روسيا تفرض "حظرا كاملا" على استيراد معظم المنتجات الغذائية من اوروبا والولايات المتحدة

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فرضت روسيا "حظرا كاملا" على معظم المنتجات الغذائية المستوردة من دول اوروبية والولايات المتحدة ردا على العقوبات الغربية بحقها كما اعلن رئيس الوزراء الروسي ديمتري مدفيديف الخميس.

كما هدد بمنع شركات طيران من التحليق فوق الاراضي الروسية اثناء قيامها برحلات بين اوروبا وآسيا عبر سيبيريا وهي الطريق الاقصر، ردا على العقوبات الغربية.

والحظر على المنتجات الغذائية يشمل لحوم البقر والخنزير والدواجن والاسماك والاجبان والحليب والخضار والفاكهة المستوردة من الولايات المتحدة والاتحاد الاوروبي واستراليا وكندا والنروج.

وقال مدفيديف في مقابلة متلفزة ان منع استيراد منتجات غذائية يمكن ان يرفع "اذا اعتمد شركاؤنا موقفا بناء".

واضاف "كل هذه الاجراءات ليست سوى رد (على العقوبات الغربية). لم نكن نريد مثل هذا التطور في الوضع. ليس هناك اي شيء ايجابي في العقوبات".

وتابع مدفيديف "آمل بصدق ان تتغلب البراغماتية الاقتصادية على الاعتبارات السياسية السخيفة لدى شركائنا والا يفكروا في عزل او اخافة روسيا".

من جانب اخر، هدد مدفيديف باغلاق المجال الجوي الروسي امام شركات طيران تقوم برحلات بين اوروبا واسيا عبر سيبيريا.

واغلاق المجال الجوي امام هذه الخطوط سيكلف شركات الطيران اموالا اضافية لدفع تكاليف الوقود هو "اجراء خطير" ويعتبر ردا على وقف انشطة اكبر شركة طيران روسية باسعار مخفضة "دوبروليت" بسبب العقوبات الغربية.

كما سيكلف ايضا ابرز شركة طيران روسية "ايروفلوت" خسائر لانها تتقاضى ايضا ما قيمته 250-300 مليون دولار لقاء حقوق المرور.

وقال مدفيديف "بالتاكيد، انه اجراء خطر، يجب ان نفكر فيه".

التعليقات 22
Missing greatpierro 12:34 ,2014 آب 07

are you a supporter of russia? It seems that dictators are particularly attractive to your senile mind.

Thumb FlameCatcher 13:22 ,2014 آب 07

FT, do you support all terrorist governments ? Russian, Iranian, Syrian ...

Happy about them shooting down an airplane or do you have an excuse for that too ? Maybe the shooter mistaked the airplane for a US bomber or was blinded by the sun ?

Putin should face the same fate as Assad, death by public slapping from his entire population ! The idiots that support them should be hanged !

There is no possible excuse for supporting dictators and no difference between them and the terrorists you complain about !

Thumb Maxx 12:35 ,2014 آب 07

...And bye-bye middle-class Russian folks' money.

Thumb ex-fpm 12:42 ,2014 آب 07

exactly, more damaging to the Russians than anything else.

Missing imperatrice 12:51 ,2014 آب 07

national stupidity at its best!

Missing imperatrice 12:54 ,2014 آب 07

FT do tell us what exactly do u look for in leaders? freedom of will, expression and thought don't seem to matter to u
democratic governance, the same
what ideals/leadership qualities do u value bc at the end of the day it will tell us about your own values

Thumb EagleDawn 13:55 ,2014 آب 07

he has no values why ask

Default-user-icon AbuLiban (ضيف) 18:25 ,2014 آب 07

FT PLEASE, with all due respect towards all your opinions, do not post on stories that do not concern you and you have no idea bout. Stick to Lebanese politics.

