اتصال نصرالله-مشعل "اعاد ترتيب اوضاع المقاومة في المنطقة"

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رأت مصادر صحافية ان العدوان الاسرائيلي على قطاع غزة، أفضى الى "اعادة ترتيب اوضاع قوى المقاومة في لبنان وفلسطين والمنطقة"، وذلك تجلى في الاتصال بين الامين العام لـ"حزب الله" السيد حسن نصرالله ورئيس المكتب السياسي لحركة حماس خالد مشعل.

فقد نقلت صحيفة "السفير"، الثلاثاء عن مصادر قيادية واسعة الاطلاع، قولها ان "ملحمة غزة فرضت نمطا جديدا من التعاطي".

وأوضحت ان اولى مظاهر هذا النمط هو في "إعادة توحيد جبهة المقاومة على قاعدة أن فلسطين هي القضية المركزية التي لا تتقدم عليها قضية أخرى، وان اسرائيل هي التي تشكل التهديد الاكبر لكل شعوب المنطقة العربية والاسلامية".

وأشارت الى ان نصرالله أكد في اتصاله بمشعل على ان "حزب الله" والمقاومة اللبنانية يقفان "إلى جانب انتفاضة ومقاومة الشعب الفلسطيني قلباً وقالبا وارادة وأملاً ومصيراً، وتأييدها حول رؤيتها للموقف وشروطها المحقة لإنهاء المعركة القائمة".

الى ذلك، اعتبر مصدر قيادي في "حماس" عبر "السفير" ان الاتصال "خطوة مهمة جدا في سياق اعادة ترميم جبهة المقاومة العربية والاسلامية في مواجهة العدو الصهيوني".

يُشار الى ان الجيش الاسرائيلي يواصل هجومه الجوي والمدفعي بكثافة على قطاع غزة الثلاثاء، في اليوم الخامس عشر من عملية واسعة هدفها المعلن وقف اطلاق الصواريخ وشل حركة حماس واوقعت اكثر من 577 قتيلا فلسطينيا، رغم تكثيف جهود التهدئة.


التعليقات 18
Thumb Elemental 09:04 ,2014 تموز 22

Stop using Palestinians, stop using Christians, stop using Lebanon.

Thumb popeye 09:11 ,2014 تموز 22

The terror party's chief is trying but failing to bolster the ugly sectarian image of his criminal gang by making phone calls that do nothing than offer empty words of false solidarity with the poor palestinian people.

Thumb ex-fpm 09:15 ,2014 تموز 22

Now, how credible does he sound when he says" bolstering Islamic Resistance". I agree it is an attempt to ride the wave and present himself as a resistance after he and his sectarian militia lost all credibility.

Thumb geha 09:58 ,2014 تموز 22

the day we will be rid of these Iranian extremist terrorists will be the real day of Lebanon's independence.

Thumb _mowaten_ 11:15 ,2014 تموز 22

hahaha coming from someone who bows down to the bins sauds and sees them as benevolent incarnations of democracy and virtue.. this is laughable.
you would know patriotism even if it hit you in the face with a katiousha

Thumb _mowaten_ 11:16 ,2014 تموز 22

as for Hamas and Hezbollah, they are just proving to all you sectarian goons that they are smarter than the [isis,nusra,abdullah,whatever] lot. they are not falling for sectarian divide nor forgetting who the real enemy is.

Thumb EagleDawn 11:22 ,2014 تموز 22

how relevant are your comments mowaten with 10 aliases? Are you still not posting simultaneously!

Thumb _mowaten_ 11:45 ,2014 تموز 22

you should seek professional help eagledown, there's only so much this forum can do for you.

Missing spiderman2 11:31 ,2014 تموز 22

At least he is better than Asir .

Thumb _mowaten_ 12:51 ,2014 تموز 22

please dont compare him to that freak

Thumb ice-man 16:36 ,2014 تموز 22

@flamethrower: why is the black box red?

Thumb ice-man 17:58 ,2014 تموز 22

@fllamethrower: I am totally shocked at your comments directed at one of the most respected members of this forum. Please, refrain from levying insults and racial slurs against fellow posters. I chose not to vote you down hoping my gesture of goodwill will serve as an incentive for you to modify your online behavior. Thank you!

Thumb FlameCatcher 13:32 ,2014 تموز 22


There is no such thing as the "Islamic Resistance against Israel". Before anything, you need to ask the permission of the Lebanese people to resist anything !

Should you use Lebanese territory to launch your Islamic and Terrorist attacks against anyone, should the Lebanese people suffer from retaliation for your crimes, all Dahyé will burn ! Not by Israeli rockets, but by the wrath of the free people of Lebanon who will trample you !

It's time for you to hang !

Thumb makhaleh 16:02 ,2014 تموز 22

This makes no sense at all HA gonna fight israel now and lebanon is gonna get destroyed once again but i do agree ob one thing that we all need to think about which is unity the more division between all of us gives any enemy strength so we need to stand together arabs,muslims and christians we need to stand up for gaza no matter what children are dying civilians in syria however assad should step down and let a unified government take over

Thumb nickjames 17:13 ,2014 تموز 22

Hamas and Hezbollah are both stupid. Neither can defeat Israel in a war, they just use the name Israel as the scapegoat in their propaganda. If Israel was the "true enemy" then Hezbollah would have launched thousands of rockets on Israel to show that attacking one part of the "Islamic resistance" is an attack against all. But no, these words are just for entertainment. As for this guy Erdogan, who's morphing into a dictator, he's an idiot as well. In the beginning he was an ally to Israel, but then used that Gaza boat incident to reveal his true identity. This is all anti-Semitism propaganda which is really talking the talk but not walking the walk.

Thumb ice-man 17:55 ,2014 تموز 22

I totally agree with your professional and accurate assessment on this mater:)!

Thumb shab 19:19 ,2014 تموز 22


Missing zgmdf 05:38 ,2014 تموز 23

I thought it was Hamas that instigated the present war by kidnapping and murdering three Israeli youth, which they followed up with rocket attacks on Israeli population centers,and choose to continue dying by refusing the Egyptian offered cease fire!!!
The big wigs are hiding but they never prepared any hiding place for the average Gazan, and now these people are dying so that Hamas could claim victim hood, and use their blood as propaganda. They still refuse a cease fire, they are very comfortable in Qatar, and in deep bunkers under the Shifa hospital in Gaza center.
Blood thirsty Hamas is no different then Hez, both getting their marching orders from Iran!!!