واشنطن: أوباما يدرس امكانية مشاركة قواته بالقتال في العراق وسنستهدف معاقل داعش في سوريا

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قال رئيس هيئة الاركان الاميركية المشتركة الجنرال مارتن ديمبسي الثلاثاء ان الرئيس الاميركي باراك اوباما سيدرس ارسال مستشارين عسكريين اميركيين الى جبهات القتال في العراق "بحسب كل حالة".

وصرح الجنرال ديمبسي امام لجنة القوات المسلحة في مجلس الشيوخ ان اوباما "ابلغني بالعودة اليه بحسب كل حالة"، مضيفا ان المعارك المستقبلية في العراق قد تتطلب وجود قوات اميركية على الارض للمساعدة في توجيه الضربات الجوية الاميركية لقوات المسلحين في تنظيم الدولة الاسلامية المتطرف.

من جهته اعلن وزير الدفاع الاميركي تشاك هيغل الثلاثاء امام مجلس الشيوخ ان الضربات الجوية التي تنوي الولايات المتحدة القيام بها ضد تنظيم الدولة الاىسلامية في سوريا ستستهدف "معاقل" هذا التنظيم.

وقال هيغل ان الضربات الجوية الاميركية ستستهدف "معاقل +الدولة الاسلامية+ في سوريا، وهذا يتضمن مراكزه القيادية وقدراته اللوجستية وبناه التحتية".

التعليقات 7
Thumb lebanon_first 18:31 ,2014 أيلول 16

stop giving threats and tonzir. Get on with the strikes already

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 18:48 ,2014 أيلول 16

how about all the blood on the hands of the SAA over their entire existence up until this very second? not good enough? too bad! I hope they obliterate them!!!!! it is time these low lives get a taste of their own medicine and what they did to Lebanon and the Lebanese people for so long.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 20:26 ,2014 أيلول 16

speaking from experience? were you even born at that time? Claoun was the idiot that decided to LF were to be disarmed during the middle of a civil while everyone else was still armed. What a genius you worship! also, do you mind elaborating how you think you can ask me to make up my mind while your God supposedly was the only hero that fought them and now is in bed with them? where are our troops? your parroted blank statement you genius love to make is " they left Lebanon so now we should be friends" where they ever held accountable for their crimes? do you think they should be held accountable? how about all the murders prior to them getting kicked out by the seat of their pants? how about them sending michele samaha to start a new civil war? do you need to keep going? look in the mirror and ask yourself your own questions first!

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 20:37 ,2014 أيلول 16

yes flamer- because common sense tells you that the syrian regime has Lebanon's best interest at heart and only wants the best for us. They have not continually hurt us in the worst way possible and continue to do so. they have taken responsibility for what they have done and have vowed to work with us and respect as a sovereign nation. Is that the common sense you are referring to? As for the feelings aspect of this, if you don't have those feelings than you are no true Lebanese! As hard as you try to belittle them, they are the core of my Lebanese blood and will always be proud to have them. It's what makes me human which a lot more then can ever be said about you!

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 20:38 ,2014 أيلول 16


Thumb LEBhasNOhope 21:59 ,2014 أيلول 16

man you must be desperate! The US is bombing ISIS as we speak and the only way you can protect that low life bashar is by claiming that bombing him would allow ISIS to enter Lebanon! The only reason you want bashar to survive is you know for a fact that his demise would mean Claoun's demise and you will sacrifice everything to make sure he remains in power. I hope they obliterate that scum bag and your Claoun lives to be 100. That way the low life can see 4 more presidents elected before his very eyes and he cries after each one of them.

Thumb Tony.Farris 00:26 ,2014 أيلول 17

Who care about this rag-tag army SAA!