لقاء بين جعجع والحريري في جدة

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التقى رئيس حزب القوات اللبنانية سمير جعجع الاثنين رئيس تيار "المستقبل" سعد الحريري في جدون وذلك بعد يوم من لقائه الملك السعودي.

وبحث جعجع مع الملك سلمان بن عبد العزيز أمس الأحد مستجدات الأوضاع على الساحة اللبنانية.

وقد أعرب جعجع أثناء اللقاء عن شكره وتقديره للمملكة بقيادة خادم الحرمين الشريفين على ما يجده لبنان وشعبه من دعم وحرص على أمنه واستقراره في مختلف الظروف.

وتأتي زيارة جعجع الى السعودية فيما البلد أنهى عطلة الفطر ويستعد لاستحقاقات كثيرة ستواجه الحكومة أثناء انعقادها هذا الاسبوع، بداء من البحث في آلية عملها مرورا بملف التعيينات وعسكريي عرسال المخطوفين وصولا الى أزمة النفايات التييغرق بها البلد مع الوصول الى الموعد المقرر لاقفال مطمر الناعمة الجمعة الفائت.

كل تلك الاستحقاقات فيما لم يستطع مجلس النواب انتخاب رئيس للجمهورية في جلسته التي عقدت الاربعاء الفائت، ووسط مساع عدة لفتح دورة استثنائية لمجلس النواب في ظل رفض التيار "الوطني الحر" لذلك.


التعليقات 9
Thumb ado.australia 18:10 ,2015 تموز 20

How many times has Geagea traveled to Saudi Arabia in the past 6 years? Not once has Aoun travelled to Iran in the past 6 years, but Geagea has travelled to Saudi Arabia 5 times in the past 6 years!

I'm not saying Geagea is receiving money or direction from KSA, but if Aoun visited Iran once, during Dr Geagea's 5 visits to KSA, what would the opponents of the fpm be saying?

i am very please that Aoun's FPM and Geagea'a LF have an agreement! Hope its stays this way after Dr Geagea's visit to KSA.

How many days has Saad Hariri lived in Lebanon compared to his days in Saudi Arabia over the past 45 years? Saad Hariri hasn't spent more than 2 full years in Lebanon in his whole Life!!!!

Missing aounophobia 18:19 ,2015 تموز 20

Forget Iran, how many times did aoun visit Syria since he came back from his "exile" on the champs elysees???

the same syria that killed and oppressed lebanese in general and christians in particular. the same syria that occupied Lebanon for 30 years. did saudi arabia do anything similar? of course not! with all its flaws, Saudi provided job opportunities and living for tens of thousands of lebanese families

Thumb -phoenix1 19:43 ,2015 تموز 20

Ado, dear friend, Aoun doesn't need to travel to Iran, Dahieh is a lot nearer, then lest we forget, Dahieh too comes to Rabieh. But as you see, there are two major political forces working against each other here in Lebanon, so one should have never expected that Aoun gets a free hand over matters in Lebanon together with his key mentors Hezbollah, Iran and Syria, M14 has a duty to counter their political aims. Now whether we belong to one side or the other would not change the dynamics, as even Mr. Berri himself admitted that decisions will have to come from outside and in this context from the Iran/US deal. Our fate will be known soon.

Thumb barrymore 18:43 ,2015 تموز 20

people like ado.asutralia have nothing to say so he just waffles

Missing humble 19:13 ,2015 تموز 20

Tric -trac

Geagea is no longer Judas. He signed an agreement with your master. Do you remember?

Thumb -phoenix1 19:48 ,2015 تموز 20

In Lebanon we have M8 that is led by Hezbollah. M8 doesn't take one single decision unless and until approved and dictated by Hezbollah. Then we have M14, and here to be very honest M14 is not really led by Mr. Hariri, well at least not entirely but by Geagea. Truth is, if there was No Geagea, there would have been no M14 side. If there was No M14 side, then Hezbollah would not even bother to create an M8 side, Hezbollah would have gulped everything on its way. But because there is a Samir Geagea, there is an M14 alliance that is capable of being held together and that is fully capable of fending off for itself and stand its way against Hezbollah, Syria and Iran, now forget about that M8 side which still is looking for a few more cars to parade. So when Geagea goes to anywhere, KSA or other, it's because leaders want to talk to the leader of M14, simple. Aoun is now just reduced to a bottler if you wanted to know.

Thumb -phoenix1 19:53 ,2015 تموز 20

And now to you poor Portuguese widow, just like your bottler friend in Rabieh, well, the one that some people still wish to refer to as Aoun or the lunatic of Rabieh, yes sure Tric, Aoun will need people like you to scream at the top of their voices who is a Judas and who is not, well, of course, this according to the Orange book, this of course taking into context that your poor Aoun has now lost his voice. Then there is a book that is now widely being read all over the globe, in it there is a shady "Cristhian" character known as JudAoun, do you know him?

Thumb ice-man 21:13 ,2015 تموز 20

Geagea W'basss wil ba2eh Khasss
Hakim Habib al Malayeeeeen
bil rou7 bil damm nafdeeka ya Hakeeeeem

Thumb sophia_angle 14:37 ,2015 تموز 21

hakim shu? his degree came as a mass murderer indeed...plz stop insulting doctors! u ignorant