حزب الله "أبلغ رفضه" نشر قوات دولية على الحدود مع سوريا

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أعلن حزب الله رفضه لنشر قوات دولية على الحدود مع سوريا رغم الدعوات التي صدرت من مرجعيات سياسية عدة.

وقالت مصادر مطلعة لصحيفة "عكاظ" الأربعاء أن "حزب الله أبلغ المرجعيات السياسية رفضه للدعوات الصادرة عن عدد من الوزراء والقيادات التي تطالب بنشر قوات دولية على الحدود مع سوريا وتوسيع نطاق القرار الدولي 1701".

ورأت أن الحزب "يريد مبايعة سياسية لعمله الحربي في سوريا وليس تدويل الوضع على الحدود بين البلدين".

يشار الى أن كتلة المستقبل النيابية دعت الحكومة في بيانها امس الثلاثاء الى "مطالبة الأمم المتحدة عبر مجلس الأمن بتأمين دعم قوات اليونيفيل للجيش اللبناني على الحدود اللبنانية كافة، عملا بمندرجات القرار 1701 (البنود 11 - 12 – 14)".

وشهدت القاع الاثنين ثامني عمليات انتحارية ضربت هذه البلدة الحدودية مع سوريا صبحا ومساء، وسقط ضحيتها خمسة قتلى وعدة جرحى.

وشهدت المنطقة خلال فترة طويلة من النزاع السوري احداثا امنية ناتجة بمعظمها عن تسلل مقاتلين معارضين للنظام السوري عبر الحدود من والى سوريا، لكن الحدود اقفلت تماما قبل اشهر طويلة مع سيطرة قوات النظام ومقاتلين من حزب الله على الجانب السوري منها، وتشديد القوى الامنية اللبنانية رقابتها على المناطق الحدودية.

وبسبب قربها من الحدود السورية، غالبا ما تسمع اصداء القصف والمعارك في البلدة.

وبدت القاع أكس الثلاثاء تحت وطأة الاستنفار الواسع للجيش والاجهزة الامنية وكذلك للاهالي الذين تسلحوا دفاعا عن بلدتهم.

وقام الجيش بعمليات تمشيط واسعة للبلدة ودهم مخيمات اللاجئين السوريين فيها، وطلب من الاهالي انهاء الانتشار المسلح بعدما بلغ ذروته مع توافد الكثير من ابناء القاع المقيمين في بيروت للدفاع عن بلدتهم، كما برزت ظاهرة خروج نساء مسلحات للمساهمة في التصدي للارهابيين.

التعليقات 23
Thumb justin 09:48 ,2016 حزيران 29

Hizbullah Refuses UNIFIL Deployment on Border

Well of course they do! They want to keep the Syrian borders open for the free movement of their terrorists and they could care less if the terrorists come into Lebanon and blow up civilians.

Missing peace 10:42 ,2016 حزيران 29

sure bad for their business....and once more they decide for the entire country! LOL

Missing peace 16:08 ,2016 حزيران 29

in case you don't remember bigjohn there is stil, like it or not, a government in lebanon who is the only body to make decisions, like it or not!

otherwise just consider lebanon a lawless country like you hezbi buddies do... and those with weapons decide and no more the state of lebanon....

Thumb Mystic 11:38 ,2016 حزيران 29

We have the Lebanese Army, they are the ones to secure the borders, they are capable of doing the job, even American soldiers could'nt prevent such attacks whereever they invaded and stationed themselves. We don't need foreign forces.

Missing peace 11:52 ,2016 حزيران 29

we have hezbollah as foreign force funded and trained by iran not by the lebanese army! but it seems you are ok with that ! LOL

the truth is that UNIFIL may prevent your arms trafficking across the borderLOL

just as hezbollah always refused to demarcate the borders with syria...

cut your hypocrisy miss tic.... as usual you just prove you work for iran to which you pledged allegiance, from which you get your money as a good mercenary you are, you are not for lebanon

Missing peace 16:10 ,2016 حزيران 29

then sue nasrallah who openly says he is funded entirely by iran! that is what we call mercenaries and traitors as they are funded and trained by a foreign country, and moreover pledged ALLEGIANCE to iran, but you respect them... LOL

Thumb Mystic 11:39 ,2016 حزيران 29

While the Resistance will take watch on the Syrian side of the borders.

Missing peace 11:53 ,2016 حزيران 29

as a good liar who signed the disassociation policy, but swiftly disobeyd the lebanese institutions for which you have no respect....

Missing humble 13:51 ,2016 حزيران 29

Terrorism attracts terrorism. Violence creates hatred. This is what Ebola has succeeded in doing.

Missing humble 13:52 ,2016 حزيران 29

Resistance? Which resistance? The one destroying Lebanon???

Thumb marcus 19:38 ,2016 حزيران 29

lol @ hezb-al good one;)!

Thumb Elemental 19:45 ,2016 حزيران 29

Your Iranian group did an awful job, nice work protecting Al-Qaa you hypocrites.

Thumb shab 19:49 ,2016 حزيران 29

Filthy murdering militia

Missing humble 13:40 ,2016 حزيران 29

Ebola is a disease.

Missing humble 13:42 ,2016 حزيران 29

The result of intervening in Syria was only prolongating the coma of the Butcher.
They do not even realize that they failed...

Missing humble 13:51 ,2016 حزيران 29

Terrorism attracts terrorism. Violence creates hatred. This is what Ebola has succeeded in doing.

Missing humble 13:55 ,2016 حزيران 29

Yes. I like your new avatar. Where have you disappeared? Long time no see. I missed you.

Thumb marcus 13:55 ,2016 حزيران 29

terrorist your other avatar is much much better

Thumb ex-fpm 14:47 ,2016 حزيران 29

your original avatar reminds us who the real terrorist is. So bring it back

Missing peace 16:13 ,2016 حزيران 29

LOL lebanese to disarm? which lebanese are you talking about? those who believe in a state and ONE army or like you those who defend a militia funded by a foreign country with no lebanese decisions to be made on their wherabouts? LOL

so in your eyes "zionists" are those who defend ONE PEOPLE ONE ARMY in lebanon.... and "patriots" are those who defend a foreign militia on lebanese soil and a gvt with no say in peace/war decisions... LOL

Missing humble 16:59 ,2016 حزيران 29

Very strange....very weird...you talk to them about UNIFIL, they answer you zionism. You talk to them about democracy, they answer you zionism. You talk to them about freedom, respect, honesty...they answer you zionism....
You know what? Milan Kundera is absolutely right when he says : "do not discuss with idiots, they lower you to their level".

Missing peace 17:57 ,2016 حزيران 29

sure we all feel very oppressed by israel... we cannot go out without feeling the zionist oppression everywhere... we cannot talk against israel otherwise we get a bomb under our cars... no wait! that is for those talking against hezbis friends: syria!
on the other hand, every one feels hezbolahis oppression on the lebanese society and their weakening of the lebanese state day by day with your approval...
hezbollah which refuses to OBEY lebanese army, who refuses to streghten it by giving them their weapons and expertise! it is not israel! but hezbollah...

it is not the western countries that weaken lebanon it is hezbollah!

Thumb shab 19:47 ,2016 حزيران 29

Filthy murdering militia