خليل يسعى لاستبدال الجمارك بـ"ضريبة استهلاك" للحد من الفساد الجمركي

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يعدّ وزير المال علي حسن خليل نظاماً يقوم على استبدال الجمارك بـ"الضريبة على استهلاك البضائع" وذلك لضبط الفساد الجمركي المنتشر في مرفأ بيروت ومطار رفيق الحريري الدولي والحدود مع سوريا.

وفي حديثٍ الى صحيفة "السفير"، صباح الجمعة، اكد خليل انه "يدرس فكرة تهدف الى إلغاء الجمارك، لتحل مكانها الضريبة على الاستهلاك".

واذ اشار الى ان هذه الخطة "بعيدة المدى"، اوضح ان "حماية الصناعات الوطنية" مستثنية من هذا الاجراء.

غير انه اوضح ايضاً انه "بصدد تحضير مجموعة من الاجراءات القصيرة والمتوسطة المدى" وذلك في انتظار تبلور "الفكرة الثورية وتبيان الامكانية الواقعية لتطبيقها".

وكان خليل قد اكد امس الخميس، انه مصمم على ايقاف الفساد معلناً عن اجراء تشكيلات دورية للطاقم الجمركي واحالة حالات تزوير وتهريب للقضاء.

الى ذلك، اوضح وزير المال للصحيفة عينها، انه "تم تفعيل الـ"سكانر" على المعابر الحدودية جميعها، حيث يتم اخضاع البضائع المستوردة لفحص دقيق".

كما لفت الى ان "تأثيرات المواد المشعة التي أدخلت الى لبنان، سواء في نهاية الثمانينيات أو في السنوات الأخيرة، قد تستمر لعقود من الزمن".

بناءً عليه، افاد خليل عبر السفير" ان هذه القضية "هي موضع متابعة وتنسيق مع المركز الوطني للبحوث العلمية".

وكان خليل قد كشف الشهر الفائت انه تم ضبط عمليات تهريب لمواد غذائية وحبوب مخدرة ومعدات صناعية تحتوي على اشعاعات سامة في مرفأ ومطار بيروت مشيراً الى ان الشركات التي استوردت هذه البضاعة ستخضع الى المحاسبة.

وفي 6 كانون الثاني الفائت طلب النائب العام التمييزي القاضي سمير حمود التحقيق مع الضابطة الجمركية بشأن التقصير بعدم ابلاغ النيابة العامة عن وجود مواد مشتبه انها مشعة في المطار ومرفأ بيروت".



التعليقات 14
Thumb justin 09:59 ,2015 شباط 13

I think in principle it might sound like a plausible idea but in reality it will be a disaster. Implementation would require strict fiscal controls, clear processes to monitor importers, vendors and wholesalers otherwise selling under the table without actual records will make it a nightmare and result in more losses for the treasury. Good Luck

Thumb FrenchEagle 10:28 ,2015 شباط 13

They already try that when lebanon was planning to apply to WTO, but some mafias, (IE Hariri, Kettanneh, Fattal, and the 12 others major financial families etc...) made everything to make it failing as it was also planned to open the lebanese market to competitors.

Default-user-icon shia-awl (ضيف) 12:01 ,2015 شباط 13

well said @Frencheagle

Thumb FrenchEagle 10:28 ,2015 شباط 13

They already try that when lebanon was planning to apply to WTO, but some mafias, (IE Hariri, Kettanneh, Fattal, and the 12 others major financial families etc...) made everything to make it failing as it was also planned to open the lebanese market to competitors.

Thumb cedars2 10:33 ,2015 شباط 13

Helllloooo!!!! All those brokers and middle men either belong or are protected by HA and Amal! Have they finally figured out a better way of ripping off the Lebanese tax payer?? Times are hard I guess and now they want to cut out the middle man.
"intelligent people are too smart to become politicians that's why we are controlled by idiots".

Default-user-icon Import - Hezport (ضيف) 11:48 ,2015 شباط 13

Khalil is making it difficult for mafias other than Hezbollah to get a share of the pie!

Same mafia war when they wanted to block illegal phone import.

Hezbollah is the number one illegal trafficking mafia in town. Suffices to say they illegally import and export weapons and human beings (terrorists and fighters) without declaring them. No need to mention drugs !

Why shouldn't Hezbollah pay an import tax on their illegal weapons ? Why don't they declare them to the Lebanese state ? That alone is ripping off the state !

Thumb cedars2 10:37 ,2015 شباط 13

Plus I know for a fact that their brokers are present at every government institution taking bribes for any required transaction. This is exactly what a coconut republic looks like.

Missing humble 10:56 ,2015 شباط 13

Ebola is a disease. They are eating the whole country. At worst they will be creating their own Governorate.

Missing humble 11:07 ,2015 شباط 13

The Governorate of Nabatiyeh will be linked to Iran through Kuneitra region and Iraq. All future wars will not be against zionists but between Shiistan (Persian empire) and Arabistan, Which will be surrounded from all sides by Shiistan.
Both Shiistan and Arabistan are trying to win the zionists on their side.

Thumb _mowaten_ 12:40 ,2015 شباط 13

No need to deport "Houthians", they are already all in Yemen. As for you, and your "refugee" friends, if you cannot respect the people of the countries you live in, something can certainly be arranged to have you taken elsewhere.

Thumb _mowaten_ 12:45 ,2015 شباط 13

“I know those who are corrupt in name... Their turn will come,” Khalil said

Can't wait. Minister Khalil, please ignore their political backers and don't hesitate to crack down on them. We've already been stolen hundreds of billions of $$ by the saudi gang, enough is enough.

Thumb _mowaten_ 14:24 ,2015 شباط 13

You said it, and that's exactly what they are: tales.
Besides your obvious sectarianism discredits you from being credible in any way, you're blind and irrational, only motivated by your sectarian hatred. I pity people like you, but let's face it: your case is hopeless, only euthanasia can save you.

Thumb amatoury114 14:30 ,2015 شباط 13

Mr Khalil, you should announce the names and stop this mascarrade, everybody knows who controls the port and the airport...as for you mou watieh low life, you are dirt , you don't deserve the air you are breathing, yo are A LOW LIFE..saudi gang sole? are u out of your mind? do you even think before blabbing ....idiot

Thumb lebanon_first 14:46 ,2015 شباط 13

this project to clean customs is to feed the press. I dont think it will lead anywhere. And if it does, than I give kudos to Khalil.

Imagine, cleaning Brital, cleaning customs... we might be getting somewhere in our beloved country...