الحريري: خطابات نصر الله لا تفيد البلد لكن لا يمكن تشكيل أي حكومة من دون حزب الله

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رأى رئيس الحكومة سعد الحريري ان خطابات الامين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصر الله لا تفيد البلد لا من قريب ولا من بعيد، لكنه أكد ان لا يمكن تشكيل أي حكومة من دونه.

وقال الحريري في مقابلة مع قناة "روتانا خليجية" "حزب الله يمثل شريحة كبيرة من إخواننا الشيعة وكذلك حركة امل، وليسكت من يلومنا على مشاركته الحكومة نفسها، لان اي احد يريد ان يتلسم رئاسة الحكومة سيشكلها مع حزب الله".

وردا على سؤال، لفت الى ان "خطابات نصر الله لا تفيد لبنان لا من قريب ولا من بعيد"،

وأضاف "تصنيف حزب الله بالارهابي وفرض عقوبات عليه ليس بجديد. وهناك وضع اقليمي اكبر من لبنان واكبر من الحكومة اللبنانية، انا مسؤول عن لبنان وعن حماية اللبنانيين".

وفيما اكد ااختلافه مع حزب الله في كل ما يؤمن به اقليميا، قال الحريري "لكن انا يجب عليي أن أقوم بالبلد".

كما شدد على ان المحكمة الدولية الخاصة بلبنان لن تغلق، قائلا "نحن دخلنا على هذه المحكمة من دون ان نعرف من قاتل رفيق الحريري واتهامنا فقط كان سياسيا".

وخلص الى القول "نتفلسف على داعش وحزب الله وبشار الاسد قتل 700 الف سوري. المجرم الاساسي في كل هذه المعادلة هو بشار الاسد. داعش خطا وما يقوم به حزب الله خطأ. اخذنا قرار بحماية لبنان والشعب اللبناني الذي يتحمل ما لم يتحمله اي شعب اخر".

التعليقات 25
Thumb EagleDawn 18:25 ,2017 أيار 12

Hariri: Nasrallah Speeches Don't Benefit Lebanon, Govts. Can't be Formed without Hizbullah

but apparently governments can be formed without you and you can be issued an one way ticket which says a lot about your weight on the political scene.

and texas is absolutely correct in calling your bluff by hiding behind the excuse that you cannot form a government without them.

You are only legitimizing their criminal activities for your own personal and selfish reasons.

Thumb ashtah 18:26 ,2017 أيار 12

Hariri: Nasrallah Speeches Don't Benefit Lebanon

so why share a government with an entity that does not benefit Lebanon?

Thumb galaxy 19:20 ,2017 أيار 12

because the loser benefits himself.

Thumb justin 19:01 ,2017 أيار 12

absolutely! Hariri and his likes are as much to blame for Lebanon's problems. By partnering with hezbollah in every government he has become an accomplice and his attempt to convince the public otherwise is as lame as when aoun said hezbollah and its weapons are beyond his control.

Thumb galaxy 19:19 ,2017 أيار 12

“Hizbullah represents large segments of our Shiite brothers and so does the AMAL Movement, and those blaming us for taking part in the same government with them must shut up,” Hariri said

So if a particular sect in Lebanon chooses to support a terrorist criminal organization then that gives them the right to be present in any government.

So, if the Neo Nazi far right group represents large segments of the Christians or ISIS represents a large segment of the Sunnis, then you have no problem with that I assume and you will be willing to be Prime Minister and sit across the table form ISIS or the Neo Nazis.

Thumb janoubi 19:45 ,2017 أيار 12

I don't think he will have a problem sitting with either as long as he is prime minister.

Thumb janoubi 19:43 ,2017 أيار 12

By sharing power with hezbollah, all this political class including Hariri are enabling hezbollah to have more power and more control over the shia community. When hezbollah is part of every government, it can and is offering services and favors to its constituents thus tightening its grip even more on said constituents.

