جندي بالجيش اللبناني يعلن انشقاقه والتحاقه بـ"جبهة النصرة"

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التحق أحد الجنود في الجيش اللبناني بتنظيم "جبهة النصرة" في بلدة عرسال البقاعية الحدودية وبحوزته أسلحة ومعدات عسكرية.

وفي شريط فيديو نشر على صفحة "المرابطون" على موقع التواصل الاجتماعي "تويتر"، يظهر العريف عاطف سعدالدين، معلناً انشقاقه عن الجيش اللبناني.

وأظهر بطاقته، التي تبين انه من مواليد العام 1991 ومن خربة داوود العكارية، وهو ينتمي الى اللواء الثامن في الجيش.

وقال انه انشق عن الجيش "لأن كل عسكري يعرف ان الجيش أداة بيد "حزب الله" والجميع بأمرة الحزب"، واعتبر ان "المضايقات تستهدف على أهل السنة ومشايخهم فقط".

وتابع ان في النقاط التابع لـ"حزب الله"، لا تحصل اي مداهمات ولا تقام اي حواجز ولا تتم اي محاكمات".

وكانت صحيفة "الاخبار" قد أفادت عن وجود روايتين لحادثة الانشقاق، الاولى ووفق ما نقلته "الاخبار" عن مصادر عسكرية، فإن سعدالدين، فرّ بملء إرادته من مركز خدمته ليلتحق بمسلحي "النصرة" في جرود عرسال، بعدما طلب إلى أفراد المجموعة اصطحابه معهم على مرأى من زملائه.

وتابعت المصادر بالقول، ان العريف سرق ثلاث بنادق من نوع M16 ومنظاراً ليلياً وجهاز لاسلكي، مقللة من أهمية الحادثة، وواضعة إياها في الإطار الفردي.

أما الرواية الثانية، فتقول انه جرى اختطاف العريف واقتياده إلى جرود عرسال من قبل مسلحين من "النصرة".

ووفق معلومات "الاخبار" فإن سعد الدين هو من بلدة وهو لم يمض على تعاقده سنة وليس جندياً مثبّتاً.

الا ان معلومات صحافية أخرى، أفادت انه العريف شكّل تأديبياً، إلى المنطقة الجردية بين اللبوة وعرسال، إلى حين انتهاء محاكمته على خلفية تقديم الحلوى وإطلاق النار ابتهاجاً بإحدى العمليات الانتحارية في الضاحية الجنوبية.

يُشار الى ان "جبهة النصرة" كانت غير معروفة قبل بدء النزاع السوري (في آذار 2011)، لكنها اكتسبت دورا متعاظما على الارض وتبنت سلسلة تفجيرات كبيرة استهدفت في غالبيتها مراكز امنية وعسكرية. وادرجت الولايات المتحدة الجبهة على لائحتها للمنظمات الارهابية لارتباطها بتنظيم "القاعدة" في العراق.

ويُذكر ان عرسال تملك حدودا تمتد على مسافة 55 كلم معظمها مع ريف دمشق، لكن لا يوجد معبر رسمي بين البلدين يؤدي الى عرسال، انما معابر غير قانونية تشهد تسلل أشخاص وتهريب سلع واسلحة من والى سوريا.



التعليقات 55
Thumb irus_da_virus 09:05 ,2014 تموز 23

Ashrafieh, I suggest you use your sectarian stupid comments in an appropriate place where stupidity is accepted, I guess your home would be suitable.

Thumb chrisrushlau 17:17 ,2014 تموز 23

I'm concerned that this may be the only corporal the army has. Surely they should have a back-up corporal for precisely contingencies of this kind.

Missing helicopter 01:13 ,2014 تموز 24

The problems of Lebanon is not the Shiites, it is the Hezb/Amal with their Iranian and Syrian agendas. The problems of Lebanon is not the Sunnis but the Salafists/Takfiris and their fanaticism and disloyalty to Lebanon. I do not care how many Shiites or Sunnis join the army, I only care if their loyalty is to Lebanon and its constitution. Religion is no longer a spiritual connection to God, it has become the poison that iss killing our country.

