الجيش يستهدف تحركات المسلحين على طول الجرود الشرقية لعرسال

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إستهدف الجيش عصر الثلاثاء تجمعات للمسلحين في الجرود الشرقية لبلدة عرسال بعد استهدافهم ظهر في جهة أخرى من الجرود.

وفي التفاصيل، أفادت قناة الـ"LBCI" مساء الثلاثاء أن "الجيش يستهدف بالراجمات والمدفعية بعيدة المدى مقرات المسلحين في الجرود الشرقية لعرسال".

وتم الإستهداف تحديدا في "وادي العويني -وادي الخيل - خربة داوود - العجرم والمخيرمية".

وقبلها أفادت الوكالة "الوطنية للإعلام" ان الجيش "استهدف تحركات مسلحة باتجاه مناطق وادي حميد والمصيدة في جرود عرسال". واوضحت ان هذه العملية جرت "بالاسلحة المتوسطة".

وأتى ذلك بعد أن اطلق الجيش النار ليلاً على عدد من المسلحين في جرود رأس بعلبك.

وقالت الوكالة المذكورة صباح الثلاثاء، ان "جرود راس بعلبك شهدت خلال الليل الفائت مناوشات واطلاق نار بين المجموعات المسلحة ومراكز الجيش".

وكان الجيش قد كشف تحركات مشبوهة للمسلحين "في محيط تلة الحمرا".

يذكر انه في 23 كانون الثاني الفائت، سقط ثلاثة ضحايا من العسكريين وعدد من الجرحى، في اشتباكات مع مسلحين سيطروا لفترة على تلة الحمرا في جرود رأس بعلبك قبل أن يستعيدها الجيش ويحقق في صفوفهم عشرات القتلى والجرحى.

وفي 25 كانون الثاني الفائت، استهدف الجيش بالأسلحة الثقيلة تحركات لعدد من المسلحين في جرود عرسا ، وتحديداً في منطقة مدينة الملاهي في وادي حميد.

يذكر أن الجيش قد خاض معارك عنيفة مع مسلحي داعش وجبهة النصرة، مطلع آب الفائت، انتهت بانسحاب المسلحين آسرين معهم عدد من العسكريين، تجهد الحكومة في اطلاق سراحهم، وقام "داعش" بقطع رأس اثنين منهم، في حين أعدمت "النصرة" اثنين آخرين رمياً بالرصاص.


التعليقات 41
Default-user-icon mark (ضيف) 10:20 ,2015 شباط 03

hahahahaha Militants!!! that's a good one. that's their new nick-name?

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 19:06 ,2015 شباط 03

What do you suggest we call them!!! Resistance? We are already blighted with one.

Thumb _mowaten_ 10:44 ,2015 شباط 04

tell this to the ISIS scums, they are the ones attacking and choosing their targets.

Thumb _mowaten_ 10:52 ,2015 شباط 03

naharnet why do you keep calling these animals "militants". they are terrorists, and calling them anything less than this is already beginning to whitewash them.

Thumb _mowaten_ 10:54 ,2015 شباط 03

and why do they keep attacking ras baalbek? it is a majority christian village. why dont they attack hezbollah positions, since they claim their war is with hezbollah?
it doesnt make sense, unless they are full of BS and their real aim is to conquer whatever part of lebanon they can, or kill blindly anyone that does not share their prehistoric cavemen mentality, or both.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 19:05 ,2015 شباط 03

Yet Mowaten has a problem calling Assad a butcher !!!

Thumb Mystic 20:28 ,2015 شباط 03

Only butchers are the takfiris you support so dearly, cutting off heads, and eating organs. Who is the real butcher then?

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 22:13 ,2015 شباط 03

Another uninformed or purposely deceptive statement from Mystic. Make an effort and read the reports from Human Rights Organizations and you will see what Monster you are supporting.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 22:15 ,2015 شباط 03

I challenge you Mystic to show that I write in support of IS or Nusra. I hope they and Assad perish.

Missing peace 12:02 ,2015 شباط 03

"naharnet why do you keep calling these animals "militants". "

for the same reason they call hezbollah "resistants" while they are just a bunch of iranian paid mercenaries and have nothing to do with Lebanon.....

