عون في بيت الوسط في أول لقاء "علني" مع الحريري منذ أكثر من 5 أعوام

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إلتقى رئيس تكتل "التغيير والإصلاح" النائب ميشال عون الأربعاء رئيس تيار "المستقبل" النائب سعد الحريري في أول لقاء "علني" بين الرجلين منذ خمسة أعوام على الأقل.

وأفاد بيان لمكتب الحريري مساء الأربعاء أنه استقبل عون "يرافقه وزير الخارجية جبران باسيل وعقد معه اجتماعا في حضور النائب السابق الدكتور غطاس خوري".

وبحسب البيان "جرى عرض لمجمل الأوضاع السياسية في البلاد وآخر المستجدات الإقليمية".

واستكمل البحث إلى مائدة عشاء أقامها الحريري على شرف عون.

وكانت قد لفتت صحيفة "الأخبار" الى وجود اتصالات يجريها باسيل ومستشار الحريري غطاس خوري لعقد اللقاء، قبل سفر باسيل الخميس، في جولة عمل إلى أميركا اللاتينية.

وأشارت الصحيفة الى ان "المستقبل" حرص على دعوة التيار الوطني الحر من اجل المشاركة في الذكرى العاشرة لاغتيال رئيس الحكومة السابق رفيق الحريري الذي أقيم يوم السبت في البيال. وقام باسيل بتمثيل التيار في الاحتفال، الامر الذي عكس "تواصلاً ايجابياً بين الفريقين.

ويعود آخر لقاء علني بين الرجلين إلى نهاية عام 2009 حين زار الحريري الرابية بينما كان مكلفا تشكيل حكومة جديدة. لكن العلاقة توترت بعدها بين الرجلين خصوصا أن إسقاط حكومته باستقالة 11 وزيرا من 8 آذار أعلن من الرابية.

لكن التواصل غير المعلن عاد بين الزعيمين منذ عام حين التقى الحريري بعون في روما بعيدا عن الأضواء في إطار حوار بينهما لبحث إمكانية وصول الأخير إلى سدة الرئاسة، لكن هذه المساعي فشلت.

يُشار الى ان الحريري عاد الى لبنان ليل الجمعة-السبت، للمشاركة في احتفال البيال وذلك، بعد غياب عن لبنان لأسباب أمنية وهو يتنقل ما بين العاصمتين السعودية والفرنسية.

وفي حين ان عون هو مرشح 8 آذار في المعركة الرئاسية، يخوض رئيس "حزب القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع هذا الاستحقاق عن فريق 14 آذار ويدعم رئيس "الحزب التقدمي الاشتراكي" النائب وليد جنبلاط، مرشح "اللقاء الديمقراطي" النائب هنري حلو.


التعليقات 30
Thumb EagleDawn 08:16 ,2015 شباط 18

Hopefully it will be the last meeting between the two before Aoun finally kicks the bucket.

Thumb nickjames 08:23 ,2015 شباط 18

Loooooooool whatever happened to the Aoun-Geagea meeting? Such a joke...

Thumb nickjames 08:24 ,2015 شباط 18

The report came after Aoun's son-in-law Foreign Minister Jebran Bassil attended on Saturday a rally commemorating the 10th anniversary of the assassination of Hariri's father, former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.

- What was that clown doing there? Lol

Thumb -phoenix1 11:36 ,2015 شباط 18

Mr. Hariri, I know this is an old picture, but for the love of folks and nation, if you're going to meet with the old man Aoun,...you know....the squatter and defector, if for any reason you need to shake hands with him, please make sure you count your fingers thereafter. If you have to exchange kisses, then make sure you disinfect yourself from head to toe then immediately after that, get yourself an anti-tetanus shot. The guy simply put is infected with a plethora of highly infectious diseases, most of them whose effects obliterate the victim's capability of thinking sanely, hence the FPM.

Thumb Mystic 15:28 ,2015 شباط 18

That is what anyone shaking the hand of a childmurder & church bomber called Geagea should do.

Thumb -phoenix1 14:57 ,2015 شباط 19

Mystic, this repetition of a rendition known for its hypocrisy and double standards does not pass the mark anymore. No sooner than the name Geagea appears would people like you home on the same old song. OK ya akhi, let us say that Geagea is like what you people claim, OK, fine, meshi, but you as a decent and honest man, would you accept to dish out unfair views? Is Geagea alone in committing such crimes? What about people like Michel Aoun, Nabih Berri, Walid Jumblat, Sami Al Khatib, Ahmad Al Khatib, even Sayed Hassan, are they not by any chance as criminally implicative as the Geagea you love so much to criminalize? Just know it, that it is not OK at all to keep that same song, either you turn your coin to that other side, or people like you will forever be taken with a pinch of salt. My take.

Thumb nickjames 18:27 ,2015 شباط 18

Right, like your Hezbos executing Syrians out the back of a van...

