إحراق عشر كنائس في النيجر احتجاجا على رسوم شارلي ايبدو

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أحرقت عشر كنائس السبت في نيامي بايدي متظاهرين كانوا يحتجون على رسم كاريكاتوري للنبي محمد نشرته اسبوعية شارلي ايبدو الفرنسية الساخرة، ولم يعد الهدوء الى عاصمة النيجر الا خلال ساعات المساء الاولى.

واضافة الى العاصمة نيامي توسعت التظاهرات لتشمل ايضا مدينة مارادي الواقعة بين نيامي والمدينة الثانية في البلاد زيندر التي شهدت تظاهرات الجمعة ادت الى مقتل اربعة اشخاص واصابة 45 اخرين بجروح.

وافاد مصدر امني مساء السبت ان 255 مسيحيا لجأوا الى ثكنة عسكرية في زيندر (جنوب) كما اختبأ نحو 70 شخصا في كنيسة انجيلية بحماية نحو مئة عنصر من الشرطة خوفا من اعمال الشغب، حسب ما افاد اثنان منهم وكالة فرانس برس.

واعلنت فرنسا "ادانتها للجوء الى العنف اليوم في نيامي والبارحة في زيندر" كما اعلن وزير الخارجية لوران فابيوس في بيان حرص فيه على "الاعراب عن تضامنه مع سلطات النيجر".

وعاد الهدوء الى العاصمة نيامي مع ساعات المساء الاولى.

ونحو الساعة 19،00 (18،00 ت غ) كانت سيارات الشرطة لا تزال متمركزة امام كاتدرائية العاصمة وامام كنائس اخرى على الضفة اليسرى لنهر النيجر الذي يعبر العاصمة.

كما عاد الهدوء الى الضفة اليمني ايضا بعد ان كان المتظاهرون احرقوا كنيستين في هذه المنطقة.

ونتيجة هذا الفلتان اصدر نحو عشرين من العلماء المسلمين في البلاد نداء دعوا فيه السكان الى الهدوء.

وقال الداعية ياو سونا عبر التلفزيون الرسمي موجها كلامه الى المتظاهرين "لا تنسوا ان الاسلام لا يرضى بالعنف. ادعو الرجال والنساء الى الهدوء. ان الاسلام لا يقبل اعمال التخريب".

كما قال شيخ آخر "ادعو الشبان الذين يتحركون بدافع الحمية الاسلامية الى وقف اعمال العنف هذه التي تصيبنا جميعا".

واحصى مراسل فرانس برس في نيامي ثماني كنائس محروقة غالبيتها انجيلية على الضفة اليسرى لنهر النيجر، واثنتين على الضفة اليمنى.

كما تم تخريب العديد من الحانات والفنادق ومتاجر بيع مشروبات واغذية يملكها غير المسلمين او اي مقار تحمل علامة تدل انها لشركات فرنسية.

واوضح مسؤول امني ان ست مجموعات تضم الواحدة ما بين 200 و300 شخص عملت على زرع الفوضى في نيامي. وحمل المتظاهرون هراوات وقضبانا حديدية.

وحوالى الظهر تجمع نحو الف شخص قرب الجامع الكبير في نيامي رغم حظر السلطات، وهم يهتفون "لتسقط فرنسا، لتسقط شارلي ايبدو".

وعمل عشرات العناصر من شرطة مكافحة الشغب على تفريق المتظاهرين بالقنابل المسيلة للدموع.

وقال احد المتظاهرين بغضب "سنكسر كل شيء. نحن ندافع عن نبينا الاكرم، وسنفديه بدمائنا".

وتوسعت اعمال العنف بعد ذلك لتشمل احياء عدة في وسط العاصمة وخاصة حول الكاتدرائية، حيث تجمع نحو مئة عنصر من الشرطة حالوا دون وصول المتظاهرين اليها.

واحرق المتظاهرون مكاتب تابعة لشركات فرنسية، حتى انهم لم يوفروا اكشاكا كانت ترفع اعلانات لشركة اورانج الفرنسية للهواتف المحمولة.

وقال ميكانيكي جنوب افريقي مسيحي تحصن بورشته مع عماله وبقي يراقب من نافذة مغلقة المتظاهرين وهم يخربون كشكا قبالة محله "بعضنا بقي في بيته. لم يسبق ان اعتراني مثل هذا الخوف في حياتي".

واضاف "هنا في العمل اجبرنا على البقاء في ورشتنا. نحن خائفون. يجب ان تنهي الدولة هذا الوضع. الامر لا يبدو جيدا بالنسبة الينا".

