مقتل أحد أمراء "داعش" في جرود عرسال

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قتل أحد أمراء داعش في انفجار عبوة في جرود بلدة عرسال البقاعية.

وقالت وسائل الاعلام "قتل السوري أحمد وحيد العبد من بلدة الجراجير في القلمون وهو أحد امراء "داعش"، في انفجار عبوة به في جرود عرسال".

وتتمركز المجموعات المسلحة في جرود هذه البلدة الحدودية منذ آب 2014 أي عند اندلاع الاشتباكات الدامية بينها وين الجيش.

ويستهدف الجيش مواقع هذه المجموعات كما تدور اشتباكات أدت الى سقوط عدة مسلحين.

التعليقات 15
Thumb the_roar 09:37 ,2017 شباط 07

Another blow to the freedom fighters of the Gulfies.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 10:18 ,2017 شباط 07

Another dishonest statement from Iranian trolls

Thumb the_roar 10:51 ,2017 شباط 07

Iranian troll? lol you are a hoot!

I regard Iran, Saudi & all the oilies as the same.

But you continue with your narrow minded garbage.

Thumb justin 11:06 ,2017 شباط 07

Iranian troll and a half.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 11:19 ,2017 شباط 07

Thank you the-wimper for proving my point that you are dishonest. I have never seen you criticising Iran and its supporters

Thumb the_roar 11:26 ,2017 شباط 07

then you fail to read honestly but rather your own brainwashed views.
You guys put a thumbs down & reply without even reading the post.

For the record I think Iran is equally as pitiful as saudi & its oily friends.

How about you condemn the saudi's?

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 13:38 ,2017 شباط 07

I have condemned and condemn Saudi executions, human rights violations, lack of transparency and at times the callous ways they bombed civilian areas (according to HRW and AI some of the raids qualify as war crimes). I also condemned the Houthis and Saleh for their coup, their calous bombardment of civilian areas (also according to HRW and AI quality as war crimes)

I did not see you condemn the mass killings and the industrial scale executions by the Syrian regime. Are you going to do so?

Thumb the_roar 14:03 ,2017 شباط 07

I condemn the slaughter,inhuman treatment of any innocent person.
By anyone, period...unlike you I don't drive an agenda.

Its a shame you never understood my original post.

Not only did I condemn Syria but the entire world who is doing it & the rest who careless..no accountability. be it the U.S, U.K, China, Saudi, Syria or whoever else.

People are stoned or hanged everyday without fair trials in Iran or saudi yet I should just condemn Syria?

Yes I condemn Syria but make sure you join me in pouring scorn on the rest who create suffering without so much as the rest of the world flinching. Lets hold everyone accountable..then I will agree you believe in human rights

Thumb Mystic 16:27 ,2017 شباط 07

Well the ISIS are the people of "force" that the Gulf wanted to remove the Resistance with.

Guess what, they failed.
The Gulf failed. Rifi is crying everyday about it, he failed to do anything.

Thumb Spotter 19:25 ,2017 شباط 07

one and a a quarter trolls tagged and logged

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 20:13 ,2017 شباط 07

The_roar. I have never seen you condemning the crimes of the Assad regime and when you write always try to defend the regime or cast doubts about its crimes. I will keep tab and log all your interventions when I see them. As for the other Assadist trolls, keep lying as this is the only weapons you have and you have been shown countless times to be liars.

Thumb gigahabib 13:33 ,2017 شباط 07

And Naharnet March 14 commentators are in mourning.

Thumb Elemental 23:26 ,2017 شباط 07

In your mind, I'm sure.

Thumb gigahabib 19:49 ,2017 شباط 09

No, just here in this comment section.

Thumb Elemental 23:02 ,2017 شباط 07

Nice news! But that's only half the problem. Need to deal with the Iranian extremists as well as ISIS trash, as they are both extremist trash.