Missing humble 11:37 ,2015 شباط 18

Caporal is executing the plans of Ebola in total satisfaction to them as they are destroying the institutions and creating the chaos.
Caporal cares only about his personal interests and his in-laws. Remember caporal said: "if they don't elect me, I will destroy everything and they will be forced to elect me".
Maudit soit cet homme.

Missing humble 11:39 ,2015 شباط 18

If Caporal declares clearly that "Ebola has confiscated the state decision. That Ebola must surrender its weapons. That he is not for Mutelateh. That the Butcher is an assassin. That the best course for Lebanon is Neutrality". Then he will be my candidate.
But he will not, because he is a traitor to the Christians.

Thumb -phoenix1 11:47 ,2015 شباط 18

Humble, that's why I stated it in a figure of speech approach, that old man Aoun is badly infected. He is incurable and to the best of my feelings, the best place for him now is Deyr El Salib, however the only worry is this: that once admitted, this institution will empty of its patients, no one can cohabit with such a lunatic, especially with other infections.

Missing humble 11:55 ,2015 شباط 18

Very true statement. See what general AbuJamra says about his madness: "we needed madness in 1990, but now we need statesmanship".

Missing humble 11:59 ,2015 شباط 18

Ebola has destroyed the whole country and impoverished its economy dramatically.

Missing humble 11:52 ,2015 شباط 18

Followers of Caporal shut your mouth and follow.

Thumb the_roar 13:55 ,2015 شباط 18

Didn't know tobacco had supporters, humble..but you repeat it 1000 times a day!!

Any chance you could speak the Kings English before you ask others to perform anything?

Thumb EagleDawn 12:30 ,2015 شباط 18

superb one-liner. no doubt you rehearsed it many times..

Thumb the_roar 13:59 ,2015 شباط 18

God bless the General of Generals.....even his visit to KSA, he was seated front & center....yet the M14 monthly paid leaders were asked to sit right down if they could find a spare chair somewhere.

Default-user-icon jaaar ibn iblees (ضيف) 14:13 ,2015 شباط 18

Is that beloved Zainib in your avatar?

Thumb the_roar 14:52 ,2015 شباط 18

I wasn't here yester & I don't bother reading yesterdays posts for the reasons you outlined....they become distorted in a very manipulated way.

But in saying that FT, it serves us very well...many people are noticing whats going on...Just like foxnews...only foxnews supporters believe a word they say now...they have lost all credibility all over the world.
only so far you can manipulate things before it blows in your face,.

Thumb Mystic 15:23 ,2015 شباط 18

Gen. Aoun is the hope for all Lebanese seeking to support their real culture & land, not selling it off to Israel and USA like Michel Sulaiman, Gemayel & Geagea tried to do.

Missing peace 21:06 ,2015 شباط 18

thanks for illustrating how stupid you are....

Default-user-icon tma (ضيف) 21:17 ,2015 شباط 18

what magic one way ticket was that, comes with multiple round trips

Thumb Mystic 21:43 ,2015 شباط 18

If you had a clue about, what you are typing then you would know Michel Sulaiman wasen't even President during the Nahr al bared operation, Francois and he were under orders from Emile Lahoud. Nothing honorable about Sulaiman, yes the Resistance accepted him first, because he seemed promising, later to realize he were a pro m14 supporter all along, that you and Phoenix love him, is enough of a reason for me to be against him, since all our views are opposite the other.

Thumb nickjames 06:22 ,2015 شباط 19


Francois al-Hajj was a reference to an argument between Mystic and I the day before.


Look for the comments if you want. Then you'll understand why I brought him up in this article...

Default-user-icon CFTC (ضيف) 22:14 ,2015 شباط 18

Here is on the picture our next President !!! gess who ? (-:

Default-user-icon CFTC (ضيف) 12:46 ,2015 شباط 19

Please CFTC (Guest) , I ask you one more time not to use my private registered Guest name!!!

Default-user-icon sam (ضيف) 22:44 ,2015 شباط 18

people like you Mystic spread hate and division put some peace in your heart and do not be like your general it is not good for you

Missing humble 23:46 ,2015 شباط 18

Like a dog kissing the hand that can make him president.

Missing rayes13 02:48 ,2015 شباط 19

Solution is for Lebanon and Lebanese, Aoun president and Hariri prime minister.

Default-user-icon Tigger (ضيف) 12:58 ,2015 شباط 19

For all of you on this post who seem to have a short term memory. Is what the Phalange did in Sabra and Chatika any different than what these thugs ISIS are doing today? I am sure you will home it on Israel or use the coverup of the civil war. Shame on us blaming everyone in the world instead of looking at the atrocities committed and the generation we have today-YOU. Not one single mature discussion posted but hate and sectarian minds posting. Is that how we expect to save our country? Get your heads from under the sand and help us from this ongoing hatred and houthi this and takfiri that. Amazing how these have become buzz words none of u including myself ever used or knew off.

Thumb Mrowwe 17:17 ,2015 شباط 19

Well said.