حزب الله يستعد لخوض معركة "الزبداني": موقعها حساس وتحوي 1500 مسلح

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يستعد حزب الله لخوض معركة الزيداني السورية التي تحوي على ما يزيد عن 1500 مسلح في خطوة استبقاية في حال "تم تحركيهم في الاتجاه الذي يوجع حزب الله".

وبحسب مصادر في حزب الله أن حزب الله سيكون "رأس حربة" في معركة الزبداني بعد معركة جرود عرسال. وقالت أن "التحضيرات في هذا الاتجاه تجري على قدم وساق، ورصدت لها كل متطلباتها التجهيزية: البشرية واللوجستية والتسليحية".

ونقلت صحيفة "السفير" الخميس عن مصادر سورية وحزبية تفسيرات عن أسباب استعداد حزب الله لخوض هذه المعركة، حيث أوضحت ان الزبداني "تحوي على ما يزيد عن 1500 مسلح، معظمهم لجأ اليها بعدما تم طردهم قبل فترة قصيرة من "قارة" وجرود عسال الورد، واتخذوا من الزبداني منطلقا لتحركاتهم".

وروت المصادر أن المسلحين في الزبداني "باتوا يشكلون كتلة قتالية خطيرة يخشى في ظرف معين او لحظة مؤاتية ان يتم تحريكهم في الاتجاه الذي يوجع حزب الله والجيش السوري النظامي، كمحاولة تلك المجموعات التكفيرية في أية لحظة، الانقضاض على خط بيروت دمشق والسيطرة عليه، إما بشكل مباشر واما بالنار".

وللزبداني بحسب المصادر أهمية أولها انها "تبلغ مساحة حوالي 395 كيلومتراً مربعاً، و خلال الأزمة، فقد شكّلت مدخلاً للسلاح والمسلحين من لبنان الى مناطق القلمون (اكتشفت فيها مجموعة كبيرة من الانفاق)، وتقع ضمن نقطة جغرافية حساسة جدا، و خاصة انها قريبة من لبنان ومن دمشف وتطل مباشرة على خط بيروت - دمشق وتقع أيضا كنقطة وسط بين دمشق وحمص ومنطقة الساحل في الشمال، أضافة الى انها تتصل بالقلمون.

وحول معركة جرود عرسال التي يخوضها حزب الله قالت مصادر حزبية لـ"السفير" أن "الوقائع الميدانية في الجرود تؤشر الى تمكّن الحزب من تحرير مساحة تزيد عن مئة وخمسة كيلومترات مربعة من المجموعات التكفيرية".

والجهد مستمر للاطباق على المساحة المتبقية التي تسيطر عليها تلك المجموعات والتي تزيد عن 140 كيلومتراً مربعاً... وأن ما قبل نهاية شهر رمضان لناظره قريب، على ما يؤكد حزبيون.

وصرح أن "الحشد القتالي لحزب الله بلغ ذروة الاستعداد والجهوزية للحسم في الجرود على أساس المعادلة التي حددها الأمين العام للحزب السيد حسن نصر الله التي تقول "لن يبقى ارهابي واحد في جرود عرسال".

وكان نصر الله قال في خطاب له ان "اهل بعلبك والهرمل لن يقبلو بوجود ارهابي واحد في جرود عرسال"، تاركا حينها الامر للجيش ليتخذ التدابير في داخل البلدة.

وقال حينها ان المعركة في جرود عرسال ستتكلم عن نسها كما حصل في معركة "القلمون".


التعليقات 72
Missing iranian.patriot 09:22 ,2015 تموز 02

Zabadani is a Lebanese village with shia inhabitants that lies 80 kms inside Syria. So, of course the iranian resistance has to liberate it.

Missing maroun 09:34 ,2015 تموز 02

How can it be Lebanese if lt lies in Syria

Default-user-icon joe sarkis (ضيف) 10:45 ,2015 تموز 02

ask hizballah

Thumb _mowaten_ 11:16 ,2015 تموز 02

stop whining, there will be no more safe havens for your takfiri friends. from lebanon to iraq and beyond, all terrorists must be eliminated.

