"شبه تنسيق" بين الجيشين اللبناني والسوري لمنع "3000 مسلح"

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يستمر المسلحون الذين بلغ عددهم نحو 3000 شخص باختراق جرود عرسال ومحاولة التسلل الى لبنان، في وقتٍ يواصل الجيش التصدي لهم، بـ"شبه تنسيق" بينه وبين الجيش السوري وحزب الله، وفقاً لما اشارت اليه المعلومات الصحافية.

والجمعة، افادت صحيفة "السفير"، ان عدد المسلحين "يبلغ في الجرود نحو ثلاثة آلاف مسلح يتغذون بمسلحين آخرين من مخيمات النازحين في عرسال وخارجها".

واشارت الى انهم "يسيطرون على نحو ألف كيلومتر مربع (992 كلم2) من الحدود اللبنانية السورية في جرود السلسلة الشرقية، بينها نحو 450 كيلومتراً داخل الجرود اللبنانية نفسها، وبطول 56 كيلومتراً".

واذ اوضحت الصحيفة عينها ان "المسلحين يمتلكون تشكيلة واسعة من الأسلحة الثقيلة والخفيفة"، لفتت الى ان "المعابر غير الشرعية والمخيمات الـ 14 الواقعة خارج حواجز الجيش، هي خط التغذية الرئيسي لهم".

وفي السياق عينه، لفتت صحيفة " الاخبار" ان "جرود عرسال والسلسلة الشرقية عند الحدود اللبنانية ــ السورية، على مدى اليومين الماضيين، تسارعاً في استهداف الجيشين اللبناني والسوري لأماكن وجود المسلحين وتجمعاتهم وتحركات آلياتهم".

ولفتت الى ان العمليات تتم بحسب "شبه نسيق بين الجيشين" حيث تتركز الضربات العسكرية على طرفي جرود السلسلة الشرقية.

وتشهد الحدود اللبنانية-السورية البقاعية، هجمات شبه يومية من قبل المجموعات المسلحة على مختلف المحاور في الجرود، كما تتردد المعلومات عن محاولة اولئك بإنشاء "حزام امني" للتوسع الى الداخل اللبناني، فضلاً عن استكمال مخططهم بإقامة "امارة داعشية".

يُذكر ان بلدة عرسال شهدت مطلع آب الفائت، مواجهات بين الجيش اللبناني وتنظيمي "داعش" و"جبهة النصرة" حاولت الدخول الى البلدة، وانتهت المعارك بانسحاب المسلحين آسرين معهم عدد من العسكريين، قام داعش بقطع رأس اثنين منهم في حين أعدمت النصرة اثنين آخرين رمياً بالرصاص.



التعليقات 59
Thumb Elemental 08:42 ,2015 آذار 06

Too much foreign interference in Lebanon, it's sickening. Now this ongoing religious blood-feud continues with foreigners justifying their acts, shameful.

Thumb Elemental 08:42 ,2015 آذار 06

God bless the Army ONLY.

Thumb EagleDawn 08:52 ,2015 آذار 06

Another daily credible report by mowaten and Al Safil.

Thumb _mowaten_ 13:09 ,2015 آذار 06

Stay in denial you delusional troll, it wont change anything. The people who matter are very aware of the threat and are taking the necessary measures against it. Long live Lebanon, its people, its army and its resistance.

Thumb Elemental 17:53 ,2015 آذار 06

Long live Lebanon and it's original people only...must you play this game movaten?

Thumb _mowaten_ 18:48 ,2015 آذار 06

What would you know of Lebanon's "original people" you israeli troll? Is it another zionist theory, like the one that says that Palestine's "original people" are ashkenazis who have no ancestral link to the Levant whatsoever?

Thumb Elemental 18:53 ,2015 آذار 06

I'm not talking about Israeli's you tool, what's with your sick obsession to equate me with them when I could care less about them? Especially coming from an Iranian implant, your words mean so much lol, what a joke.

Thumb Elemental 18:54 ,2015 آذار 06

And apparently you never heard of Phoenicians you great historian.

Thumb _mowaten_ 18:59 ,2015 آذار 06

I know what you were trying to infer you shill, and was underlining the tendency of your people to re-write history and cherry-pick events to suit your ethnic-cleansing tendencies.

Thumb Elemental 18:59 ,2015 آذار 06

Ok there shlomo.

Thumb Elemental 19:01 ,2015 آذار 06

Shlomowaten, I hear a bell ringing, can you guess why?

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:03 ,2015 آذار 06

Must be your nurse calling you back to your padded cell. Bye Elemental, I'm done wasting time with a prepubescent troll.

Thumb Elemental 19:03 ,2015 آذار 06

Bye "Shlomowaten": one of my favorite foreign propagandists :)

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:05 ,2015 آذار 06

Only "foreign" to you because I'm Lebanese.

Thumb Elemental 19:23 ,2015 آذار 06

Sure my Iranian friend, sure. I'm more Lebanese than you'll ever be. By the way didn't you say you were done shlomovaten?