Missing imagine_1979 09:05 ,2014 تموز 23

U prefer ur fellow jihadists shias? More modern? More secular? More gender friendly?
Maybe u should see our fellow christian "jihadist style in central affrica" cutting women breasts...
Ashrafieh why don't u go have some chupachups and think of how stupid was ur comment...

Missing imagine_1979 09:35 ,2014 تموز 23

U r worse than i though , christianity tells them to go cut women breasts in central africa so women cannot feed their newborn?? To cut the corpse of the non christian in small parts in the middle of the streets?? How are them any better than muslim fanatics we have here?..
And if u were refering to "europen and occidental christians" we'll the majority of those are with a secular state, with gendre equality, with civil mariage, not some bunch of fanatics like we have in middle east...
Really man go have some chupachups, and think a little...

Thumb EagleDawn 09:39 ,2014 تموز 23

imagine_1979, don't bother with him, he is neither a christian nor from ashrafiyeh. He is a troll most probably a flamethrower or a josephani of some sort.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 10:31 ,2014 تموز 23

Ashrafieh - You are a bigot. Rather than calling for pluralistic democratic state, you feel the need to engage in hate speech. Very sad.

Missing imagine_1979 09:08 ,2014 تموز 23

Well many spreadded baklawa after assassinations in lebanon, probably both sides... Even a tv anchorwomen wished more of them gets assassinated on the air, u forgot?...
So a lot to hung then my friend
This being said i'm against death penalty...

Thumb _mowaten_ 10:25 ,2014 تموز 23

imagine before repeating that propaganda (baklawa), tell me honestly, did you see that yourself? live or on video? i doubt, because i doubt it ever happened.

Thumb Tony.Farris 09:30 ,2014 تموز 23

What's the different between this guy and hizbCocaine fighters?

Thumb EagleDawn 09:41 ,2014 تموز 23

oh big big difference. HA is protecting us from Israel via Qalamoun, Qusayr, and Aleppo.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 10:29 ,2014 تموز 23

The difference is that this is an individual act of treason and Hezbollah is a collective act of treason.

Thumb ex-fpm 11:36 ,2014 تموز 23

LOL... the difference is some people do not know what pro Lebanon actually means.

Thumb Tony.Farris 17:59 ,2014 تموز 23

Yeah FlameFan, a drawing will do, do you know how to use a pen?

Thumb Tony.Farris 19:06 ,2014 تموز 23

@Flame you're nothing but a scumbag, low life and douche-bag.

Thumb _mowaten_ 02:14 ,2014 تموز 24

hahahahhaa FT

Thumb kanaandian 09:35 ,2014 تموز 23

i wonder if it was a sunni jabhat lover who killed francois al hajj after all... anythings possibled.

Missing imagine_1979 09:41 ,2014 تموز 23

And also samer hanna maybe?...
U know it was probably a comon zionist/takfiri plot who decided to kill any patriotic figure in lebanon...
But dont worry our dear secular modern khomainiat moukawama bel merssad...
I wonder if u need some chupachups....

Missing imagine_1979 09:45 ,2014 تموز 23

But again sunni fanatics, shiite fanatics... (Christian fanatics now not well develloped in middle east but can show at anytime to defend our churchues...) like defending sayedah zeinab...
Are they really different?...

Thumb kanaandian 13:27 ,2014 تموز 23

lek they are both cancerous tumors to lebanon, one cannot deny the truth. these guys are worse however.

Missing forces 10:13 ,2014 تموز 23

Good for him. Now everyone else that feels the need to liberate or defend Syria and drag us into a bloody mess please follow suite hand in your ID card on the way out.

Thumb kanaandian 11:38 ,2014 تموز 23

this guys got the look of timothy mcveigh.
i wonder if we will all remember his name too.

Thumb Dimyl452 11:59 ,2014 تموز 23

So the guy is clearly a supporter of those extremists that come blow themselves up in the city so you punish him by putting him right next to his idols?!?
Somebody must have said "told you so!!!"

Default-user-icon dddd (ضيف) 12:01 ,2014 تموز 23

what about bugs bunny?