Thumb _mowaten_ 11:16 ,2015 تموز 02

and no, it's 2kms from the border, not 80.

Thumb _mowaten_ 11:18 ,2015 تموز 02

and lol, it's amusing to see how the troll brigade is fuming. comments below are hilarious and reveal how b-hurt they are at the idea of their takfiri friends being crushed.

Default-user-icon mowaten.fantoura (ضيف) 11:21 ,2015 تموز 02

is that all you have to offer _mowaten_?

Missing CFTC 11:27 ,2015 تموز 02

@mowaten E-X-C-E-L-L-E-N-T. Still laughing since your first comment years back in which you said you were shia but secular and atheist. Thank you

Missing peace 11:42 ,2015 تموز 02

mooowaten the voice of syria: remind us how much territory is left under your master's control?
seems like hezbis are in a desperate situation rather... 40% less funds from iran , iran preparing for post assad rule... check your favorrite website Wikileaks! LOL


Thumb _mowaten_ 12:44 ,2015 تموز 02

looooooool peace, so in 2011 they were getting ready to drop assad. it's only been 4 years since, how much time does it take to prepare the "post assad rule"?

and more lol with your leaks, which are quotes from zionists quoting "the news website Khabaronline reported Thursday."

Thumb _mowaten_ 12:45 ,2015 تموز 02

also thanks for this:
"Syria has historically supported Tehran's anti-Israel stance, and this
support could be weakened by a political change in Damascus.

Damascus has also supported the Shiite Hezbollah movement in Lebanon, a
firm ally of Tehran and an equally firm enemy of Israel."

showing the true reasons why they want to take down assad.

Missing peace 12:55 ,2015 تموز 02

thank you mooowatn for confirming what everyone knows : your stupidity...

so when it comes to accusing geagea of saudi fundings Wikileaks is reliable but when used against hezbis it is not;...

thanx for confirming your double standards hahahaha! pityful idiot you are.

Thumb EagleDawn 13:52 ,2015 تموز 02

lying and deceit are part of his genes.

Thumb barrymore 15:25 ,2015 تموز 02

you mean like when he says zabadani is only 2 kilometers from the border;)

Thumb _mowaten_ 16:10 ,2015 تموز 02

barryless: "you mean like when he says zabadani is only 2 kilometers from the border;)"
lol exactly. and it is the case. you guys are so retarded.

Missing peace 16:18 ,2015 تموز 02

hey mooowaten ... then stop saying to others that their quotes of Wikileaks are baseless... OK?

or you know which documents are true ( the ones you use) and which one are false (the ones that is bad for your hezbi propaganda)...

isee one idiot here : it is you for being so double standard..; the sign of a weak inefficient brain... pityful idiot you are and you will remain...

Missing peace 16:38 ,2015 تموز 02

geeeeee! then why can't saudi leaks be forged ? why should one trust wiki when saudi leaks are leaked but not the israeli intelligence or the US intelligence? why these double standards? why? mooowaten? LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLL


i guess this is also a fraud and false...

Thumb _mowaten_ 17:07 ,2015 تموز 02

still in the same loop? lol you're either more retarded than i thought, or you simply don't want to understand.
When the opinion of "Matthew Levitt, director of The Washington Institute's Stein Program on Counterterrorism and Intelligence" is leaked, probably the leak is true, as in Levitt DID think and say that. Now does that mean that what Levitt thinks and says is true? I let you ponder about it.

Missing peace 17:21 ,2015 تموز 02

why wouldn't it be true? oh! yes i forgot, you M8ers know what is true and what is false....

that is exactly my point LOL! ...

Default-user-icon the_roar aka wolf (ضيف) 15:49 ,2015 تموز 02

@bengaza: do you know why flamethrower was repeatedly banned?

