolong your dysfunctional existence on Earth which in some circles the cockroaches are favored. Your nature is destructive and evil no matter what religion you chose and think to practice. It is not about Sunni or Shiite, etc. If we take the religion away, you will still be who you are and what you represent. Filth. None of you deserve to occupy Earth, let alone, Lebanon.

Missing VINCENT 20:32 ,2014 حزيران 28

What Egypt accomplished should be a lesson for all Arabs.

Missing VINCENT 02:18 ,2014 حزيران 29

Well said, and my frustrations are meant as a wake up call. No disrespect intended.

Missing beirutbastard00 00:39 ,2014 حزيران 29

I wonder if the occupation of our lands, the defeats of our armies, the assassinations of our leaders, and the rape of our resources have anything to do with our current state of affairs??

Take Iraq for example... After many assassinations and coups by the west, a dictator is installed and maintained in power by the west. After decades of brutal treatment of his own ppl, the west decides to launch two wars against him, further destroying the country. Now look at Iraq.

There's an injustice occurring, and when the gov fails it's ppl, they turn to religion. The fighters u see are fighters, not statesmen. Give us peace and we'll give u statesmen.

Thumb lebanon_first 20:26 ,2014 حزيران 28

Southern. The main financier of daesh is bachar el Assad, the source of all evil.
He won the marketing war by creating an adversary who on the surface is uglier than him.

Missing beirutbastard00 00:43 ,2014 حزيران 29

I have the feeling this whole isil thing is a misstep by Qatar and Saudi. They created something they couldn't control, could explain all the firings and Qatar sheikh stepping down. I don't think it was suppose to get outta hand like this, but to counterbalance the Shia in Iraq.

Thumb cedre 01:19 ,2014 حزيران 29

The 'resistance' buying oil from ISIL, LOL.
Khomeynists and takfiris are definitely brothers, may both be destroyed...

Thumb kanaandian 01:20 ,2014 حزيران 29

keep water boarding him to get some secrets out of him - then start peeling skin after he reveals them. after that, release the scum bag terrorist with a little bit left so he can tell the other wahabi rodents who he works with what happens when you get caught, perhaps it could serve as a deterrent against terrorism in lebanon.

Default-user-icon Boushanko Lompassi (ضيف) 04:45 ,2014 حزيران 29

Once again, the dung-ish outlet of the loud mouth Nawfal Daou allows a headline featuring the "non-existent" ISIL and the "lie" of terrorism (according to Dr. Arreet 7akeh, aka the akkil kh...a who knows not kou3o men bou3o) contradicting the Great Doc of Bull and his khawarif (i.e. his followers, Drs. Arteena Satleh) who call these lunatics REVOLUTIONARIES (or, as they like to call them, their "hol minnina")! What a nerve this Daou fellow has! He shoud be punished by chopping his middle finger, the only thing left of manhood in him.

Missing saudi 04:48 ,2014 حزيران 29

The argument over the identity of the oil buyers from ISIS is useless. It depends on who you are talking to.
The real fact here is 2 Saudi nationals recruited in Turkey and have a network of personnel in Lebanon. Someone is paying for that and the Turkish intelligence service knows about it.
These are facts otherwise we are living in a lie.
Now, is Turkey doing the same for Syria and Iraq.
I would say yes.
Sunni-terrorism is disease has to be fought mainly by Sunni faith. It is an infection, unless treated and cured, it will infest the whole body.

Missing saudi 04:50 ,2014 حزيران 29

.....Continue from above
I would encourage our Sunni brethren to take responsibility and tackle the culture of death seriously.
Blaming it on Assad or Maliki is an Israeli propaganda to kill the whole body of Arabic identity.
Please stop arguing and call your Sunni leader and have serious talk

Default-user-icon chew-baka (ضيف) 16:02 ,2014 حزيران 29

"according to new allegations by Western intelligence agencies, rebels and al-Qaeda defectors"
hahahahahah and he calls that "proof"