عون يتعهد بتحديث الدولة ومحاربة الفساد وتأمين الاستقرار

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أكد رئيس الجمهورية العماد ميشال عون "أن العناوين الكبرى للمشروع الذي سيعمل على تحقيقه خلال ولايته الرئاسية تتلخص في تحديث الدولة ومحاربة الفساد وتأمين الاستقرار والامن".

ورأى عون "أن تحقيق هذه العناوين، ينعكس ايجابا على الاستثمار في لبنان ويساهم في تحسين الوضع الاقتصادي وتطوير المشاريع السياحية".

التعليقات 8
Thumb Puppet 15:43 ,2016 كانون الأول 30

My respect for General Aoun grows daily because he and his son in law are both against corruption and despite his old age he still feels he can modernize the state.

Thumb Mystic 15:59 ,2016 كانون الأول 30

He is President Aoun now.

Missing thatisit 17:37 ,2016 كانون الأول 30

It is a well know fact that corruption increases inefficiencies in government expenditure and reduces investment and human capital productivity, leading to a negative impact on output.

Data shows that only 2.4% of the US$6 billion worth of projects contracted by
various government bodies was formally awarded by the Administration of Tenders. The remainder did not go to the most qualified applicants, but to those willing to pay the highest bribes.

The UN (2001) corruption assessment report on Lebanon was one of the earliest documents that illustrated starkly the scale of corruption in the Lebanese Institutions and its devastating impact on the economy. It estimated that the Lebanese state squanders over US$1.5 billion per year as a result of pervasive corruption at all levels of government (nearly 10% of its yearly GDP). Corruption in Lebanon became an enduring fact of life, that is, of social norms and practices

Missing peace 16:07 ,2016 كانون الأول 30

"President Michel Aoun announced Friday that the main objectives during his presidential tenure will be “the modernization of the State, combating corruption and providing stability and security.”"

LOL :)

Missing peace007 18:12 ,2016 كانون الأول 30

Best of Luck to President Aoun

Thumb kanaanljdid 19:31 ,2016 كانون الأول 30

Good luck President!

Thumb Elemental 23:44 ,2016 كانون الأول 31

All in theory, as his allegiance is not to Lebanon to begin with. This is all empty words bought off by Iran and nothing will change EXCEPT the slow removal of any Christianity through their gullibility and Iran's takia tactics.

Thumb Elemental 23:48 ,2016 كانون الأول 31

If this were true, all extremism including Wahabi and Iranian revolutionary guard toxicity has to be expelled from Lebanon, which won't happen.