Thumb EagleDawn 09:40 ,2015 تموز 02

Pray the Lord they will only come back in yellow body bags.

Thumb Mystic 10:18 ,2015 تموز 02

While Mostaqbal supporters and March 14 people backs takfiris against Lebanon and the Resistance.
We see these honorable Men of God storming the takfiris in protection of the Lebanese and all the good God loving people throughout the Middle East no matter sect.

Only the dishonored cowards of March 14 wishes Lebanon to break up and be consumed unto Baghdadis newly formed state.

Thumb jaafar.ibn.iblees 10:25 ,2015 تموز 02

is that a martyred iranian jihadi terrorist family in your avatar?

Missing peace 11:43 ,2015 تموز 02

hezbollah pledged allegiance to the iranian revolution but never to Lebanon... their "patriotic" stance is just pure hypocrisy...

Thumb Mystic 14:52 ,2015 تموز 02

Mostaqbal pledged allegiance to Saudi Arabia, Lebanese forces and Kataeb to Israel. Saudi Arabia is allied with Israel aswell against Iran.

And you people wonder why we support Iran and Syria. By the way, it is no secret that Mostaqbals plan is to give Lebanon away to Al Nusra and ISIS for free, only the Resistance and LAF are the walls for your deviant plans.

Thumb Mystic 15:21 ,2015 تموز 02

Also we should not forget Future Movements past experience with Radical Al Qaeda affiliated groups in Tripoli and Saida. Ahmed Al Assir and his goons hot heavy backing by Hariri and Saudi Arabia remember that.

Future movements financial support to Al Nusra front bombing a café in Jabal Me7sen in January is also well known.

Thumb barrymore 15:26 ,2015 تموز 02

Mystic you speak nonsense fueled by sectarian propaganda.

Thumb Mystic 15:29 ,2015 تموز 02

We should not forget anonymetexasusa have been banned from this website on several occasions due to foul language broken saudi propaganda etc.

Missing peace 16:10 ,2015 تموز 02

hezbollah are traitors because they act according to the syrian iranian agenda ... they disobey lebanese laws and constitution...they pledged allegiance to the iranian revolution never to the lebanese constitution which they spit on...

anyone pretending hezbis are "patriotic" are just a bunch of iranian mercenaries thinking that by barking and pretending to be the only patriotic people they are right... pityful idiots....

Thumb Mystic 16:23 ,2015 تموز 02

Peace funny thing about you is, that you can bark but you have no teeth to back it up. Future movement is famous for this along with Lebanese Forces ofcourse, you did nothing to fight ISIS and Nusra, yet you attack others that does, that goes to texas too.

Missing peace 16:28 ,2015 تموز 02

miss tic : we have the army to defend us so your militia can do whatever they want to impress fanatics like you , i support the army not a militia. if you believe your militia act for Lebanon then good for you , sensible people know they act just to hold bashar in its seat... you know the regime that harmed Lebanon more than israel ever did... yet you support them and still praise all the harm they did to Lebanon by thanking them!

the parties you mention also rely on the army not a foreign militia which in your eyes seems a terrible thing to do... pityful braindead hezbi you are...

Thumb Mystic 17:02 ,2015 تموز 02

Yes it's well known that March 14 alliance loves Israel. You forget that it was Syria that ended the civil war in Lebanon with their military presence.

I back the Lebanese army aswell, but without the Resistance to back it up, they would've been overrun a long time ago.
I know you deny that, but it's a fact.

Thumb Mystic 17:06 ,2015 تموز 02

By the way, Israel destroyed Lebanon more than any country in the world.

Missing peace 17:25 ,2015 تموز 02

sure miss tic... it is israel that set up the corruption ... it is israel that stole the lebanese treasury... syria never did that , syria never erased entire villages, never tortured any lebanese never humiliated abducted killed lebanese never jailed lebanes ewhose fate is unknown.....
all my invention i guess... pityful syrian bootlicker suffering from the Stockholm syndrom....

oh! and even if you do not like to hear it as it is bad for your propaganda, israel is also my enemy... but to complex for your little brtain to comprehend = how can one be agaisnt syria and hezbollah but also against israel. that does not fit your dead brainwashed brain....

