قيادي في 14 آذار: ورقة الرئاسة بيد حزب الله وما يحصل هو لتحميل الحريري مسؤولية الفراغ

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أكد مصدر قيادي في فريق الرابع عشر من آذار أن الورقة الرئاسية ليست في يد رئيس تيار "المستقبل" سعد الحريري بل في يد "حزب الله" ومن خلفه إيران.

واستبعد المصدر في هذا السياق. وقال "الورقة الرئاسية ليست في يد الرئيس الحريري بل في يد حزب الله ومن خلفه إيران، التي تحتفظ بها ضمن مجموعة أوراقها في اليمن وسوريا والعراق لتحسين مفاوضاتها مع الادارة الاميركية الجديدة".

واعتبر انّ كل ما يحدث راهناً هو لتحميل الحريري في النهاية مسؤولية الشغور الرئاسي.

وإذ توقّف المصدر عند موقف النائب سليمان فرنجية الرافض الانسحاب من السباق الرئاسي، أكّد انّ "حزب الله" لا يريد إنجاز هذا الاستحقاق.

التعليقات 13
Missing humble 09:26 ,2016 أيلول 29

Can a backaged culture be a model for Lebanon?

Thumb Southern...... 10:33 ,2016 أيلول 29

but repeating "unculture" and "uncivilized" almost in each comment you make, sounds like you don't live in this environment, because you don't know otherwise.

Missing humble 10:49 ,2016 أيلول 29

B.S. answer.

Thumb marcus 12:32 ,2016 أيلول 29

like all his answers

Thumb Mystic 12:46 ,2016 أيلول 29

Yes humble you like the stone age so much. Then go to Saudi Arabia

Thumb Elemental 18:49 ,2016 أيلول 29

Tell you what Mystic, since you're so inept and assume all who don't agree with you are KSA supporters or Zionists, I will basically do the same to you. I see you're still smiling at all the dead civilians ASSAD and your death squads have killed. SO walk up to the surviving families and say "I'm glad they're dead." You're a takia fraud and a coward.

Thumb Elemental 18:50 ,2016 أيلول 29

lol Southern, very predictable response....

Thumb chrisrushlau 18:12 ,2016 أيلول 29

So "backaged" means "to return to a previous age". Does this official and this newspaper mean that there is always the possibility that the Shia majority in Lebanon will demand and receive the right to vote its numbers? What would that do to the Middle East? What would it do to Israel? What would it do to the Gulf monarchies? Finally, what would it do to Egypt and its new pharaoh?

Thumb Elemental 18:40 ,2016 أيلول 29

Letting in foreign groups like Hezbollah and ISIS was a stupid move on the Lebanese to begin with. The Lebanese were easily bought and manipulated, used via Takia tactics all for the sake of Iran pushing their primitive ideology and ISIS with their similar destructive and outright barbaric methods. All the normal Lebanese were smart enough to leave there years ago. The rest live in continuous denial that their lives are in danger, and brought about by the very same people who pretended to care all for the sake of their ultimate agenda, dominance. I'm sure their precious selfie sticks will save them from the sword, imprisonment for being Christians, as well as taxation for being Christians. Stupid is, as stupid does. The tragic Irony of the Lebanese people, their innate greed embedded in their very DNA destroyed everything.

Thumb .mowaten. 21:08 ,2016 أيلول 29

Famously fake quote.
How deranged must one be to fabricate things like this? And what do you hope to achieve by spreading them?

Thumb Elemental 00:06 ,2016 أيلول 30

Amazing! You're actually using your REAL account! Well as per your above post myself and many others could ask you the same thing given your fake accounts and thousands of insults and lies using them, just saying.

Thumb liberty 02:31 ,2016 أيلول 30

is this fake too?

Child Bride Practice Rising In Iran, Parliament Seeks To Lower Girl's Legal Marriage Age To 9

Over 40,000 Girls under Age 15 Married Each Year in Iran

According to the Islamic Republic civil code, Iran’s constitution set the legal marriage age for girls at 13 and boys at 15

Iran passes a law allowing men to marry their 13-year-old adopted daughters just as the country's new president touts himself as a moderate

Thumb barrymore 07:23 ,2016 أيلول 30

"Famously fake quote."??

The only fake is you!