وقال كيما صومايلا مدير حانة معروفة في نيامي "منذ ان بدات التظاهرات ناحية المسجد الكبير، شعرنا بان الامر سيتطور. وطلبت من كل العمال العودة الى منازلهم".

وكسر المحتجون باب الحانة و"احرقوا كل شي".

ودعت السفارة الفرنسية في نيامي جميع الفرنسيين الى البقاء حيث هم "وتجنب الخروج"، كما طلب من العاملين في الامم المتحدة الابتعاد عن التجمعات في العاصمة.

ويعيش 1648 فرنسيا في النيجر وهم مسجلون لدى السفارة الفرنسية كمقيمين في هذا البلد.

وحتى مساء السبت لم تكن السلطات قد اعلنت عن وقوع ضحايا خلال هذه الاحداث.

وكان المتظاهرون احرقوا الجمعة المركز الثقافي الفرنسي النيجري في مدينة زيندر كما تم تخريب ثلاث كنائس في هذه المدينة القريبة من شمال نيجيريا.

وردا على اعمال العنف في زيندر حذر وزير الداخلية حسومي مسعود في تصريح صحافي المتظاهرين قائلا "لن نسمح بان تعم الفوضى" في البلاد.

وكان رئيس النيجر محمد يوسفو من بين الرؤساء الافارقة الست الذين شاركوا الاحد الماضي في التظاهرة الضخمة في باريس احتجاجا على الاعتداء الذي استهدف صحيفة شارلي ايبدو.

كما شهدت مدينة مارادي الواقعة بين نيامي وزيندرتظاهرات مناهضة لاسبوعية شارلي ايبدو احرق خلالها محتجون اطارات في تقاطعات الطرق.

وفي اغاديز المدينة الكبيرة شمال النيجر، عاد الهدوء غداة تظاهرات عنيفة الجمعة تم خلالها احراق مقر الحزب الحاكم.

التعليقات 45
Thumb canadianpaul 16:04 ,2015 كانون الثاني 17

L'Islam est une religion de paix, mais on va brûler vos églises, tuer vos enfants et mettre vos femmes en esclavage.

Je suis convaincu.Je me convertis...

Thumb -phoenix1 16:22 ,2015 كانون الثاني 17

Imbeciles, Charlie Hebdo has insulted Christianity even more than Islam, so should we also burn your mosques? It disturbs profoundly to see sdo many idiots living amongst us.

Thumb Mrowwe 17:24 ,2015 كانون الثاني 17

This is what happens. Mosques got attacked in France, the US, europe and so on after a Muslim got blamed for something and who did it? ignorant people. Who burns down churches after christianity gets blamed for Charlie Hebdo (the culprit in this case is secular that people think is christian), ignorant people. My point is, when something happens, ignorants take it out on religious places, this happens all over the world. There is a massive amount of stupidity in the world.

Thumb Mystic 21:22 ,2015 كانون الثاني 17

For once we agree phoenix.

Thumb Mystic 21:22 ,2015 كانون الثاني 17

For once we agree phoenix.

Thumb Mystic 21:29 ,2015 كانون الثاني 17

But phoenix, you can blame all muslims for the hebdo attacks, I am against the cartoons aswell, any blasphemy is not tolerated in my faith, neither on prophet Mohammad pbuh or Jesus A.S, that doesn't mean i wanna kill those people, I let God be the judge for such an act.

Default-user-icon Je Suis the_roar (ضيف) 17:03 ,2015 كانون الثاني 17

As a follower of Khomeini I will forgive & pray for those who insult my Lord, Sayyed Hassan Nassrallah.

Thumb nickjames 17:19 ,2015 كانون الثاني 17

"Je suis Muslim" seriously???? Now that is the biggest insult to the victims.

While yes, Charlie Hebdo makes offensive cartoons, let's not forget that Islam is still a religion that needs to be scrutinised academically. Why is it that all these terrorists are Muslim, be it Daesh in Paris, the Iranian in Australia, Hezbollah and al-Qaeda around the world? I don't see Christians going around and blowing themselves up in the name of God, nor Jews, nor Hindus. Why is it only Muslims carrying out these disgraceful attacks? The scholars need to convene and discuss amending the Quran, that's the only way the new Muslims being born into this world can grow up and live a normal life.

Thumb Mystic 21:40 ,2015 كانون الثاني 17

Je suis muslim nickjames. I condemn the cartoons aswell as the hebdo attacks. Only God can judge, but takfiris have no God so they judge themselves.

