ثوار ترهونة في ليبيا: العثور على جثث يشتبه بأن إحداها تعود للإمام الصدر

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نقل مراسل تلفزيون "الحرة" عن اللجنة الإعلامية لثوار ترهونة في ليبيا، أنه تم العثور على جثة يشتبه في انها للإمام موسى الصدر ضمن مجموعة من الجثث.

واشارت صحيفة "القبس" الكويتية الى ان الخبر العاجل الذي بثته "الحرة" حول العثور على 3715 جثة في ثلاجة في ليبيا، بينها جثة مؤسس المجلس الاسلامي الشيعي الاعلى السيد موسى الصدر، هزّ الاوساط السياسية والشعبية في لبنان، فيما اجريت اتصالات عاجلة لمعرفة مدى دقة الخبر، وبالتالي ارسال بعثة رسمية لبنانية الى طرابلس لمواكبة الموضوع.

وشوهد الصدر للمرة الاخيرة في 31 آب 1978 في ليبيا التي كان يزورها بدعوة من القذافي يرافقه الشيخ محمد يعقوب والصحافي عباس بدر الدين. وتقول السلطات الليبية ان الثلاثة غادروا طرابلس متوجهين الى ايطاليا.

الا ان النيابة العامة الايطالية اعلنت بعد انتهاء تحقيقها في 1981 ان الصدر ورفيقيه لم يدخلوا ايطاليا وان اشخاصا انتحلوا اسماءهم وهوياتهم. وفي 2004، عثر على جوازي سفر الصدر ويعقوب في احد فنادق روما.

في آب 2008، اصدر القضاء اللبناني مذكرات توقيف في حق القذافي وعدد من معاونيه بتهمة "خطف" الصدر ورفيقيه.

وجاء في القرار الاتهامي في حينه ان الصدر كان معارضا للحرب الاهلية في لبنان (1975-1990)، بينما كان القذافي يعمل على تأجيج العنف فيه، ما ولد توترا بينهما.

التعليقات 16
Default-user-icon LebaneseSouth (ضيف) 17:29 ,2011 أيلول 10

Sadr was an Iranian born agent who had his own agenda which eventually led to the creation of Hizbullah. He is no Saint as they make him out to be. He was the founder of the Amal militia of thugs, and was an early pioneer of eroding the state and its institutions. The situation we are in today is largely thanks to his efforts.

Missing startrip 17:38 ,2011 أيلول 10

The murder of Imam Sadr dealt a blow to the Shiaa community in more ways than one. It weakened the moderates and helped create the monster of Hezbollah.

Default-user-icon Voyager (ضيف) 19:09 ,2011 أيلول 10

It is a farce that Israeli occupation created Hizbullah..... Israel withdrew from all occupied Lebanese land unilaterally and without conditions. Yet, Hizbullah continues to exist and has expanded to control every aspect of Lebanese life and society. For those who tend to forget, Nassrallah linked his party's continued possession of illegal arms to the eventual destruction of Israel and to the Liberation of Palestine.... something that will never happen in the mind of any reasonable person.

Default-user-icon mazen (ضيف) 21:06 ,2011 أيلول 10

Hezbollah was created by the Iranian revolutionary guards under Khomeini's orders when they lured some members of Amal with money or ideology away to form a more fanatical fundamentalist Islamic group under the direct control of the ayatollah, that's not a secret. A second thing that is not a secret is that Imam Sadr belonged to a branch of Shiism diametrically opposed to the Ayatollah's dogma since the latter was still in exile in Paris. A third thing that is not a secret and that's Imam Sadr fate was decided by the same person that ordered the murder of Kamal Jumblat using his ally Qaddafi.

