اسرائيل تتهم 7 من سكان قرية الغجر بالتجسس لصالح حزب الله

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وجهت اسرائيل الخميس تهمة رسمية الى سبعة من سكان قرية الغجر الحدودية التي تقع في الجزء الذي تحتله اسرائيل من هضبة الجولان ولبنان، بالتجسس لصالح حزب الله.

وقالت الشرطة الاسرائيلية في بيان انه تم اعتقال السبعة في اوائل ايلول الماضي بعد شهرين من العثور على حقيبة فيها عبوتين ناسفتين قادمة من لبنان، تم اخفاؤها في طريق قرب بلدة المطلة شمال اسرائيل.

وتابع البيان انه تم توجيه تهم التجسس لصالح حزب الله، الذي تعتبره اسرائيل تنظيما "ارهابيا" والعمل لصالح العدو في وقت الحرب والتخابر مع عميل اجنبي وتجارة الاسلحة والمخدرات.

وبحسب الاذاعة العامة، فان عضوا في حزب الله امر المتهمين بتنفيذ هجمات بالعبوات الناسفة في مدينة حيفا، بينما اقترح احد اعضاء الجماعة اخفاءها قرب قاعدة عسكرية حيث يستقل العديد من الجنود الحافلة عند الحدود اللبنانية.

وخلال التحقيق، تم العثور على اجهزة هواتف نقالة عليها صور لمواقع في اسرائيل يشتبه انها كانت ستكون هدفا للهجمات.

وبعد الانسحاب الاسرائيلي من الجنوب عام 2000 فصلت الامم المتحدة الاراضي اللبنانية والاسرائيلية عبر رسم الخط الازرق الذي قسم قرية الغجر الى شطرين، مانحا شمالها حيث يقيم 1500 شخص الى لبنان وجنوبها حيث يقيم 500 الى 800 شخص الى سوريا. وقتئذ انسحبت اسرائيل من شمال القرية.

وحصل سكان الغجر العلويون السوريون على الجنسية الاسرائيلية بطلب منهم، محتفظين بجنسيتهم السورية.

في العام 2006 خاضت اسرائيل حربا ضد حزب الله اسفرت عن مقتل اكثر من 1200 شخص في لبنان معظمهم من المدنيين، ونحو 160 اسرائيليا معظمهم من الجنود.

التعليقات 33
Thumb justin 18:15 ,2016 تشرين الأول 06

Ghajar's residents are Alawite Muslims of Syrian origin.

and they indicated on numerous occasions they prefer to be part of Israel.

Thumb Southern...... 18:20 ,2016 تشرين الأول 06

YES! to keep gathering info to be forwarded to HA.

Thumb justin 18:40 ,2016 تشرين الأول 06

oh ok, so it was all part of a master plan then and not their preference to live under Israel and become Israeli citizens.

Thumb Mystic 18:39 ,2016 تشرين الأول 06

Where does the article state that salafi Justin?
Why does your Nusra front in Golan not plot against the Zionist?

Because you wahabis are Jewish slaves.

Thumb justin 18:49 ,2016 تشرين الأول 06


If you want to engage in a discussion, resorting to insults and name calling does not help your case. In fact, it makes you the laughing stock of the forum. If you google it, you will see the people of ghajar have indicated their preference to be part of Israel.

Now, go learn some manners and grow up. I am a proud Lebanese Christian. I live in Amcheet, Lebanon and I don't need people of your kind to assess my loyalty to my country, religion, and fellow Lebanese.

Thumb ex-fpm 18:54 ,2016 تشرين الأول 06

"Why does your Nusra front in Golan not plot against the Zionist?"

lol lol lol

“Hezbollah,” Mr. Kerry explained, “is not plotting against us.”
Excerpts from Kerry's Leaked audio tape

Thumb Mystic 19:58 ,2016 تشرين الأول 06

Now you whine about me insulting?
You whom post videos of alleged Hezbollah fighters being shot by your Salafi rebels.

And you expect me to believe you are a Christian?
Try harder next time, and ex-fpm aswell.

Your words on this forum, proves you to belong to everything regarding a caliphate, because those ones you support in Syria slaughters Christians.

Thumb Mystic 20:00 ,2016 تشرين الأول 06

Ghajar is an occupied zone, just like Gaza.

They have the right to fight against zionists, and they will continue to do so, unlike your Nusra on the Golan border with their rifles pointed at the Resistance and Syrian army, and Israel behind them giving them Medical support and logistics aswell.

Thumb .mowaten. 21:07 ,2016 تشرين الأول 06

"Amcheet" ? I never saw anyone in Lebanon spelling it this way, and you expect us to believe you? lol

Thumb barrymore 21:30 ,2016 تشرين الأول 06

what would an iranian farsi paid mouthpiece know about spelling the name of a famous lebanese town? it is better versed in iranian town names such as qom.

Missing Rita.Nahhas 21:36 ,2016 تشرين الأول 06


Even on an article regarding arresting spies, I find you @mowaten spamming, trolling, and terrorizing other posters. What kind of person are you? New evidence surfaces by the minute that you are a paid poster but the question remains who pays you and for what exact purpose? Is it the Iranian embassy, is it the revolutionary guard, is it the syrian intelligence or the ex-KGB? These questions must be urgently answered by!