Thumb nickjames 23:42 ,2015 كانون الثاني 17

The sign je suis Muslim coincided with an act of arson, the sign had nothing to do with peace. I mean look at the picture, all these 3beed carrying this stupid sign. It's a disgrace, it's offensive to me, it's offensive to the families of the victims at Charlie Hebdo, and don't forget this stupid sign is supporting the burning of churches.

Thumb Mystic 01:53 ,2015 كانون الثاني 18

Je suis muslim, means "i'm a muslim" nickjames it has nothing to do with the arsons. By the way, these cartoonists made money on the blasphemy for many years, with all the takfiris living in France, I'm amazed it didn't happen sooner.

Burning churches is a huge sin indeed, just like burning mosques is. These cartoonists knew what they were risking, and the government wasen't there to protect them, when the fire finally hit them.

I would blame the French governmnet, for supporting takfiris in Libya, Syria and Iraq. The Sarkozy and Hollande governments has only strengthened the takfiris foothold in France.

That is called Karma nickjames, France supported takfiris outside of Europe, and now it hits them at home.

Thumb nickjames 02:48 ,2015 كانون الثاني 18

Mystic, the sign "je suis Muslim" was not seen until these 3beed were carrying around, which oh so happened to be while they were burning eight churches. It was not the Grand Mufti or the imams who came up with this, it was a bunch of thugs burning churches. And because these thugs are the ones who came up with the sign, anyone who says je suis Muslim is supporting what these 3beed did.

Thumb Mrowwe 17:33 ,2015 كانون الثاني 17

Terrorism is to use violence to achieve a political purpose, used by people from all faiths, ideologies and backgrounds. If you think all the terrorists are Muslim then you are a very dishonest person. Islam does not need to be scrutinized as we don't scrutinize what came from God. And yes, je suis Muslim. You might wanna read up on christian, jewish, hindu, buddist and other terrorist acivities by other faiths.

Thumb nickjames 17:42 ,2015 كانون الثاني 17

Je suis Muslim is a direct response to the supporters of the victims (remember innocent people were killed). And the Bible and Torah contain what, one or two references to violence??? Whereas the Quran contains over 100. So don't tell me what to read. And yes, the Quran needs to be analysed because these terrorists are using that very text to justify their killings. Why is that, Hanin? Why don't all of us Christians just use the Bible to burn mosques? And the "terrorist activities by other faiths" in today's world are not committed by faiths, they are committed by nations. They do not attack others screaming Allahu Akbar. The Christians do have a history of violence, but the Crusades were a thousand years ago.

Thumb nickjames 19:13 ,2015 كانون الثاني 17

Okay so the Torah contains the most violence, but do we hear about Jews carrying out attacks in God's name, and calling on Jews around the world to take up jihad? And don't say Israel, they are a nation who kill Palestinians in the name of tyranny and oppression, not the name of God.

Thumb Mrowwe 20:55 ,2015 كانون الثاني 17

Israel does indeed kill in the name of God, how do you expect to be taken seriously when you don't even know that and when you claim all terrorists are Muslims? They even recruit jews from the US and europe who enter their army and settler militias. Independant researchers have found the bible to be much more violent than the Quran. And Have you ever heard about the Lords army? Have you heard about the recent events in CAR and what christians have been up to? The invasion and destruction of Iraq was called crusade by then president george bush and most of their army is christian. It's just that you have narrowed down the term terrorism to be about someone screaming Allahu akbar when that is only one of the forms religious terrorism takes place. My text book in school showed a maronite terrorist militia man during the civil war in lebanon that had the virgin mary painted on his rifle. I can give you so many examples, it's ridiculous what you say.

Thumb nickjames 00:02 ,2015 كانون الثاني 18

One of the delegates, Nabil Shaath, who was Palestinian foreign minister at the time, said: "President Bush said to all of us: 'I am driven with a mission from God'. God would tell me, 'George go and fight these terrorists in Afghanistan'. And I did. And then God would tell me 'George, go and end the tyranny in Iraq'. And I did."

Mr Bush went on: "And now, again, I feel God's words coming to me, 'Go get the Palestinians their state and get the Israelis their security, and get peace in the Middle East'. And, by God, I'm gonna do it."

Yeah Hanin, it was a crusade, it was a war against Muslims lmaoooooooooo

Thumb nickjames 00:10 ,2015 كانون الثاني 18

The Phalangist militiamen were fighting in a civil war, to protect the existence of Christianity in Lebanon (at least at first they were). So yes, of course some fighters are going to wear crosses and paint the Virgin Mary on their rifles. Do you see Phalangists doing this today? Do you see Phalangists carrying out jihad and burning mosques.

