سليمان أبرق الى وباما في ذكرى 11 أيلول: لبنان يدين بشدة كل أشكال الارهاب

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دان رئيس الجمهورية العماد ميشال سليمان كل أشكال الإرهاب "الذي هو نقيض الروح الإنسانية"، مؤكدا أن اللغة الإنسانية التي يجب أن تسود هي لغة الحوار من أجل تحقيق العدالة والحق .

وقال سليمان في برقية وجهها الى نظيره الأميركي باراك أوباما في مناسبة ذكرى 11 أيلول: "في وقت تحيي بلادكم الصديقة الذكرى العاشرة لاعتداءات 11 أيلول الارهابية التي حصدت أرواح آلاف المواطنين الابرياء، انضم اليكم باسمي الشخصي وباسم الشعب اللبناني لأشاطركم ألم هذه الذكرى".

وشدد سليمان على أن " لبنان الذي كان ضحية العنف لسنوات طويلة، يدين بشدة كل أشكال الارهاب الذي هو نقيض الروح الانسانية، مشاركا العالم إلتزام محاربته".

كما أكد أن "لغة الانسانية التي يجب أن تسود هي لغة الحوار وبناء الجسور، من أجل عالم جديد ركيزته السلام والعدالة والحق لخير الجميع".

وخلص سليمان الى القول: "أرجو قبول تعازي الحارة لكم ولذوي الضحايا خصوصا وأبناء الشعب الاميركي عموما، متطلعا معكم الى غد أكثر اشراقا وانصافا وعدالة".

التعليقات 8
Thumb shab 15:06 ,2011 أيلول 12

But you salute illegal weapon of the filthy non-Islamic militia May 08

Default-user-icon Truth (ضيف) 15:13 ,2011 أيلول 12

Lebanon has fallen prey, for the time being at least, to terrorrists who have been murdering their fellow politicians as a matter of routine. So, all those publix statements, are worthless! You proove you are against terror, when you forcibly , throw the suspected criminals, and deport them to La Hague! Deeds not words Mr President.Lebanon has a credibility close to epsilon in International circles!

Default-user-icon marie (ضيف) 15:49 ,2011 أيلول 12

talk is cheap, let us see you act and disarm your illegal friends army and all the terrorist around you, and yeh stop making phone calls to your terrorist friend bashar!

Default-user-icon jabal amel (ضيف) 16:35 ,2011 أيلول 12

you mean glorious resistance that cleaned your agents in may 7?

Default-user-icon Franco Dgionardi (ضيف) 17:25 ,2011 أيلول 12

Suleiman's Lebanon condemns all forms of terrorism. And this is why Khaled al Daher and his brothers in Hariri's Al Qaeda - Akkar and Tripoli Brigades are on the loose, helping their jailed brothers escape from prison while the others are "officially" being released to join the cause, that of killing Lebanese soldiers and poor people from other sects. How much stronger a commitment to fight terrorism can our president, God bless him, make?

Default-user-icon Muhamad (ضيف) 17:59 ,2011 أيلول 12

This is Anti-Lebanese policy promoted by the US, 100,000 Lebanese died in the regional conflict created by the US and their allies. This is a complete political salvery and political privelage for some states, who are helping the International terrorism to grow and become a threat to the entire region.
Lebanese and Lebanon have been used as a front line for their conflict.
Mr. president why dont you require in the name of Lebanese people from UN to allow you deport back to Israel the Palestinian terrorists and criminals, where they came from, while the US born children unconstitutionally from Lebanese parents deported or blocked from returning to US.

Default-user-icon Michel Mokarzel (ضيف) 22:09 ,2011 أيلول 12

Muhamad, you have made it clear that you are maronite in several posts so obviously your not ashamed of it so why then do you use the muslim name muhamad when you post?

Default-user-icon Wake Up Orange (ضيف) 22:39 ,2011 أيلول 12

hahahah doesn't he feel ridiculous and lack credibility when he says to Obama that Lebanon is fighting terrorism when the government is sponsored by a party that is on the list of world terrorism? Our politicians need a serious Political training