إنزعاج خليجي ودولي من المنحى الذي تتخذه السياسية اللبنانية مؤخرا

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لا يحلو المنحى الذي تتخذه السياسية اللبنانية حيال موضوع حزب الله أو حيال القرارات الدولية والنظام السوري لدول الخليج وكذلك للمجتمع الدولي، إذ كشفت صحيفة "الجمهورية" عن انزعاج خليجي ودولي حول هذا الشأن.

وبحسب معلومات الصحيفة فإنّ الانزعاج الخليجي والدولي سيتبلوَر في الايام القليلة المقبلة عبر تحرّكٍ ديبلوماسي تجاه المسؤولين اللبنانيين وفي البيان نصف السنوي الذي سيصدر عن مجلس الأمن بخصوص لبنان ومدى احترامه للقرارات الدولية وخصوصاً القرار1701.

التعليقات 23
Thumb lubnani.masi7i 09:20 ,2017 شباط 28

As long as the islamic republic of iran and nassrallah are happy, Aoun is also happy.

Thumb gebran_sons 17:22 ,2017 شباط 28

The biggest and most dangerous myth is that Aoun is helping the Christian community and Hizbollah the Shia community. The truth is that both are causing disastrous and irreparable harm to both communities. Christians, Shia and all communities will only benefit and prosper in Lebanon if the country is evolving towards real democracy, full independence, regional neutrality, long-term peace and stability, transparent institutions and economic growth. Aoun and Hizbollah are a poison to all of these objectives and the damage they are causing is as serious as cutting the spinal cord of the country. Aoun is building a house of card to help Christians that can tumble in one night instead of building a country on solid democratic institutions, transparent institutions, and disarming all militias, especially those openly funded by Iran and Assad.

Thumb the_roar 10:09 ,2017 شباط 28

Who gives the Gulfies the God given right to continually interfere in Lebanon's business & to make a report whether or not its pleased with its policy?

When they can clean their own barbaric policies, they might be in a position to offer some advise but nothing more.
Until then go clean your own barbaric policies before you interfere with others.

Thumb galaxy 10:27 ,2017 شباط 28

it must be the same divine force that gives your nassrallah the right to interfere in Arab countries affairs, wage wars, and curse them in every one of his divine speeches.

Thumb the_roar 10:31 ,2017 شباط 28

How does that help your argument regarding this article?

This article is about your oily gulfies interfering.
It seems you approve1

Thumb ex-fpm 11:59 ,2017 شباط 28

it's paid to troll. It has no other option,

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 18:02 ,2017 شباط 28

One expresses opinion and another arms militias and undermine states. No difference at all.

Default-user-icon wolfe (ضيف) 10:12 ,2017 شباط 28

I am the_roar: I am a regular poster on naharnet. I have 20 fake accounts and I live on this forum 24/7. I make fake accounts and insult people when I have no argument or debate. I am a Shia who pretends not to speak Arabic and claims to live in Australia. I know every street in Lebanon and every MP's name despite my claim that I am 3rd generation Australian and having never been to Lebanon. I tell people I don't post on weekends to give them the impression I have a life. I lie and lie and lie and think people believe me.

Thumb the_roar 10:29 ,2017 شباط 28

eagledawn..it lurks ..it waits & wallah it spits its vile.

Discuss the article eagledawn & stop lurking & worrying about the posters on here.

naharnet doesn't belong to you just because your a squatter here.

Thumb EagleDawn 16:42 ,2017 شباط 28

I haven't posted in a long time, but who said I havn't checked out the articles & posts?"

On a messageboard or anything similar, to browse the board very often, but without ever posting anything.
That guy is always lurking, but he never posts."

Buzz off troll....you have been weighed & measured & found to be very lacking.


Thumb lubnani.masi7i 10:46 ,2017 شباط 28

still traumatized by ice-norma-terro-justin-exfpm-eagledawn-janoubi-mark-barry-ashta-etc; and every other poster who exposes you for the troll that you are.?

Missing humble 11:08 ,2017 شباط 28

They want the iranian advanced cultural model to copy and apply...what a beautiful model!!!!

Thumb the_roar 11:16 ,2017 شباط 28

the troll is the one who is here everyday worried about the poster instead of the article..

one only has to read to see who the trolls are

Default-user-icon the_roar (ضيف) 10:49 ,2017 شباط 28

yes, i am still traumatized and i hold grudges.

Thumb the_roar 11:29 ,2017 شباط 28

it seems the paid gulfie shills are in panic mode!!

Shill away gulfie lovers

Default-user-icon Clarification (ضيف) 10:52 ,2017 شباط 28

This is me again; I read every post on the forum but choose not to post sometimes.

Thumb i.report 15:17 ,2017 شباط 28


Thumb the_roar 11:30 ,2017 شباط 28

Who gives the Gulfies the God given right to continually interfere in Lebanon's business & to make a report whether or not its pleased with its policy?

When they can clean their own barbaric policies, they might be in a position to offer some advise but nothing more.
Until then go clean your own barbaric policies before you interfere with others.

Thumb Spotter 12:00 ,2017 شباط 28

One Troll with Two Halves Spotted

Tagged and Logged

Thumb lou.williams 12:06 ,2017 شباط 28

another media report, another article, another february, another 'rofl' as flamethrower embarks on yet another journey in pursuit of his childhood dream of achieving excellence in the art of trolling.

Thumb Southern...... 12:37 ,2017 شباط 28

this report sounds the media fabrication of some camel's countries.

Thumb EagleDawn 16:44 ,2017 شباط 28

'Pity of You'

Thumb Elemental 18:25 ,2017 شباط 28

Problem is Lebanon was always easily bought by foreign powers like Iran or KSA. If they had this thing called a SPINE, none of this would have ever happened. They let their greed an outright inability to look beyond their tiny magical world get the best of them. A joke, bought by the highest bidder and ridiculous foreign implants. Shameful.