Thumb Mystic 17:41 ,2015 تموز 02

That's funny you mention that, because Hariri was the best of friends with Syria during the end of the civil war in the 90s and until his assassination.

Missing peace 17:41 ,2015 تموز 02

"La Syrie est responsable du massacre de milliers de civils libanais et de la destruction de nombreux villages dans le nord du Liban. Elle a bombarde le pays sans relýche et s'est livree a des assassinats contre des deputes, des journalistes, des hommes politiques. Aucune enquete independante ne s'est jamais penchee sur ces crimes. Moi-meme, j'ai ete l'objet de trois attentats. Un million et demi de Libanais ont fui leur pays, ou ils etaient prives de liberte et de travail. La Syrie a toujours ete une force de nuisance. Quelqu'un doit mettre un terme a son jeu d'influence regionale nefaste. ""
michel aoun 13/11/2003 le figaro

miss tic : i guess aoun also is a zionist when he says this...

i guess israel did worse to Lebanon! syria killed thousands of lebanese i guess then israel in your view killed millions LOL LOL

Missing peace 17:43 ,2015 تموز 02

hariri was the best friend of syria so what? he was the only politician in charge? LOL no M8ers of today? no present M8er built its fortune thnkx to syrians? no stealing from syrians? btw aoun said that syrian stole the lebanese treasury, see his speech in front of the senate! LOL i guess he was lying then! LOL

your arguments are lame and show you have nothing... just a desperate attempt to defend syria your master...

Thumb Mystic 18:00 ,2015 تموز 02

That makes you the real hypocrite peace. You always scream about Assad and Syria yet you forget that Mostaqbal and Hariris businesses flourished under the Syrian presence in Lebanon.

Also Israel cooperates Al Nusra and other rebel factions in Syria. So i doubt Israel is your enemy, they are the ones feeding you alongside wahabi arabia.

Thumb justin 09:43 ,2015 تموز 02

I posted this on another article this morning
بعد شهرين على مقتل أخيه في القلمون.. مقتل القائد الميداني في “حزب الله” جميل فقيه

Default-user-icon french.eagle (ضيف) 14:02 ,2015 تموز 02

well said always

Thumb liberty 04:35 ,2015 تموز 03

very bad chess player @blablabla. Know when to use "Check Mate":)

Default-user-icon the_roar (ضيف) 09:51 ,2015 تموز 02

I am the_roar: I am a regular poster on naharnet. I have 20 fake accounts and I live on this forum 24/7. I make fake accounts and insult people when I have no argument or debate. I am a Shia who pretends not to speak Arabic and claims to live in Australia. I know every street in Lebanon and every MP's name despite my claim that I am 3rd generation Australian and having never been to Lebanon. I tell people I don't post on weekends to give them the impression I have a life. I lie and lie and lie and think people believe me.

Default-user-icon _mowaten_ aka cityboy (ضيف) 10:43 ,2015 تموز 02

I am the same, exactly the same. I am glad we share the same predicament.

Default-user-icon report.man aka mowaten (ضيف) 11:34 ,2015 تموز 02

hey guys i also think the same too

Default-user-icon weather.report (ضيف) 13:59 ,2015 تموز 02

include me too please

Thumb -phoenix1 21:04 ,2015 تموز 02

You forgot to mention that he also works for the Orange Room.

Default-user-icon Je Suis Flamethrower (ضيف) 09:52 ,2015 تموز 02

As a Shia follower of Khomeini I will forgive & pray for those who insult my Lords, Sayyid Hassan Nassrallah and Sheikh Sayyid Abdul-Malik al-Houthi.