Default-user-icon FTyourajoke (ضيف) 20:05 ,2014 آب 07

FT Quotes of the Day:
"You can Publish anything in Russia and China" OMG LMFAOOOOOOOOO
"Tim Tebow in the US lost his career because he used to pray before hitting the court"
"West is becoming a Communist cesspool"

Thumb Mystic 13:49 ,2014 آب 07

Bravo Russia

Thumb jabal10452 15:17 ,2014 آب 07

I think Russia just shot itself in the foot and Putin painted himself in a corner. An already slowing Russian economy is going to be hit by inflation due to food shortages. Putin is still riding on a wave of patriotism, but sooner or later he will have to show his people something tangible for all is bravado. Sooner or later the Russian citizen will wonder why is it getting more difficult to make ends meet, and why it is getting harder to travel abroad like so many have come to take for granted.
If Putin backs down on Ukraine, he will be seen as weak by his people. If he doesn't, and I think he won't, Russian will gallop back to Soviet times: isolated and decrepit.

Thumb jabal10452 15:42 ,2014 آب 07

Sure America's balance sheet is in a bad shape, with debt at 104% do GDP, Compared to Russia's which is around 13%. But the US economy is pulling out of recession, albeit at snail pace. This has a lot to do with America's diversified economy and aggressive monetary policy. Plus the Fed is independent, which helps a lot. America's debt was much hire at the end of WW2 was much higher, and it pulled out of it. Russia is better off now, but it's economy is based on one thing: oil / gas exports. It has it's eggs in one basket and has failed to invest its oil and gas windfalls into diversifying its portfolio like Norway has done, for instance. Russia's economy is not as robust as you think, FT.

Thumb jabal10452 15:52 ,2014 آب 07

Sorry about the jumbled up post. iPad...

Thumb jabal10452 16:47 ,2014 آب 07

It is, albeit slowly. Unemployment is down, consumer debt is down, business confidence is up and interest rate remain at a historical low with no apparent inflationary effects.

Thumb jabal10452 17:31 ,2014 آب 07

Crossing the line into blindness is exactly what happened in 2000. Remember Greenspan's famous warning about "irrational exuberance"? No one heeded that warning. Next thing you know the world had to deal with the dot com bust. Let's hope that markets learned their lessons.

Missing imperatrice 14:32 ,2014 آب 07

I value liberalism, secularism, feminism, LGBT, open borders, global village and equality with PRIDE
you on the other hand, should move to IRAN, they value all your ideals:
family/ a family member can stone to death or kill other family members if they doubt their chastity (alla la yjarbak)
order/ of course, they have an army commanded by Gods representatives to maintain it
hierarchy/leadership, ohhhhh here they do wonders, the Representative of GOD himself says who gets to run for elections
tradition, on that we all enjoy tabboule
as for heritage, you should never side with as system that destroys it

watch out, feminist liberals can bite nowadays!
where do u live by the way?

Missing imperatrice 15:48 ,2014 آب 07

"vivre libre ou mourir"
yet you live in the grey zone in between

Default-user-icon nothing (ضيف) 16:00 ,2014 آب 07

Before makes any "un rational" comments, think twice. Remember, that your own parents, grandparents have been benefiting from the system that you are so proudly washing with negative illusions. Russians owning half of the world in geography, financially bought the other part of the world. Who will loose , the EU peninsula, size of Crimea , LOL. Guess why suddenly most of Tourist companies in Russia claimed bankruptcy? to push people not to travel and spend BIG $$$$$$$ somewhere in the wild Europe.
Enjoy, read more books and think twice.

Thumb Kompromat 16:07 ,2014 آب 07

the_roar I did not talk about winners or losers I just reported what the Russians who stood in lines for their monthly handful of rice, sugar, flour or meat were told, many of them went home before they got anything because the stores ran out of stuff but that's not important I guess..

Please read it again slowly this time and you will find that my comment was just an observation nothing more. If you are one of the uneducated & the unwashed you talked about please find someone, preferably educated & washed, to read and explain the difference for you or else think before you blurt more BS

Thumb liberty 17:05 ,2014 آب 07

Before leaving for work, I read 3 articles on naharnet and flamethrower posted 50 comments on those articles.

Thumb ice-man 17:50 ,2014 آب 07

hello @leb_roar: any updates to your your refugee status? I hope all is well.... I care

Thumb ice-man 17:52 ,2014 آب 07

do you like Moscow, Southern?