عون يختتم زيارته الى روما: النزوح السوري حمل ثقيل لا يستطيع أي بلد تحمله

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أعلن رئيس الجمهورية ميشال عون هو وجود حمل ثقيل جدا على لبنان وهو النزوح الذي فاق 50% من عديد الشعب اللبناني، لافتا الى ان هذا "ما لا يستطيع اي بلد في العالم تحمله، مع آثاره الاقتصادية والامنية".

وقال أمام ابناء الجالية اللبنانية خلال حفل استقبال في مقر المدرسة المارونية في روما، "الصعوبات لم تنته بعد، ونحن نعيش في منطقة مهدمة اقتصاديا، والاقتصاد العالمي لم ينهض بعد".

لكن عون أكد أن "أزمتنا الحالية استقرت نسبيا في الوقت الحالي لأن الدورة الاقتصادية انطلقت بعد الانتخابات الرئاسية، ولكن الازمات العالمية كما ازمات المحيط لا زالت تنعكس علينا".

وأضاف "اليوم لدينا صعوبة انما ذلك لا يدخلنا في اليأس ويجعلنا نتشاءم، لأننا تطبعنا على رؤية الممكن دائما ممكنا، ولأن القضية هي قضية قرار وصمود وجهود اكبر من تلك التي يبذلها الانسان في الايام العادية".

وطمأن عون "جميع اللبنانيين الموجودين هنا وفي الخارج والاصدقاء الذين يكنون لنا المحبة، ان لبنان قائم وسيكون افضل مما هو الآن".

التعليقات 7
Thumb galaxy 10:35 ,2017 آذار 17

President Michel Aoun announced on Friday that Lebanon is bearing the burden of the displaced Syrians on its territory which has amounted to more than half the number of its own population.

but you and your iranian criminal resistance were and still are the main reason why we have Syrian refugees in Lebanon.

Thumb justin 12:24 ,2017 آذار 17

lol @ ' on lebanon's outskirts'

good one @hajibaba!

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 18:27 ,2017 آذار 17

Here it is liethrower ... West Qalamoun, Quseir and its environs and Homs are firmly in the hand of regime and Hizb (taken from FSA and not Nusra). Why are their inhabitants in Lebanon?

Missing peace 19:14 ,2017 آذار 17

"btw hezbollah weeding out nusra and isis on lebanon's outskirts is the main reason you can still come to the nakharnet "

no it isn't.; hezbis and iran want a total control of the region between damascus and lebanon so arms can flow freely to hezbis in lebanon...

"“Iran and the regime don’t want any Sunnis between Damascus and Homs and the Lebanese border,” said one senior Lebanese leader. “This represents a historic shift in populations.”

Missing peace 19:14 ,2017 آذار 17

"In the valleys between Damascus and Lebanon, where whole communities had abandoned their lives to war, a change is taking place. For the first time since the conflict broke out, people are starting to return.

But the people settling in are not the same as those who fled during the past six years.

The new arrivals have a different allegiance and faith to the predominantly Sunni Muslim families who once lived there. They are, according to those who have sent them, the vanguard of a move to repopulate the area with Shia Muslims not just from elsewhere in Syria, but also from Lebanon and Iraq."


Thumb thepatriot 19:55 ,2017 آذار 17

FT... you are the biggest propagandist here.
No one believes your stupid fairy tales... no one but weak minded sheep... such as yourself!

Missing humble 12:13 ,2017 آذار 17

Caporal has lost his freedom since a long time! He is prisonner of the millions he has pocketted.