Thumb _mowaten_ 13:43 ,2015 شباط 03

i know you have a hard time noticing the difference due to your limited mental capacities, but while hezbollah defends this country, isis attacks it. little nuances you see?

Missing peace 18:47 ,2015 شباط 03

my capacities are maybe limited but yours even more... hezbollah is NOT defending this country... the LEBANESE army is!

"The Lebanese army and militants clashed on the outskirts of the northeastern village of Ras Baalbek"

no mention of your divine militia here... we do not need your terrorists to defend the country , the army is doing a fine job... little nuances you see?
ok militia man?

Thumb _mowaten_ 18:49 ,2015 شباط 03

"my capacities are maybe limited but yours even more" >> dude you should write a book on repartee, really!

Thumb _mowaten_ 18:53 ,2015 شباط 03

May 2008 fight was started by m14 anonyme, get your facts straight. Oh wait, i forgot who i was talking to. Sorry, please continue making up stories, don't let me disturb you with facts I know how much you hate them.

Thumb EagleDawn 19:03 ,2015 شباط 03

Oh look the iranian propaganda department is out on duty again.
yes of course May 2008 was started by M14 when they came on TV waving their fingers and said "We will defend our weapons with weapons". Go peddle your iranian propaganda on Manar.

Missing peace 19:19 ,2015 شباط 03

""my capacities are maybe limited but yours even more" >> dude you should write a book on repartee, really! "

that is what we call using strong counter arguments...

poor mooowaten ....

Thumb Elemental 05:35 ,2015 شباط 04

Movaten, facts are facts, and yes you are no better than ISIS. You brought this mess on to Lebanon, be quiet.

Missing greatpierro 13:19 ,2015 شباط 03

They are called militants instead of terrorists otherwise hiizbollah would also have to be designated as terrorist too. It is a matter of being fair.

Thumb ado.australia 14:10 ,2015 شباط 03

greatpierro... ISIS and Al Nusra terrorists from syria, target and kill Lebanese of every sect! they behead them and claim the LAF is a crusader army! They declared the ISF and LAF as the enemy! This is why they are terrorist and why hezbollah, although not supported by every lebanese, is not declared terrorists by lebanese or by most of the world! But coming from an israeli, i can understand your confusion because israel has actually (indirectly or directly) allied themselves with ISIS against the world!

Thumb ado.australia 16:49 ,2015 شباط 03

tex. please... with all due respect. Why the F do you always speak such rubbish? Every Shiite family does not act on behalf of Hezbollah! There are many illegal mafia families in the bekaa! They should and will be pursued and punished! Just as not every crazy sunni family or terrorist from tripoli, sidon or akkar are in control of the mustaqbul! The very real difference is hezbollah doesn't think the LAF or IDF or any lebanese is an enemy that deserves only death through beheading! An Hezbollah member killed Captain Samer by accident and he was presented to the LAF! How can you compare that to ISIS? U are completely delusional or purposely divisive! There is no comparison... ask the christian residents of Ras Baalbek. Ask those from Deir El Hamar who are hard core LF. Even the Fakhri family who had family killed by the Jaafar clan! We all know your single minded hatred but siding with ISIS and Israel is just a low point in your life that is even against your US administration!

Thumb ado.australia 17:21 ,2015 شباط 03

tex... in the past 7 years, less than 4 Lebanese Armed Forces or ISF have been killed by Hezbollah or shiite mafia families. All those killers have been handed in or are outlawed mafia members that are being hunted in the bekaa! During the same period, 210!!!! Lebanese armed forces and ISF members have been killed by Sunni extremists from tripoli, akkar, sidon and the syrian areas! Non have been handed in and most of these terrorists are still at large and are your heroes!

Tfeh alaik ya Tex!

Thumb ado.australia 17:42 ,2015 شباط 03

tex, lets say they blew up their political opponents for a second... maybe they did... maybe they didn't! but ISIS would have beheaded them and placed their head on a stake in the middle of the nearest square! not because they were enemies but because they "offended allah"! In Mosul, they decapitated 12 boys under 14 years of age because they watched iraqi football team defeat iran in the asian cup! They beheaded them! Children!!! Is this the same as hezbollah? Just as Israel compares them to hezbollah and then attacks them while they are fighting isis and al nusra... you are the same! Israel and Turkey is ISIS and al nusra's only military ally in the middle east!

