الرياض تطلب من بان اعلام مجلس الامن بالمؤامرة المفترضة لقتل سفيرها في واشنطن

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طلبت السعودية من الامين العام للامم المتحدة بان كي مون ان يحيط مجلس الامن الدولي علما بشأن "المؤامرة البشعة" ضد السفير السعودي في واشنطن والتي تتهم ايران بالوقوف وراءها.

وكانت الولايات المتحدة بدات الاربعاء بعقد اجتماعات فردية مع سفراء البلدان الاعضاء في مجلس الامن للوصول الى رد دبلوماسي على المؤامرة الايرانية المفترضة ضد السفير السعودي عادل الجبير.

واوردت الوكالة السعودية الرسمية للانباء (واس) نقلا عن بيان صادر عن البعثة السعودية الدائمة لدى الامم المتحدة ان البعثة "طلبت رسميا من الامين العام للامم المتحدة ان يحيط مجلس الامن بشان المؤامرة البشعة لاغتيال سفير المملكة العربية السعودية".

ووصف البيان المؤامرة المفترضة بأنها "تمثل انتهاكا للقوانين الدولية وقرارات الأمم المتحدة وكل المواثيق والأعراف الانسانية".

واضاف البيان ان "جميع من لهم علاقة بهذه المحاولة المشينة يجب تقديمهم للعدالة".

يشار الى ان القضاء الاميركي اعلن الثلاثاء اتهام مواطنين ايرانيين اثنين بمحاولة اغتيال السفير السعودي في واشنطن عادل الجبير.

ونفت ايران بشكل قاطع هذه الاتهامات واصفة اياها ب"الشيطانية".

التعليقات 7
Default-user-icon Maktouf (ضيف) 23:43 ,2011 تشرين الأول 15

What is the UN gonna handle to handle? They have not yet got to punishing the criminals who waged an illegal war in Iraq that HAS KILLED hundreds of thousands. I repeat: HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS. Then, there is the Saudi criminal involvement in Bahrain, and in funding and supporting the Sunni fanatics and crazies in Egypt, Tunisia and just about everywhere else. Good luck to the UN, which stands to Utter Nonsense.

Default-user-icon Le PheneChien (ضيف) 00:44 ,2011 تشرين الأول 16

Oh I get it, the zionist war department and mossad are trying to create division in Syria as well as they did in Lebanon for 30 yrs. I can't wait to see who paid the Mexican and the details of the story, as I am sure it's the same story as the STL and 4 stooges that are hiding under the rat's home.

Default-user-icon Trinity (ضيف) 07:38 ,2011 تشرين الأول 16

Lets do the comparative math 101:

Saudi Arabia:


people and background categorized as: repressed, religious fanatics, no devotion or practice of human qualities whatsoever or rights, practice of medieval law as The Law sponsored by a "religious" book, sponsors of world's 80 percent of terrorists, non-existing cultural background or inventive spending whatsoever on non existing self productivity or any vague similar recollection of such kinds.

Politics: dirty player highly influencial dated "non democtratic" entity allied to most modern "democratic" western entity in a hypocracy of movement in the region and time.

Purpose: to exist for the sole purpose of existence on the world's richest grounds of resources while making maximum profit with maximum consumption and benefit with nothing in return to both the world or humanity itself.

conclusion: camel riders in the desert just so happened to stumble upon a treasure dove, existing to continue their good for nothing existence.

Default-user-icon Independence (ضيف) 08:28 ,2011 تشرين الأول 16

..... Yet, another plot by the american zionist machine to discredit the non glorious filthy resistance and its Persian Farsi Masters in Iran.

Thumb geha 09:53 ,2011 تشرين الأول 16

I can see 3 things that might be driving this:
- stop iran support to the syrian regime.
- stop iran dominance in Lebanon.
- stop iran fomenting troubles in the GCC.
failure to do so will definately result in war.

Default-user-icon Trinity (ضيف) 10:22 ,2011 تشرين الأول 16

were's my post naharnet, I used no foul language, you have no right to take it out - its freedom of speech that you praise democratically, and point of views are what you get.

Default-user-icon trueself (ضيف) 03:36 ,2011 تشرين الأول 17

I think SA should play the game of Iran. It should let go of the assassination attempt by sleeping on it. I for one is very suspicious of the American's plays and attempts of derailing the Arab world in favor of Israel. I also believe that America is run by the Jewish lobby. That is why I think the Saudi’s whom I respect and love very much as I used to live and work there should act wisely. In general, the Saudis are very peaceful people and their king is very wise and respectable. But time is not right for us the Arab to give Israel a chance of splitting us as Arabs by letting us engage in wars with the Iranians. We should be wiser and more attentive for the Jewish ploys.

God bless Saudi Arabia and its king and its great people.

Whoever speaks badly about SA or its people is only being vindictive for no reasons other than being jealous of the kingdom's advancements.