Thumb ithinkthere14iam 23:51 ,2011 أيلول 10

I dont believe this until i see it

Default-user-icon Lebanese in Sweden (ضيف) 23:52 ,2011 أيلول 10

I admire the tenacity of the Shiites in their search for the killers of Mousa al Sadr. I surely hope that they get closure.
Yet they should be the first to understnd other Lebanese who want the same justice.
I do hope the Shiites stop letting Hizballah from bing their exclusive representative. And that they as other Lebanese do all they can to catch the killers of the others who were murdered, even if the killers could be from their own ranks.

Default-user-icon hassankhalil (ضيف) 05:47 ,2011 أيلول 11

just for your knowledge , Imam Mousa Sadr is from city Tyre , he was born in iran to a lebanese family .http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Musa_al-Sadr

Pierre Amine Gemayel, ur historic leader was born in city of mansourah , Egypt does that make him egyption.

the point is , you always seek to amaze me with your lack of knowledge and your vast imagination , u imagine events and victories . The result of Imam Mousa Sadr teachings and the path he set for us led to to our great political leader Nabih Berri , who is recognized as the smartest political leader in lebanon in our time and also led to Sayed Hasan Nasrallah as the strongest military leader in lebanon since independance till our day. So the realty is the thought of Hizbullah simply scares the shit out of you, in other words it makes you pee in ur pants . Frankly speaking stop crying and whining and asking everyone to help you against us.

who wants power should seek power and not cry like little girls asking for some power .

Thumb shab 06:55 ,2011 أيلول 11

That's a damn big freezer !

Thumb canaanite 08:27 ,2011 أيلول 11

Great!... now unfreeze him so that he can replace the corrupt Shia politicians in Lebanon today and give an alternative voice to the moderate Shia!

Default-user-icon The Truth (ضيف) 09:17 ,2011 أيلول 11

They kept his body in the freezer for over 35 years? that makes no sense at all. This is a BS story.

Default-user-icon The Truth (ضيف) 09:20 ,2011 أيلول 11

They kept his body in the freezer for over 35 years? that makes no sense at all. This is a BS story.

Thumb chad 10:08 ,2011 أيلول 11

For those of you who didnt get it yet,Hizballah are here to stay as long as we have this infuriated bloodthirsty ennemy accross our border.
Just dont mess with us and there wont be any problem.

Missing th21 10:37 ,2011 أيلول 11


What exactly do you mean by " Dont mess with us" ?

1- Dont share your opinion or we will brand you traitors?
2- Dont enforce the LAW on us because we dont have to?
3- Dont try to make Municipal Beirut a hezbollah free region or else we will take over it and harass and terrorize its citizens?

No Chad, you and your "brothers" have been brainwashed for too long, you're going delusional. You left no more room for reasoning together, so yes, we'll mess with you.

Default-user-icon Citizen-1 (ضيف) 12:29 ,2011 أيلول 11

We are being led to believe that Gaddafi (had he really killed Sadr) kept Sadr's body frozen since the late 70s to be later found and incriminate himself???? hmmmmm......

Default-user-icon Jnoubi Saida (ضيف) 15:59 ,2011 أيلول 11

Voyager, hezballah was created to liberate lebanon from the "israeli" occupation which they succeded in. Lebanon would have been re-occupied yesterday rather than tomorrow had it not been for hezballah. Half of lebanon, especially the south, (if not all of lebanon) is considered by the zionists to belong to "israel". And they need to control it for water and other resources. Your trying to sound civilized but you only end up sounding silly. And at the end yes israel will be defeated, its not a matter of if, its a matter of when but by all means, do continue to believe whatever the white man feeds you. Just remember turkey, they used to do and believe everything the white man told them in order to join EU, and at the end all they got was a big laughter and a NO WAY IN HELL. You will get the same treatment by the white club because your not protestant nor part of the white race and as such your trying to impress them in vain. You will learn just like saddam, mubarak, qaddafi etc learnd.

Default-user-icon EagleDawn (ضيف) 17:32 ,2011 أيلول 11

@ JnubiSaida:

You seem to have a complex called "the white man"..... strange.... are you black?