مسيرة "مليونية" وسط حلب دعما للأسد ومواقف روسيا والصين الداعمة له

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بث التلفزيون السوري لساعات صباح الاربعاء وقائع مباشرة لمسيرة "مليونية" جرت في ساحة سعد الله الجابري وسط مدينة حلب (شمال) قال انها "رافضة للتدخل الخارجي ودعما للاصلاح ولمواقف روسيا والصين الداعمة لسوريا".

وبين البث مئات الاف الاشخاص من مختلف الفئات العمرية وهم يحملون صورا للرئيس السوري والاعلام السورية.

كما حمل المشاركون لافتات كتب عليها عبارات تؤيد الرئيس السوري وخطة الاصلاح التي اعلن عنها وتندد بالتدخل الاجنبي وترحب بالمواقف الروسية والصينية الداعمة لسوريا.

وعلق المنظمون صورة عملاقة للاسد وعلما سوريا عملاقا يحداه علمان عملاقان لكل من روسيا والصين على واجهة مبنى مشرف على الساحة.

التعليقات 15
Default-user-icon 3allani (ضيف) 16:52 ,2011 تشرين الأول 19

This means 3 month backward for the revolution.Shh....tt

Default-user-icon Independence (ضيف) 16:55 ,2011 تشرين الأول 19

....... yeah, I am sure this butcher has too much support.

Thumb canaanite 18:16 ,2011 تشرين الأول 19

would love to see how many protestors against the regime turn up to a demo if they werent surrounded by tanks, fired upon, and paid to go...

Default-user-icon Murad (ضيف) 18:18 ,2011 تشرين الأول 19

whoa whoa what's up with the silence my dear "Lebanese" brothers :)

Missing allouchi 18:23 ,2011 تشرين الأول 19

What a joke...mass government organized protest to support the support the government…You idiot Baathists, that was tried before by your comrade Saddam and it didn't work...the noose is waiting for you.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 18:30 ,2011 تشرين الأول 19

this is a confirmed civil war in neighbouring shaqiqa

Default-user-icon LebCanada (ضيف) 19:11 ,2011 تشرين الأول 19

@ caanite , The same way you were paid yes? the same way ur "Za3im" was paid by Hariri, to gather few thousands yes? you are asking Syria not to interfere but u are interfering in their business. Much better to have Assad as a president , rather than someone with a shaved head and long beard (salafist) .

Missing peace 20:54 ,2011 تشرين الأول 19

lebcanada understands nothing....!!!

Default-user-icon LebCanada (ضيف) 22:15 ,2011 تشرين الأول 19

@ peace: thanks for ur comment, please enlighten me with your broad political knowledge, maybe i would learn something new from someone who doesn't see further than his nose.

Missing peace 22:40 ,2011 تشرين الأول 19

lebcanada, just inform yourself..... :)

Default-user-icon Foermer Lebanese (ضيف) 23:15 ,2011 تشرين الأول 19


Can you please enlighten me how a "Salafist" would get into power? Please explain to me this as we have not seen a precedence for it anywhere yet. This is a democratic movement allowing people their basic right of election their official regardless of their exterior look is a "RIGHT". If you truly live in Canada than you understand your rights and on one is imposing on you one character or the other.

The Syrian people are humans also and have their rights. If they wish to have a donkey being put as their president it is THEIR right. Our responsibility as outsiders is to encourage the western methods of separation between church/mosque and the government. Same as your "Salafist" friends would argue otherwise, and others might argue something else.

But at the end of the day it IS democracy. They MUST have their right of fighting for their rights and acquiring them. The devine leader days have gone away centuries ago it's time for the Arab world to come out of it.

Default-user-icon LebCanada (ضيف) 00:08 ,2011 تشرين الأول 20

@ peace, will take your advise into my consideration, as I am not a politician, but i am always open to accept others' opinion and comments or views, which you or your fellow partners are not at this level yet:). I just feel sorry for some people... Anyway, keep arguing and teach Mr. Assad what to do,and how to deal with this situation , cause u are much more informed about the current situation in the Middle east than him.

Thumb jabalamel 10:43 ,2011 تشرين الأول 20

but the lowest point of their propaganda is claiming that "there is a confirmed civil war"


Thumb jabalamel 10:49 ,2011 تشرين الأول 20

the zionist information war department is in state of total disarray and confusion seeing that assad have a big support in syria.

but, their job is to pervert the truth and you can see their pathetic attempt in previous posts

Default-user-icon LebCanada (ضيف) 22:16 ,2011 تشرين الأول 20

@ Foermer Lebanese
There's no true democracy anywhere on this planet. Yes, I am in Canada and there's no ideal democracy , last elections Steven Harper got the majority ( a pro israeli figure) and everyone knows how he got it ,anyways that's not the point here. I take no sides, since i'm a free person but i just like to comment objectively, and say what i like to say without having immature replies from others. Minorities in Syria had no problem living peacefully (Christians, 3alawist, and other minorities..). Saddam was a dictator, but christians had no problem living peacefully.. half a million flew Iraq in the last few years to Europe Canada.. and christians in egypt? Same thing would happen to Syria, minorities will leave the country to seek protection in Europe, Canada...I cannot defend Assad since his dad has blood on his hands, he has blood on his hands, on the other hand, i do see if he's down, that would leave lebanon unstable and a big threat to minorities in Syria..