فصائل مقاتلة بينها جهاديون تواصل تقدمها في حماة في وسط سوريا

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حققت فصائل مقاتلة بينها جهاديون الخميس تقدما إضافيا على حساب قوات النظام السوري في محافظة حماة في وسط البلاد في اطار هجوم بدأته قبل يومين، وفق ما افاد المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان. 

وشنت الفصائل على رأسها هيئة تحرير الشام (تحالف فصائل إسلامية بينها جبهة فتح الشام) الثلاثاء هجوما مفاجئا ضد قوات النظام في ريف حماة الشمالي.

وتتواصل منذ ذلك الحين الاشتباكات العنيفة بين الطرفين على محاور عدة مع استهداف الفصائل بالقذائف مواقع لقوات النظام التي تستخدم طائراتها الحربية.

وافاد المرصد عن "تقدم جديد" الخميس لهيئة تحرير الشام والفصائل المتحالفة معها بسيطرتها على ثلاث قرى.

وباتت الفصائل تسيطر منذ بدء الهجوم على 11 قرية وبلدة، وتبعد حاليا اربعة كيلومترات عن مدينة حماة، مركز المحافظة، من الجهة الشمالية الشرقية، بحسب المرصد.

ويأتي تقدم الفصائل المعارضة، وفق المرصد، برغم التعزيزات العسكرية التي استقدمتها قوات النظام في المنطقة لصد الهجوم الذي لجأت فيه هيئة تحرير الشام الى تفجير عربات مفخخة. 

ولمحافظة حماة اهمية كبيرة خاصة انها محاذية لخمس محافظات اخرى، وهي تفصل بين محافظة ادلب (شمال غرب) التي تسيطر عليها فصائل المعارضة وهيئة تحرير الشام، ومناطق سيطرة قوات النظام في غرب البلاد.

وقال مراسل فرانس برس في المنطقة ان الطائرات الحربية تحوم في الاجواء منذ الصباح وتشن غارات على مناطق سيطرت عليها الفصائل مؤخرا.

ونقل مشاهدته لمدنيين يفرون في سيارات حاملين اغراضهم بعيدا عن مناطق الاشتباك.

وفرّ من المعارك الدائرة في حماة خلال الـ24 ساعة الماضية عشرة آلاف شخص على الاقل، وفق منظمة "انقذوا الاطفال" (سايف ذي شيلدرن).

ويأتي ذلك في وقت تعقد في جنيف جولة جديدة من المفاوضات بين الحكومة والمعارضة السوريتين برعاية الامم المتحدة بهدف حل نزاع تسبب منذ العام 2011 بمقتل أكثر من 320 الف شخص وبدمار هائل وبنزوح وتشريد اكثر من نصف السكان داخل سوريا وخارجها.

التعليقات 15
Thumb gigahabib 16:35 ,2017 آذار 23

If executing civilians is "advancing", I guess so. But militarily, they will get crushed.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 18:07 ,2017 آذار 23

More lies by Mini. The rumor about rebels executing civilians originated from trash collection website Almasdar and denied even by the governor of Hama. And the majority of areas were liberates by FSA and not Hay'at Tahrir Al Sham and specifically Jaish Al Izza and Jaish Idlib Al Hurt. HTS is primarily on the eastern front from Maardes north, Ahrar Asham on the north west and the FSA is on then Southern and South West front which saw very rapid advances yesterday.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 18:08 ,2017 آذار 23

Jaish idlib Al hurr

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 18:14 ,2017 آذار 23

And the responsibility is roughly divided. However, you will see Jaish idlib Al hurrnin fighting in north east of the advance pocket and they are the ones that stopped a regime counterattack on Kawkab (after its capture today).

Thumb Mystic 18:15 ,2017 آذار 23

Salafidemocrat, spare us your moderate mask of Al Qaeda.
FSA or Nusra or whatever you call them, just massacred an Alawite village in this attack.

Don't come here and whine, when you will be met with waves of fire on your towns next.
It will be my pleasure to see you salafis die, and this attack will fail as did the unsuccessful attack in Jober.

Missing peace 18:35 ,2017 آذار 23

let's not forget that the regime you are supporting killed tortured kidnapped hundreds of lebanese...erased villages, stole the lebanese economy...massacred lebanese soldiers...
but what to expect from subhuman traitors like you...

Thumb Mystic 18:44 ,2017 آذار 23

I support the regime over ISIS and FSA/Nusra anytime yes.

Assad is better than them, and by saying he is worse makes you a complete Salafi and a Da3ish supporter.

Thumb Mystic 18:45 ,2017 آذار 23

The takfiri rebels from Syria killd Lebanese soldiers, and killed Lebanese citizens in Beirut bombings, but that doesn't seem to matter to you salafi "peace"

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 18:49 ,2017 آذار 23

Mystic ... stop lying and making up trash. The reports of civilian killings in this offensive by the rebels have been propagated by trash site Al masdar and are not corroborated by anyone and even denied by the governor. Monsters like you are manufacturing these atrocities to justify their daily massacres against civilians in rebel cities which are being pummeled by the Russian airforce. When a credible organization or outlet and not by a trash collection site report on this, come back.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 18:49 ,2017 آذار 23

As for 2013 Latikya offensive, it is true that the hard-line wing of the Al Nusra (that later became ISIS) executed 67 Alewite civilians and in 2014, Jund Al Aqsa (which just few weeks ago slaughtered close to 200 captured FSA and Nusra members) committed a massacre of 25 Alewites in Maan. All of these have been reported on extensively and condemned by multiple human rights organizations. These are the same organizations that tell us about the ghastly atrocities committed by the regime and its responsibility for well over 90% of the extra judicial killings.

While I support bringing to justice anyone accused of crimes against humanity, you openly support the slaughter of civilians. You should be ashamed of yourself

Missing peace 18:53 ,2017 آذار 23

yes miss tic... call me salafi if you want, if it takes off your frustration...
your binary mind cannot do more. life is simplistic with you one neurone idiots: if you are against assad it means you are salafi...
so keep living in your stupid world filled with hatred and frustration.

you do not care if this regime killed lebanese people and hurt lebanon which makes you no better than any salafi or zionist.... as you all think in the same binary mode... LOL

Thumb Mystic 18:56 ,2017 آذار 23

You are a salafi propagandist, I will remember next time you get bombed in Idlib, that will be good.
ISIS and Nusra and FSA all the same Salafi scum, and you will all have to die the same way.
America is not going to protect you, America will stay with the Kurds it seems.

Missing peace 19:05 ,2017 آذار 23

if you are a fanatic hezbi projecting yourself in all the countries your milita is involved, believing you are fighting with them, does not mean everyone is like you...
so isis daesh whatever islamist you associate me with does not concern me the least = it is your remedy to let go of the frustration you have inside yourself, find someone to shout at.

you perfectly illustrate the binary mind i ve been talking about... LOL

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 19:14 ,2017 آذار 23

Mystic ... You keep proving your self to be a liar and a person without conscience. You propagandise for the mass slaughter of civilians without any shred of self doubt - the trait of a radical fascist. If anything, you remind me of ISIS supporters who think that they own the ultimate truth while repeating a tired old dogma to justify the immoral.

Thumb _mowaten_ 21:36 ,2017 آذار 23

they already got crushed and all the gains they made in hama and damascus have already been reversed. the news in the article is outdated.