Thumb Mystic 22:06 ,2015 كانون الثاني 17

nickjames, you have not read the Quran then. It is forbidden to kill any innocents in Islam, you are only allowed to defend yourself. Yes compared to the bible, there is a difference. Jesus A.S said "If someone hits your cheek, you turn them the other cheek also."

I believe in the beauty of those words, but I always believe the need to protect myself from danger. Charlie Hebdo attacks is an insult to Islam yes it is, and it has nothing to do with free speech, just for making money and make muslims look bad, but by killing those cartoonist which I condemn, then you give Islam an even worse name.

Only God can judge!

Thumb nickjames 23:51 ,2015 كانون الثاني 17

Mystic, I never said I condoned the Charlie Hebdo cartoons. They are offensive to Islam. But I said that interpretation of the Quran needs to be discussed, because people are using the text to kill. The Muslim clerics and scholars need to have a sit-down and ask why are the words of their sacred texts being used in such an extreme way? People who say that there's nothing wrong with how the Quran is interpreted are living in denial. If what I'm saying offends you, it offends you. But that's my position and I stand by using my own logic and reasoning rather than prejudice.

Thumb Mystic 01:34 ,2015 كانون الثاني 18

Your words are prejudice nickjames, it is not very hard to read between your lines. You put all the rotten eggs among the fresh, the phalangists murdered innocent kids with cold blood in the name of Jesus christ a.s, do you think he would be proud of it?

I do not judge christianity out of the phalangist zionists murderous actions, because I know that what they did had nothing to do with Christianity.

Same goes for Prophet Mohammad pbuh, he would condemn anyone killing innocents in his name.

Thumb Mystic 01:40 ,2015 كانون الثاني 18

Jesus loved everyone, that was his greatest beauty. Which is why, anyone whom killed innocents in his name are only pure zionists, nothing else.

Thumb Mystic 01:44 ,2015 كانون الثاني 18

Same goes for any takfiris that kills in the name of the prophet. They are pro zionists aswell.

Thumb nickjames 02:24 ,2015 كانون الثاني 18

"the phalangists murdered innocent kids with cold blood in the name of Jesus christ"

They killed in the name of Christianity in Lebanon, they killed in the name of keeping Christians in power, not in the name of Jesus Christ. There's a big difference.

Thumb nickjames 02:39 ,2015 كانون الثاني 18

"Your words are prejudice nickjames, it is not very hard to read between your lines."

Mystic, don't ever accuse me of speaking in riddles. Really what are you trying to get at? You bring up the Phalangists which is irrelevant. If I'm reading between your lines, you're trying to say that Christians are also terrorists, which is still an irrelevant argument, given I was questioning the Quran. So let me do your arguing for you. What you should be arguing is the corruption of the Catholic Church, where the priests molest young kids. That's why I'm not a religious person, nor do I go to Church. Because the people preaching "God's word" are just a bunch of criminals who manipulate churchgoers into giving them money.

Thumb nickjames 02:44 ,2015 كانون الثاني 18

Btw I accidentally reported on my own comment, if it gets removed I'll repost it (I'm not like Flamey where he purposely reports on his comments because everyone makes fun at his stupidity)

Thumb nickjames 02:53 ,2015 كانون الثاني 18

And just to reiterate, don't accuse me of speaking in riddles. The points I bring up (the Quran and its interpretation) are very valid, and I've made my position on Islam very clear.

Thumb Mystic 04:42 ,2015 كانون الثاني 18

Forget we had this conversation, you are a waste of time then.

Thumb nickjames 08:20 ,2015 كانون الثاني 18

Mystic, I've never seen you give up in an argument like that. And to tell you the truth even though we disagree on almost everything I enjoy debating with you. At least you can admit given my upbringing that I have legitimate points to support my position. Now it may not be your position, but at least admit I put take the time to thoroughly explain my position and support it. That's all I can ask from you.

Thumb nickjames 17:52 ,2015 كانون الثاني 17

By "all these terrorists are Muslims" I mean 95%. Of course, there are random attacks in America, like the massacres at the movie theatre and the university. But these terrorist attacks were not in the name of religion, these people had mental issues. They were isolated incidents. But all these beheadings and crucifixions by Daesh are being shown on the internet to encourage Muslims to join. So don't tell me I'm dishonest. The facts speak for themselves.

Thumb nickjames 19:17 ,2015 كانون الثاني 17

You're right, I am wasting my time. But that's what's great about freedom of expression, I'm free to waste my time expressing my stance in an intellectual way, and I'm free to waste my time trying to convince others. Now most won't agree with what I'm saying, but if I get just one or two people to change their minds because of what I said, then it was time well-wasted.

