عسيري يحذر من المواقف التي "لا تخدم المصلحة الوطنية"

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دعا السفير السعودي علي عواض عسيري، الاطراف اللبنانية الى "تجنب اتخاذ مواقف لا تخدم المصلحة الوطنية"، معتبراً ان الجيش هو عامل استقرار للبنان.

واثر لقائه رئيس مجلس الوزراء تمام سلام في السراي الاربعاء، أثنى عسيري على "وقوف القوى السياسية الى جانب الجيش اللبناني ومؤازرتها له بالموقف والكلمة".

ولفت الى ان الجيش هو "عامل اطمئنان واستقرار لفئات المواطنين كافة".

ودعا عسيري كل اﻷطراف الى "تغليب العقل وعدم استجلاب المشاكل من الدول المجاورة للبنان وتجنب اتخاذ مواقف لا تخدم المصلحة الوطنية".

وأفادت اذاعة "صوت لبنان" (93.3) ان سلام تسلّم رسالة تفيد أن السعودية تعتزم تخصيص 15 مليون دولار للمساهمة في إعمار مخيم نهر البارد.

الى ذلك، زار عسيري، الصيفي حيث التقى رئيس "حزب الكتائب اللبنانية" امين الجميل، واعلن انه تم عرض "التطورات مع الرئيس الجميل والمملكة حريصة على استقرار لبنان، والتواصل مع القيادات السياسية واجب علينا وينطلق من حرص المملكة على تبادل الآراء لمعالجة هذه الأمور بحكمة ورؤية".

يُذكر ان الامين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصرالله اعتبر الاثنين ان السعودية تتحمل المسؤولية الاكبر في محاربة فكر تنظيم الدولة الاسلامية المتطرف، مشيرا الى ان التحالف العسكري لا يكفي للقضاء على هذا التنظيم الجهادي.

التعليقات 17
Missing --karim. 14:48 ,2014 تشرين الأول 29

The kingdom of terrorism is responsible in the first place for all the unrest, tension, and terrorism in Lebanon. This terrorist ambassador should be arrested for espionage and the promotion of terrorism, and war should be declared on the kingdom of terrorism.

Missing helicopter 15:00 ,2014 تشرين الأول 29

The PFLP armed Palestinians are not armed by KSA but by Bachar Assad.
HA is armed by Iran. So KSA might be responsible for the extremist Sunni but all of the above are source of terrorism and insatability for Lebanon. They all have attacked our LAF and killed our soldiers at one point or another.

Missing imagine_1979 15:41 ,2014 تشرين الأول 29

No helicopter, ksa armed fplp general comand, ksa sent us chaker el absi, ksa sent bombs with smaha, blew tripoli mosqs, assassinated hachem salman..., u know same the same way israel assassinated hariri,hawi,kassir... It is only logic man how can't u see it???
U are blaming the very modern, secular, democratic islamic republic of iran man? U are so brainwashed, u should read more objective sources, u know sana/al manar/otv....
Anyway have a good day man

Default-user-icon karim--. (ضيف) 15:30 ,2014 تشرين الأول 29

Down with the iranian funded sectarian militia and its regional and local sponsors. God bless the Lebanese army

Missing imagine_1979 15:36 ,2014 تشرين الأول 29

The great secular islamic republic of iran and very modern suprem
Leader ayatollah is doing such a wonderful job spreading democracy, modernism, intelctual achievement all around our region...

Go have some chupachups karim

Thumb -phoenix1 15:47 ,2014 تشرين الأول 29

I agree with you Karim, but Iran is also deep in it, right up to the neck.

Missing helicopter 15:01 ,2014 تشرين الأول 29

Later on Wednesday, Voice of Lebanon radio (93.3) reported that Asiri delivered a letter to Salam expressing his country's desire to grant the state 15 million dollars to rebuild the northern Palestinian refugee camp of Nahr al-Bared, which was leveled in 2007..........
15 Million is not even the price of 100,000 meters of land.
I would rather give KSA $150 Million and have them build the camp in Jedda.
Thanks KSA but no thanks

Thumb -phoenix1 15:49 ,2014 تشرين الأول 29

Excellent post Chopper, this is exactly the spirit of it all, since the Saudis love them Palestinians so much, let them take them and build for them everything these people want, but in Saudi and well away from our lands. fed up with liars. Good post man.

Thumb al.finique 15:52 ,2014 تشرين الأول 29

Excellent comment bro. I totally agree with you on this one bro. Good post man

Default-user-icon laba laba laba laba (ضيف) 18:17 ,2014 تشرين الأول 29

Only +1 from you? that's very conservative on your part since you normally give +30

Missing imagine_1979 15:43 ,2014 تشرين الأول 29

Indeed, how about making camps, with UN/LAF to ensure security, make sure no arms in, make sure who enters and leave, give shelter to refugiers so they donnot become cheap mercenaries?....
Any other ideas?...

Thumb _mowaten_ 16:04 ,2014 تشرين الأول 29

the saudi ambassador is not happy that the army is hitting his mercenaries in tripoli.
what with the 3bn$ aid to the army by the way? we went through all the terbih jmileh for a year, now are we going to see the actual weapons or shall we wait another year?

Default-user-icon geha (ضيف) 18:12 ,2014 تشرين الأول 29

mowaten, you sound like an immature kid completely disconnected from reality, just trying to build some silly rationale based on bits & pieces of propaganda and lies.

Default-user-icon cityboy (ضيف) 18:16 ,2014 تشرين الأول 29

You beat me to it mowaten. I was thinking the same thing, exactly the same! Where are those $3bn and where are those weapons? We are so so similar: we are both narcissists, both shia extremists who pretend to be moderates, both have an inferiority complex, both pretend to be secular, and both have multiple accounts. I just hope readers don't think we are the same poster.

Default-user-icon elie (ضيف) 18:24 ,2014 تشرين الأول 29

before you ask the whereabouts of the saudi grant, it would be advisable to ask your employer the hezb of terrorism if they would be kind and patriotic enough to give the LAF some of their weapons to say the least. You should call yourself mowaten of Persia and take down that flag.... it is sacred.

Thumb _mowaten_ 18:58 ,2014 تشرين الأول 29

terrorist: More slander against the Lebanese Army, but it's neither surprising nor meaningful coming from a takfiri supporter.

On a side note, i'm glad to see you remember the name of General Chamel Rukoz, and may you never forget it.

Thumb Mystic 16:58 ,2014 تشرين الأول 29

Desperation can clearly be seen amongst the Saudis, their grip of influence in Lebanon is shaking.

How about those 3 billions that never reached the LAF? They never came, because they used those billions to arm takfiris around the world.