Thumb _mowaten_ 18:23 ,2015 شباط 03

Dont bother Ado, he is too full of hate and self-inflicted brainwash to see past his own BS. He has decided that hezbollah was like isis not because he is too dumb to see the difference (everybody sees and knows it), but because he desperately needs that belief to keep on hating on HA.
And no, the killings of M14 figures were most likely not done by HA, and certainly not in HA's interest. As many people (including me) kept saying, these killings only served to fuel the Sunni radicalization and building an anti-HA sentiment, as planned by those who want this country destroyed. Divide & conquer, old trick still works...

Thumb _mowaten_ 18:48 ,2015 شباط 03

Eaglyawn still earning his daily shekel by copy and pasting my comments.. Going to have to start charging for these dude, you can't live only by stealing from other people, what do you think you are, israeli!?

Thumb _mowaten_ 18:53 ,2015 شباط 03

May 2008 fight was started by m14 anonyme, get your facts straight. Oh wait, i forgot who i was talking to. Sorry, please continue making up stories, don't let me disturb you with facts I know how much you hate them.

Thumb EagleDawn 19:05 ,2015 شباط 03

Oh look the iranian propaganda department is out on duty again.
yes of course May 2008 was started by M14 when they came on TV waving their fingers and said "We will defend our weapons with weapons". Go peddle your iranian propaganda on Manar.

Thumb Mystic 17:21 ,2015 شباط 03

Because Naharnet backs these terrorists, just like they literally call Al Nusra and ISIS "democratized opressed rebels"

Default-user-icon Jaafar Ibn Iblees (ضيف) 18:21 ,2015 شباط 03

Is that a martyred Jihadi Khomeini family in your avatar?

Thumb Mystic 19:21 ,2015 شباط 03

Good job LAF, put these takfiris out of their misery.

Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (ضيف) 11:18 ,2015 شباط 03

where are the weapons for our LAF?!!!!!
god bless our army
god bless democracy

Thumb freedomarch 13:12 ,2015 شباط 03

Yeah right....

Thumb _mowaten_ 13:45 ,2015 شباط 03

i hear they called in an urologist for the "final touches"

Thumb ado.australia 14:18 ,2015 شباط 03

Just as Al Jazzera asked that their journalists not call the paris attackers terrorists but criminals! Criminals rob old women's hand bags, rob banks and do general crime... Terrorists act for the only reason but to cause terror and kill in the act of their insane belief that God wants death and hatred!

Default-user-icon dezabro & demosso (ضيف) 18:35 ,2015 شباط 03

excellent point @defacto

Thumb nickjames 18:40 ,2015 شباط 03

"when qatar does well, it is thanked"

You mean when Qatar rebuilds South Lebanon, we stop calling them takfiri-creators and thank them for their donations...

Thumb nickjames 19:00 ,2015 شباط 03



Thumb nickjames 18:38 ,2015 شباط 03

Ain el-Sahel lmaoooooooooooooo that's a good one. Texas, you gotta give this guy credit. He already did biographies on the M8ers, I guess he's doing them for M14ers too...

Thumb nickjames 18:56 ,2015 شباط 03

Flamey, you pretend not to see the ones about you and your "allies", but when it's about your enemies you praise it. Such a hypocrite.

Thumb nickjames 18:58 ,2015 شباط 03

He should've said you were sending Hezbollah's drug money to Lebanese Canadian Bank... lol

Thumb freedomarch 23:09 ,2015 شباط 03

Loose nut behind the wheel.

Thumb freedomarch 23:31 ,2015 شباط 03

Comments on ISIS killing savages:
So what's going on in their heads?:
" ...Ok comrades, we are done with Letter "J" Japan?.DONE, Jordan? Done.... noo wait do we have anyone from Jamaica in our hands? Damn ...
Alright, lets Jump to Letter "L".....