Thumb Mrowwe 20:58 ,2015 كانون الثاني 17

You are indeed dishonest. Lol 95% are Muslim? That is another lie, but like i said, you have decided that terrorism is only what you think should be called terrorism and the main qualification for that is to be Muslim, otherwise you have a 95% chance of not being a religious terrorist, because thats the logic of dishonest people.

Thumb nickjames 23:55 ,2015 كانون الثاني 17

Hanin, just think about all these recent attacks and tell me what religion they are. Let's start with Paris, then Sydney, then all the attacks by Daesh in Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq; then the attack on the museum in Brussels, then the shooting in Ottawa, then the attack on the church in Peshawar, then the Boston Marathon bombings, and the last goes on and on for pages...

Thumb nickjames 17:53 ,2015 كانون الثاني 17

And you said terrorism is used to achieve a political goal. Well, saying je suis Muslim does just that: you're saying it to send a political message. And that proves my whole point that it's offensive. Je suis Charlie was a political message to support the victims of the attack, and Muslims like you respond to that by saying je suis Muslim. The good Muslims out there wouldn't say such a thing.

Thumb Mrowwe 21:01 ,2015 كانون الثاني 17

Lol, what kind of sick logic is that?. Je suis Muslim is a PEACEFUL responce to Islamophobia and liars like you who have the audacity to ask Muslims to change the religion that God sent mankind. Your avatar is of a terrorist yet you call je suis Muslim a form of terrorism??? Saying that we are Muslim is terrorism now? prooves how you should indeed be taken with a grain of salt.

Thumb nickjames 23:33 ,2015 كانون الثاني 17

And who's carrying the Je suis Muslim sign???? Is it not some black dude in Niger who's supporting the church burnings????? If it was a mufti who said je suis Muslim that's different. But this church arsonist is the one saying it which is a purely political message and has nothing to do with Islam.

Thumb nickjames 23:38 ,2015 كانون الثاني 17

Je suis Muslim is peaceful lmaoooooooooo so funny Hanin. They burn seven churches and carry a sign je suis Muslim you're so hilarious. "Peaceful" hahahahahahahaha

Thumb nickjames 18:06 ,2015 كانون الثاني 17

If I were Muslim, I would be ashamed of all these attacks, because I wouldn't want people questioning my religion. And that's what you should be doing. You should be supporting the victims of the attacks instead of the people burning the churches (the guy with the je suis Muslim sign).

Thumb saturn 18:07 ,2015 كانون الثاني 17

Charlie hebdo are disrespectful, but burning churches only proves how stunad those savages are.

Missing VINCENT 20:48 ,2015 كانون الثاني 17

Morality by relevant practitioners of Islam, if such still exists, is bankrupted. Islam intrusted in the hands of fools has become an excuse for intolerance and a tool to mass murder. All you have to do is remember the Turks, and when the world did not take enough notice to surgically remove this threat of Islamic intolerance towards Christians. Now think about how the Jews navigated towards their future.

Thumb Mrowwe 21:02 ,2015 كانون الثاني 17

God says in the Quran 3:186
You shall certainly hear from those who have been given the Book before you and from those who are polytheists much annoying talk; and if you are patient and guard (against evil), surely this is one of the affairs (which should be) determined upon.

Thumb Mrowwe 21:04 ,2015 كانون الثاني 17

To be honest, this sounds like christians with a couple of exceptions.

Thumb Mrowwe 21:10 ,2015 كانون الثاني 17

This has very little to do with Islamic religious figures,it has to do with hot heads who don't even learn Islam. Should priests change their preaching style when christian racist bigots attack mosques?

Default-user-icon PEACE (ضيف) 23:19 ,2015 كانون الثاني 17

It is absolutely wrong to say there is MUSLIM-CHRISTIAN hostility and trying to find a culprit.
Up to now all what I notice is unilateral hostility Muslim towards Christian (even without reasons).
MUSLIM people follow their leaders and that,s why they behave with such barbaric hostility.
I hope for a genuine (not only in words) CHANGE in their attitude towards a peaceful cohabitation before it is too late.

Default-user-icon PAECE (ضيف) 23:30 ,2015 كانون الثاني 17

To hanin_albeiruti
I heard about few stone throwing at mosques. Are you comparing that to the torching of hundreds of churches? Up to now this hostility against Muslim is still reigned due to the peaceful speech of Christian leaders. Do you think any genuine effort is done by Muslim leaders. PLEASE stop twist the reality. Be courage to say the truth.