Thumb liberty 21:46 ,2016 تشرين الأول 06

rofl @terrorist

so so true!

Thumb liberty 21:48 ,2016 تشرين الأول 06

".mowaten. 42 minutes ago
"Amcheet" ? I never saw anyone in Lebanon spelling it this way, and you expect us to believe you? lol"

that is because the creatures you mix with are shias/iranians and not Lebanese.

Thumb shab 21:49 ,2016 تشرين الأول 06

lool so now Amcheet is a word in the Oxford dictionary and can be misspelled?

Thumb liberty 21:59 ,2016 تشرين الأول 06


Actually the road sign as you enter the town identifies it and spells the town name in Arabic and underneath it exactly as "Amcheet" in English.

Thumb liberty 22:06 ,2016 تشرين الأول 06

lol @john.ibn
yes it is settled exactly as you say it. It was only an issue in the iranian's head.:)

Thumb galaxy 22:12 ,2016 تشرين الأول 06


i don't think it is what mowaten is smoking. It is all the beating he did upon himself in ashura that is causing all his dementia.

Thumb Puppet 22:18 ,2016 تشرين الأول 06

I have a lot of respect for Mr. Mowaten's linguistic abilities specially in the Farsi language.

Thumb warrior 06:38 ,2016 تشرين الأول 07

that's what a paid troll does: disrupt, derail the conversation, and divert the issues at hand. From talking about the hezbollah terrorists/spies it became a discussion about spelling the name of a Lebanese town.

Thumb justin 10:15 ,2016 تشرين الأول 07

LOL...! I got insulted, i politely replied and my comment got deleted.:)

Thumb justin 10:22 ,2016 تشرين الأول 07

I will try to repost:

Mystic: if you want to engage in a discussion, resorting to insults and name calling will only make your case weaker than it already is. If you do some research instead of ranting here, you will find out the people of Ghajar prefer to join and be part of Israel. I am a Lebanese Christian ... I live in Amcheet and I do not need people of your kind to assess or question my loyalty to my country, religion, and fellow Lebanese.

Thumb .mowaten. 11:29 ,2016 تشرين الأول 07

Hahahah thank you guys for all exposing yourselves as non-lebanese impersonators.

In Lebanon it is overwhelmingly spelled "Amchit". Wherever you look, on road signs, local businesses and adresses, you'll find it spelled like this. If you think it's spelled "Amcheet" then your references are clearly not local.

Thumb justin 11:33 ,2016 تشرين الأول 07

mowaten posted:

"who, other than trained hasbara keeps all their posts saved for later reposting after 24 hours of the post being removed? "

I tell you who mowaten:


Thumb justin 11:38 ,2016 تشرين الأول 07

here is another example of someone (mowaten) keeping and reposting his comments over and over again :)


Thumb janoubi 12:03 ,2016 تشرين الأول 07


That's what you get when you expose the so called "mowaten". He comes back at you with a ton of fake accounts and votes you down numerous times in a matter of minutes while pretending he is the victim.

My advise, ignore him coz the whole forum knows who he is.

Missing CFTC 12:32 ,2016 تشرين الأول 07

Brilliant as ever!

What can one say, another E-X-C-E-L-L-E-N-T comment. I particularly enjoyed the part where you said " then your references are clearly not local"

Still laughing since January 2015.

Thank you for adding value to our lives.

Thank you

Thumb walid121 12:59 ,2016 تشرين الأول 07


I'm not a big poster here but I have been using this site for over 37 years and recently I have been liking your posts, your the only one informing these deluded ignorants. :)

Thumb .mowaten. 22:07 ,2016 تشرين الأول 07

dodging the subject justin? inventing quotes about me? what other lowliness will you amuse us with today?

Thumb liberty 04:25 ,2016 تشرين الأول 08

despicable iranian paid mouthpiece....

dodging the subject? You are the one who hijacked the thread and made it about a spelling contest. What is your opinion on the article except trolling like the lowlife that you are.

Missing mohammad_ca 20:50 ,2016 تشرين الأول 06

I mean I know prostitution ( a la mutaa) is part of the resistance but drug trafficking ? I guess Khomeini fatwa on allowing drug trafficking to non Muslims is true then lol
Happy Stabbing Safawites!!!

Thumb .mowaten. 21:06 ,2016 تشرين الأول 06

as if israeli accusations carried any water

Missing mohammad_ca 21:28 ,2016 تشرين الأول 06

Of course not safawite. Only the revolutionary courts of iran are legitimate. The ones presided upon by the supreme safawite khaminei

Thumb justin 22:31 ,2016 تشرين الأول 06

بالصور: هذه هي جمهورية “حزب الله”

يبدو ان هيبة الدولة المفقودة تجعل بعض المواطنين يخالفون القانون من دون الخوف من الحواجز أو الدوريات ويقودون سيارات من دون لوحات رقمية، مستبدلين إياها بشعارات وصور “حزب الله”، وتم رصدهم على طريق الجمهور الفياضية،