Thumb kanaandian 12:58 ,2014 تموز 23

naharnet keeps deleted my comments.
this guy has the sparkle that tim mcveigh had in his eyes

Thumb FlameCatcher 13:10 ,2014 تموز 23

Hezbollah is truly inspiring. They set examples to follow. Shooting in the air to celebrate murders, distributing sweets, defecting from the army and stealing army resources. Hell, they even murder soldiers and get away with it.

This corporal must be caught and trialled for high treason. Same with all Hezbollah fighters which fight in the name of Iran and usurp the name of "Lebanese resistance" to mask their cause.

Thumb nickjames 13:49 ,2014 تموز 23

You defend Hezbollah because you're an Aouneh, which is ironic because Hezbollah really don't care about Aoun. They used his seats to advance their agenda in exchange for small under-the-table deals. But when push came to shove, Hezbollah sat back and let Aoun drown in this pool we call the presidential "election" sweepstakes, which is really an appointment. If Hezbollah really cared about Aoun, they would propose him as a candidate, rather than sit silent. Because Hezbollah have big mouths, I mean they only denounced the president.

Thumb nickjames 14:10 ,2014 تموز 23

Binary you're really stupid. My friend was an Aouneh and he woke up one day and realised that the general wasn't the same anymore. You need to wake up. Stop defending this lunatic. It's the Christians like you who keep Christians divided. Stupid statements like Hezbollah are pro-Lebanon go buy some meds

Thumb Tony.Farris 19:13 ,2014 تموز 23

@Flamefan is not christian, he's unknown scumbag...

Thumb nickjames 14:11 ,2014 تموز 23

And are you ever gonna explain your use of the word binary, or do you prefer to keep pretending like I don't exist on this forum

Thumb nickjames 14:14 ,2014 تموز 23

And I'm not 14 March. They're all corrupt Binary. I can argue without following a party

Thumb nickjames 14:32 ,2014 تموز 23

Oh that's right my comment got deleted, because I'm right about what I said. And I'm gonna say it again because I'm full of myself: you're smoking meth Binary. Hezbollah is a statelet, they took the state to war, they took over the streets of Beirut, they demanded veto power, they "agree" to stay out of foreign conflict yet they're still participating in a foreign conflict. And there you are saying "Hezbollah are pro-Lebanon." God have mercy on your soul Binary.

Thumb nickjames 18:03 ,2014 تموز 23

Hey imagine I think Flamethrower can (or could as he already passed up the chance) speak for himself. And binary does not mean black and white

Missing imagine_1979 18:29 ,2014 تموز 23

Binary not like binary code or 0 or 1?.,,

Thumb cedre 14:39 ,2014 تموز 23

M14 and Mustaqbal are responsible of this defection. By not defending lebanese sunnis, they open the door to the extremes. This is a well-known political phenomenon. Same way marginalisation of lebanese shias pushed them into the iranian militia's arms.
Like Pope Paul VI said, if you want peace work for justice...

Thumb cedre 18:39 ,2014 تموز 23

1- i expect Future to at least denounce HizbIran sectarian checkpoints, lawlessness, attacks on sunnis and their mosques, Hizbos control of the army intelligence, detention without trials for years of sunnis, wrongful arrests, etc...

2- u cant compare with christians, they're not victims of hizb in lebanon and syria, sunnis are. And believe me, christians are armed...

Missing imagine_1979 19:41 ,2014 تموز 23

Cedre how many christian political figures were assassinated since 2005?
We are all in the same fight here, not fir christianity, sunnism or chiisme (salman was chiite and killed buy hezbos) but for the rught to jave a sovereign state and to live as equal and not under the influence of a sectarian millicia (now a shiite one but would it be christian, druze, suni.. Would hv been the same...
So no not sunnis christian chiite.. Unified front, our leaders nd free politicians were proning the same cause and we'll continu the path all together..

Missing imagine_1979 19:43 ,2014 تموز 23

This said yes hariri should have never accepted any political deal, they are slowely taking over the contry so let them do what ever gov they want and rule alone like they greattely did with very secular mikati and donnot give any kind of political cover
Anyway that's my opinion

Thumb smarty 01:17 ,2014 تموز 24

1 sunni, 1 christian, 1 sunni, 1 christian and so on. we're all targets.