Thumb liberty 03:51 ,2015 آذار 07

the troll shamelessly spams the forum with his propaganda

Thumb Mystic 09:01 ,2015 آذار 06

Now that is not a small number.

Thumb Mystic 09:02 ,2015 آذار 06

Army/Resistance will hold them back God willing.

Default-user-icon jaaar ibn iblees (ضيف) 09:07 ,2015 آذار 06

Is that a martyred Jihadi iranian terrorist familia in your avatar?

Default-user-icon Lebalol (ضيف) 10:19 ,2015 آذار 06

Sadly they're too busy defending Bashar to defend their own country.

Thumb Mystic 12:10 ,2015 آذار 06

They are the ones fighting them at the Syrian border, alongside the Syrian army. Too bad M14 blocks the LAF from cooperating with the Syrians. It will be much harder for the LAF then.

Missing humble 09:47 ,2015 آذار 06

Ebola brought the disease inside Lebanon.

Thumb Mystic 10:08 ,2015 آذار 06

The Yazidis and Assyrians etc. What did they do beides being recognized as infidels by Nusra & IS? They didn't bear arms.

Thumb Elemental 16:50 ,2015 آذار 06

I could ask you the same actually with your group you support :)

Thumb _mowaten_ 17:01 ,2015 آذار 06

you could "ask", but the answer would be very different.

Thumb Elemental 17:52 ,2015 آذار 06

Nice try movaten, any more fake accounts today?

Thumb _mowaten_ 18:45 ,2015 آذار 06

Only from you and your friends, I only need one account to blast you goofs

Thumb Elemental 18:54 ,2015 آذار 06

You're entertaining, and infallible apparently lol.

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:00 ,2015 آذار 06

Oh I can fail in many aspects, but doing your head in is not one of them.

Thumb Elemental 19:25 ,2015 آذار 06

How Iranian of you shlomovaten

Thumb Mystic 10:00 ,2015 آذار 06

Remember the gulf countries & US? Saudijack

Thumb Mystic 12:13 ,2015 آذار 06

I remember when you wrote, "God Bless Nusra".

Missing humble 10:14 ,2015 آذار 06

The world is moving forward and Lebanon backwards. Thanks to whom?

Thumb saturn 10:51 ,2015 آذار 06

They come in peace, LOL.

Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (ضيف) 11:22 ,2015 آذار 06

the more terrorists the better spring time our LAF will decimate them and will teach the rest of the so called free world how to exterminate such filth
god bless democracy

Thumb ado.australia 15:45 ,2015 آذار 06

Again, at the risk of becoming + oua nabka + 's most thumbs up commentator, I agree! Except democracy has nothing to do with it! God bless Lebanon! The Arab world does not deserve or are they entitle to democracy! They need what they need... And that is not the same as what Lebanon deserves! These terrorists that are destroying the levant deserve nothing but their submission to the reality that they had it very good and could have made it even better if they only reacted and protested peacefully with dignity!

History is full of examples of that type of triumph!

Thumb joebustani 11:29 ,2015 آذار 06

bless anyone person, entity, organization, brigade or country that inflicts pain and suffering, death, torture, and destruction upon the iranian sectarian terrorist militia and its members, supporters or followers wherever they may be.

Default-user-icon ARMY COMMAND (ضيف) 12:29 ,2015 آذار 06

Thank you @speakfreely, we will for sure take your valuable military input into consideration when we formulate our strategy. Keep them ideas coming

Thumb liberty 03:31 ,2015 آذار 07

lol @ Army Command (Guest)
Good One!

Default-user-icon John mccain (ضيف) 13:02 ,2015 آذار 06

As much as i dislike hezbs arogance and negligence of state authority, or their 1 sided suporters who put hezb ahead of lebanon, who believe that hezb are always right, clearly i would at this. Point say they are part of the reason we have not been invaded by these crazy bunch of primitive assassins...

Default-user-icon Elizabeth Taylor (ضيف) 13:35 ,2015 آذار 06

hey John Maccain
your dislike for hezbs is so obvious it made me laugh in my grave hahaha

Default-user-icon majd (ضيف) 14:02 ,2015 آذار 06

Those fighters were pushed here by the syrian regime during the qalamoun 1 & 2 battles when it opened safe corridors for them to withdraw towards the lebanese border instead of finishing them off. Tragically the pretend lebanese group so called hezb allah helpthe regime do that, puting lebanon in danger.

Thumb _mowaten_ 16:53 ,2015 آذار 06

invented rhetoric based on nothing but speculation. If the SAA had the means to finish off rebels and takfiris at will, it would have done so in every areas of syria, from south to north and east.

Thumb _mowaten_ 16:54 ,2015 آذار 06

rebels are aided by israeli and US satellites, they are warned of troop movements and guided in their escape.

Thumb liberty 03:53 ,2015 آذار 07

the troll has the evidence and the facts !