Default-user-icon the_roar (ضيف) 10:43 ,2015 تموز 02

me too

Missing humble 09:52 ,2015 تموز 02

ISIS = Islamic Khalifah
IRAN = Islamic Republic

Thumb joebustani 10:08 ,2015 تموز 02

HA= Islamic Iranian Terror group

Default-user-icon shah (ضيف) 09:53 ,2015 تموز 02

Hey flamethrower...you are one man army...in this site so many person against you and you never backdown you tweet them back...I salute your spirit..

Default-user-icon flamethrower (ضيف) 10:44 ,2015 تموز 02

thank you @shah, but do you know why I was repeatedly banned?

Default-user-icon joe sarkis (ضيف) 11:35 ,2015 تموز 02

could it be because you are rude and fake?

Thumb EagleDawn 13:53 ,2015 تموز 02


Default-user-icon pigeon (ضيف) 14:01 ,2015 تموز 02

because he can fly like a 7amemeh

Thumb _mowaten_ 15:25 ,2015 تموز 02

just so you can reveal your intellectual level :)

Default-user-icon mowaten.zaboura (ضيف) 15:34 ,2015 تموز 02

is that all you have to offer _mowaten_? get a life mate

Thumb joebustani 09:56 ,2015 تموز 02

bless anyone person, entity, organization, brigade or country that inflicts pain and suffering, death, torture, and destruction upon the iranian sectarian terrorist militia and its members, supporters or followers wherever they may be.

Default-user-icon puppet (ضيف) 09:59 ,2015 تموز 02

I respect Mr. mowaten and his 55 aliases, Messrs. Flamethrowers, Mr. Nassrallah, and Mr. Walid121.

Thumb ansarullah 10:29 ,2015 تموز 02

hizbullah and ansarullah are men of god and they also have chemical weapons.

Thumb -phoenix1 21:07 ,2015 تموز 02

Ansarullah, you do rejoice us with such news, so add those to the 100,000 advanced missiles you have in Lebanon, yet your boss in Damascus has his back against the wall, you guys and him stuck in Qalamoun, Bachar reduced to using Barrel Bombs. so tell us ya Ansar, why haven't you people used yet those missiles and chemicals weapons? As FT's good reincarnated Karma said, Baked Beans.

Thumb thepatriot 10:53 ,2015 تموز 02

Ebola is busy building Alawistan...

Missing peace 11:46 ,2015 تموز 02

we have the army to protect the country... no need for a foreign terrorist militia, chia version of isis....

Missing peace 13:04 ,2015 تموز 02

no not like netanyahou ( i see you respect him by using a capital N lol!!) ...
just look at their flag and its symbols
didn't hezbollah pledge allegiance to the ISLAMIC revolution of iran like isis pledged allegiance to its caliphate? LOL
hezbollah has a koran on its flag...
hezbollah calls itself islamic resistance not lebanese resistance lOL!

so yes hezbollah is like isis chia style ! LOL

Thumb _mowaten_ 15:07 ,2015 تموز 02

quoting somebody is one thing, adopting his views and speaking the same rhetoric is another. but i guess you've already shown us how little ability to discern you have.

Missing peace 16:11 ,2015 تموز 02

don't worry texas... we know how fanatic people work... if you are not with them then you are with the enemy. their limited brain cannot comprehend further than that... their brain bugs otherwise !

Missing CFTC 16:19 ,2015 تموز 02

@mowaten E-X-C-E-L-L-E-N-T. Still laughing since your first comment years back in which you said you were shia but secular and atheist. Thank you

Missing sako 14:42 ,2015 تموز 02

We will pay the price.......

Default-user-icon tric.portugal (ضيف) 15:35 ,2015 تموز 02

they are killing the christhians in levant

Missing peace 17:54 ,2015 تموز 02

i knew FPMers were gay....

Missing peace 17:54 ,2015 تموز 02

no more no less than your iranian masters...

Thumb -phoenix1 21:09 ,2015 تموز 02

Hass, about the Caporal, you need to walk behind him because very soon you guys will need to carry him, his knees are wobbly now, yalla, stay stationed behind your clown before he falls bump on his head.