Thumb nickjames 14:39 ,2014 تموز 23

And what about all the political assassinations, Binary? You really think Israel blew up Hariri, Sami Gemayel (anti-Hezbollah), Mohammad Shatah (Hariri's aide), two intelligence officers involved in the investigation of Hariri's assassination (Eid and Hassan). And the list goes on and on. What do you say to that? The intelligence officers are framing Hezbollah? Or it'd be even funnier if you say these people were against the state and Hezbollah had the right to kill them

Thumb nickjames 14:42 ,2014 تموز 23

You choose a party and follow it blindly. You ignore and distort facts, and you try to portray Michel Aoun as a saint. Then you say "well Aoun had to pick a side, and he picked Hezbollah instead of Hariri." Wrong answer, he was a general (at least he was until he fled to France). And if this man had any honour, he would have picked neither side even if it meant his death.

Thumb galaxy 14:48 ,2014 تموز 23

I thought 90% of shiaa already defected to HA and doing their iranian style jihad in syria...

Missing -karim. 15:59 ,2014 تموز 23

Good riddance. A jihadist terrorist can never be trusted.

Thumb nickjames 18:52 ,2014 تموز 23

Your argument, Binary, was a stupid statement that said "Hezbollah is pro-Lebanon." Aoun is no candidate? How do you figure? Is it not the Change and Reform bloc who's boycotting the Parliament? Is it not the FPM who is rejecting all candidates not named Michel Naim Aoun? Is it not Aoun who said to Hariri he can ensure his safety if he (Aoun) was made president, and that Hariri can return as PM? I don't give a crap about M14, you're trying to deviate from the fact that Aoun has single-handedly put this country in a standstill.

Thumb nickjames 18:56 ,2014 تموز 23

Also how do you figure he would win if a referendum is made? Do you truly believe Aoun represents would win more than 50% of Christian votes? (not to mention 50% of the Sunni votes). This has nothing to do with how many votes Geagea or Harb would get. I'm focusing on Aoun, and you know damn well given his naive pro-Hezbollah policies he does not represent any majority whatsoever.

Thumb Tony.Farris 19:15 ,2014 تموز 23

Low life like you need not to explain him self FlameFan.

Thumb nickjames 19:44 ,2014 تموز 23

Yes you do make people look stupid, by calling them typical M14ers, among many other demeaning names. And I'm smarter than you whether you accept it or not. You're backward-minded who blindly follows a party and the further you try arguing with me the more pathetic your reasoning becomes.

Default-user-icon Potus_Humus (ضيف) 20:40 ,2014 تموز 23

I would like to see him after his five minutes of fame are up and he finds himself living between these unwashed filthy creatures..

Default-user-icon Qassem (ضيف) 21:01 ,2014 تموز 23

He left to go fight Hezbollah in Syria just like Hassan Nasrallah suggested he does.

Default-user-icon rabih (ضيف) 22:20 ,2014 تموز 23

he looks a retard

Default-user-icon Rozalio Jikabul (ضيف) 23:16 ,2014 تموز 23

Congratulations to March 14. You now have a new member, a lunatic addition and a fierce fighter, too. He should keep GabbyMarch14 close company. MABROUK

Thumb kanaandian 01:12 ,2014 تموز 24

if he cares about ahul al sunnah so much, why doesn't he join hamas in gaza where the israelis just killed about 700 sunni muslims? lol? whats up with the sunni muslim and their sectarian warfare, hell bent on killing shias? i don't get it.

Thumb cedre 03:29 ,2014 تموز 24

maybe coz qalamoun is closer, maybe coz gaza is under blockade, maybe coz he knows he cant defeat f15 and merkava but can easily kill few members of the iranian militias...

Thumb cedre 04:14 ,2014 تموز 24

did anybody ask u to identify him or u're just trying to be funny ?

Thumb cedre 03:27 ,2014 تموز 24

idiot golani, instead of saying BS, go and read a bit.
U should know that ISIS sees alnusra and joulani as murtadeen and fights them...