Thumb -phoenix1 14:06 ,2015 آذار 06

May the Lebanese Army crush every single bone of these dirts called IS, Al Nusra and every other evil terrorist group. Let the army never relent in its fight against these evil sobs, let it pound them to dust. There should be NO mercy of any kind shown to IS or their supporters, let the army continue its offensive and never relent, an advancing does not pause nor does it negotiate, just obliterate these filths.

Thumb ado.australia 15:52 ,2015 آذار 06

Agreed brother but an an advancing Lebanese army must respect and protect the local Lebanese population. Even the Lebanese traitors deserve a civilised and constitutional punishment. The non Lebanese are foreign enemies and deserve to be crushed!

Thumb -phoenix1 18:55 ,2015 آذار 06

With you Ado, 100%.

Thumb Mystic 18:23 ,2015 آذار 06

Yes I agree too with you Phoenix on this comment above, but I can not accept when you are too close to the Western agendas regarding the Resistance, that is something that drift us apart directly. You should know, that the West and Israel used your people blood to fight the Palestinians instead of them, and you fell right into their trap.

The day you people cut all ties with the West, and realize that your roots are Eastern, and not from Mcdonalds, then I am sure we will agree upon alot more.

Thumb -phoenix1 19:03 ,2015 آذار 06

Ya habibi ya Mystic, thanks for the explanation. But you said something about cutting ties with the West, ya khaye, ya habibi I certainly am no dualist in anything I do or say, and I am sure that I also speak for many in this forum. Trust me khaye, cutting ties at this time is no wisdom, Iran who used to call the West and Amreeka the big evil is today doing all it can to rekindle ties with them all. Look at how Obama's policies are butt-heading with Netanyahu's and you will see that finally common sense has a way to prevail. So how can I cut my ties with the West when Iran, Hezbollah's and Bachar El Assad's cash assets plus other assets are located in the West's biggest banks? I need something more forthcoming ya Mystic, not just slogans, even Iran will be upset at you doing such things nowadays.

Thumb Mystic 19:45 ,2015 آذار 06

Phoenix, I thought you knew better. Do you really believe the Nuclear talks, changes anything? You really believe the U.S will abandon Israel, in favor of Iran? Now that is naive thinking again, my friend.

U.S will do all in their power to defend Israeli interests. Just like they used the LF, to massacre Israels enemies the palestinians.

Iran, will never let the West have the same influence in Iran, as they did under the Shah. Those times are over, and I wish Lebanon will follow the same way, not becoming and Islamic Republic, but atleast become and Anti Western one. I know you do not like that, but i like that Idea, and i think it will solve all problems.

You say Resistance should disband, I say let M14 disband and it will bring fortunes to all Lebanon if they do.

Thumb -phoenix1 14:07 ,2015 آذار 06

**An advancing Army.***

Thumb _mowaten_ 14:35 ,2015 آذار 06

No patriotic lebanese can tolerate this hostile presence on our borders. Have you already forgotten that they attacked the army and ISF in arsal? Have you forgotten the hostages, the beheadings? The threats and demands to liberate islamists from Lebanese prisons? The repeated attacks on border towns including Ras Baalbek? Maybe you can forget that easily because you're not Lebanese, but we didnt.

Also "Syria destroyed Lebanon more than Israel" is an outright lie, a baseless propaganda line attempting to belittle the magnitude of the repeated israeli aggressions on Lebanon. The 82 events alone, with the destruction of half of Beirut and use of white phosphorus on the civilian population is already several times more than everything Syria ever did altogether. And 82 is just one of many, spreading over decades and decades, and while Syria has done some good to compensate the bad, israel never did.

Default-user-icon mowaten.zaboura (ضيف) 15:08 ,2015 آذار 06

any chance of you to start thinking about getting a life? maybe in Syria?

Thumb _mowaten_ 16:55 ,2015 آذار 06

any chance you post something relevant for once in your troll life?

Thumb Mystic 18:28 ,2015 آذار 06

Well put mowaten. +

Missing humble 15:37 ,2015 آذار 06

The Butcher killed and assassinated much more people ( his own!) than Israel did.
Of course Syria destroyed Lebanon and continues to do so. Everyone who lived in a Christian area knows very well the extent of the destructions undertaken by the barbarians.

Thumb -phoenix1 15:39 ,2015 آذار 06

PB, sorry with all my respects to your views, this time I must disagree partly with your post where you said and I quote, "nobody claimed they were planning to invade Lebanon. they're just busy controlling Syria", unquote. No PB, they are truing to invade Lebanon as witnessed on their attack on Arsal last August and their consequent attacks on other parts of Lebanon too. If these gutter rats of IS and Al Nusra had one miserable bit of a chance, they would overrun Lebanon in one go and they'd care less who stands on their way. There are times when people like Mystic, Mowaten and Southern say things that are true. I wouldn't trust one bit anything called IS.

Thumb -phoenix1 18:58 ,2015 آذار 06

T'as raison PB et j'accorde a votre opinion un grand respect qui d'ailleurs je trouve toujours tres valable dans toutes les discussion. Merci encore.