أوباما يدعو الى رحيل الاسد من اجل انهاء الحرب في سوريا

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اعتبر الرئيس الاميركي باراك اوباما الخميس ان الحرب في سوريا لا يمكن ان تنتهي بدون رحيل الرئيس بشار الاسد مستبعدا بذلك الاقتراحات باحتمال مشاركة الاسد في انتخابات مقبلة.

وقال اوباما بعد ايام على لقائه الرئيس الروسي فلاديمير بوتين، ابرز حليف للاسد، "لا يمكنني ان اتصور وضعا يمكننا فيه انهاء الحرب الاهلية في سوريا مع بقاء الاسد في السلطة".

ويشكل مصير الاسد ابرز نقطة خلاف في جهود احلال السلام في سوريا وخصوصا بين الغرب وموسكو وطهران.

وتاتي تعليقات اوباما بعد ايام على لقائه بوتين حيث ظهرت بوادر الاقتراب من اتفاق بين الطرفين.

وشدد اوباما على هامش قمة منتدى التعاون الاقتصادي لدول اسيا والمحيط الهادئ في مانيلا على ان السوريين لن يقبلوا ببقاء الاسد في السلطة بعد الحرب التي شهدت قيام النظام بهجمات ضد المدنيين بحسب قوله.

واوضح اوباما "حتى لو وافقت على ذلك، لا اعتقد ان هذا الامر سينجح".

وقال اوباما "لا يمكن حمل الشعب السوري-او غالبيته- على الموافقة على مثل هذه النتيجة".

التعليقات 24
Missing humble 10:27 ,2015 تشرين الثاني 19

Obama is the weakest leader of the globe.

Missing humble 10:44 ,2015 تشرين الثاني 19

Tric Trac
We miss you and you bright comments.

Thumb Mystic 10:56 ,2015 تشرين الثاني 19

To end the war, saudi arabia must stop arming takfiris alongside obama.

Missing humble 11:30 ,2015 تشرين الثاني 19

To end the problems in Lebanon, YOU MUST get out of Syria.

Thumb Mystic 11:37 ,2015 تشرين الثاني 19

Then all of Lebanon would burn like we saw happen last week in Beirut.

Maybe that is what you people wish after all, it is the takfiris in Syria you backed in the first place.

Thumb jaafar.ibn.iblees 12:38 ,2015 تشرين الثاني 19

to end the war, you must first admit it is a martyred moderate iranian jihadist terrorist family in your avatar.

Thumb _mowaten_ 13:06 ,2015 تشرين الثاني 19

Obama and the US must go to end most wars on earth.

Thumb EagleDawn 13:11 ,2015 تشرين الثاني 19

LOL mowaten you're SOOOOOO funny! can I hire you as a clown?

Nice imagination though. you'd be a fun person, if only you didnt take seriously every hallucination you get.

Thumb _mowaten_ 14:41 ,2015 تشرين الثاني 19

lol eagleyawn, again stealing my comments... you must really be a great fan.

Missing Rima-Al-Khatib 15:05 ,2015 تشرين الثاني 19

Which country are you a mowaten of...? Syria, Iraq, Iran, North Korea? .... Certainly not Lebanon!

Thumb _mowaten_ 15:12 ,2015 تشرين الثاني 19

truth hurts eh? but taking out the downvotes and troll puppet heads wont change anything about it.

Missing humble 15:37 ,2015 تشرين الثاني 19

Yes. They do not understand....they think they are protecting Lebanon while they are burning it from within....

Thumb EagleDawn 15:39 ,2015 تشرين الثاني 19

seriously mowaten, you ran out of sources you had to quote www.salon.com? next will be www.bedroom.com ! ROFL
did your ego get hurt by 2 down votes ?

Missing Rita.Nahhas 15:57 ,2015 تشرين الثاني 19

OMG!!!! OMG!!!! Dear God!!!!

Even on an article as important as this, I find you mowaten spamming, trolling, and terrorizing other posters. What kind of being are you? New fresh evidence surfaces by the minute that you are a paid poster but the question remains who pays you and for what exact purpose? Is it the Iranian embassy, is it the revolutionary guard, is it the syrian intelligence or the ex-KGB? These questions must be objectively answered by you and NOW!

Thumb Mystic 16:12 ,2015 تشرين الثاني 19

The most amusing fact is, that all you minions claimed Assad would be gone within a week, about 4 and a half years have past.
Assad is still sitting in the same place he did since the war begun, he will continue to do so too.

Thumb Mystic 16:36 ,2015 تشرين الثاني 19

It's a very good thing you mentioned Golan, now how come the takfiris that you support never attacks Israel?

The Quneitra region is under heavily Al Nusra presence, why don't they go help their so called Sunni brothers of Palestine?
Because they do not care about Israel at all, Nusra and ISIS never attacked Israel and never will.

Thumb justin 13:49 ,2015 تشرين الثاني 19

Physicians for Human Rights: Syrian government strikes have decimated health care in Aleppo


Default-user-icon hass1978 (ضيف) 14:07 ,2015 تشرين الثاني 19

well said waleeeeeed121, well said.

Thumb marcus 14:12 ,2015 تشرين الثاني 19

21 minutes ago Russian FM Lavrov: Moscow is ready to work with the West's anti-IS coalition if it respects Syria sovereignty.

Syria's sovereignty?! What is left of it? The whole world is involved in Syria and this blood thirsty russian is talking about "sovereignty".

Thumb thepatriot 15:00 ,2015 تشرين الثاني 19

tric! English 101 tric! ENGLISH 101!!

Missing peace 17:56 ,2015 تشرين الثاني 19

it is just a big show... russia is in syria to counteract the influence iran is taking... why are they allying with western countries? LOL

Thumb nickjames 22:50 ,2015 تشرين الثاني 19

Everyone listen to Mystic:

"Then all of Lebanon would burn like we saw happen last week in Beirut."

-- and what about the other ten bombings in the last 2.5 years???? All of these bombs started after your terrorist militia began fighting in Syria lol it's no coincidence. Think before you spew out a bunch of nonsense

Default-user-icon _LebExile_ (ضيف) 23:59 ,2015 تشرين الثاني 19

Hey _moowaten_ who do I contact to get paid for posting on Naharnet... What is the rates, do you get paid per post, per article etc... can you put me in contact with your employer. I'm genuine here, I could use the extra money!

Default-user-icon hassan (ضيف) 02:29 ,2015 تشرين الثاني 20

You will go before him .. lol