Nouh Zoaiter is a known drug dealer and a criminal. Among his village he is a hero because he employs most of them and I am sure if he were to run for elections he would win a seat. When you do not offer people choices they will choose the path of least resistance and in this case hezbollah and Nouh zoaiter.

Thank you Mr. Hariri for setting an example of true leadership :(

Thumb liberty 05:08 ,2017 أيار 13

Janoubi spot on!

Thumb thepatriot 20:22 ,2017 أيار 12

We waited for over 2 years ... and we got a weak President that wants to please everyone, and has done NOTHING to fight Corruption, and a weak PM, that (like you said Tex) is mostly serving himself. Nothing is moving, nothing is happening, becaue they want to please everyone...
Our Constitution is inaplicable anymore... the system failed us, our Politicians failed us... sorry for my pessimism, but the way, Lebanon is doomed for a long period of time... this is why I left...

Thumb Mystic 23:22 ,2017 أيار 12

Hezbollah has as much legitimacy as Prime Minister Hariri have.
He is in the same government and he recognize Hezbollah as part of the government in his ministry.

Your opinion does not matter.

Thumb ice-man 19:17 ,2017 أيار 13

How Sad.... How Tragic.....

I always get so emotional when thousands of our resistance mujahideen get slaughtered anywhere in the world.

My heart felt condolences go to their friends and families ...... in Iran.

Thumb thepatriot 02:11 ,2017 أيار 13

Unlike France, Lebanon is a country that has 2 major flaws France doesn't have...
1- A Confessional System (People will almost always privilege their confession vs competence)
2- Feudalism (Vast Majority will always vote for their Zaim, or the Zaim his family is pleading allegiance to--in exchange of services of course)

Beirut Madinati is a start... not a perfect start but a start... and still... the country is so small that being independant is uneasy... again... sorry for my pessimism...

Thumb liberty 05:24 ,2017 أيار 13

Hariri: Govts. Can't be Formed without Hizbullah

what he is saying that no governments can be formed without corruption, stealing government resources, terrorism, car theft, burning TV stations, kidnappings, drug trade and manufacturing, assassination of political figures, threats and intimidation, massacring women and children, engaging in regional wars.

..... and he is ok with that.

Thumb ex-fpm 08:42 ,2017 أيار 13

DNA - 12/05/2017 المهدي..بين نصرالله وبن سلمان


Thumb lubnani.masi7i 09:09 ,2017 أيار 13

no wonder the world refers to them as heretics. Their ideology and religion are based on bloodshed, misery, oppression and revenge. Only then their mahdi will appear.

Thumb justin 14:29 ,2017 أيار 13

so mowaten's mahdi will not appear unless there is bloodshed? interesting culture to say the least.

Thumb ice-man 19:21 ,2017 أيار 13

I for one will never give up waiting for the blessed Mahdi. I know he is coming and soon.

Default-user-icon CanAm (ضيف) 13:44 ,2017 أيار 13

With a government like this one...sorry to say but Lebanon is heading into the abyss.

Thumb enterprise 14:52 ,2017 أيار 13

Govts. Can't be Formed without Hizbullah

the same Hizbullah that assassinated his father.

have some shame just for the sake of your late father!

Thumb justin 20:26 ,2017 أيار 13

أعلنت المديرية العامة لقوى الامن الداخلي انه وحوالي الساعة 22.30 من تاريخ 12/05/2017، بناءً لإشارة القضاء المختص، وفي محلة بئر العبد، وفي أثناء قيام قوة من مفرزة الضاحية الجنوبية في وحدة الشرطة القضائية، بتوقيف أحد أخطر المطلوبين للقضاء وبارتكابه أكثر من جريمة قتل، المدعو: “هـ . ع .”(لبناني) بادر الى إطلاق النار على عناصر القوة من مسدس حربي كان بحوزته، فأصيب رتيبين منها مما إضطرها للرد بالمثل، فأصيب بجروح نقلوا على اثرها الى المستشفى للمعالجة، لكن المطلوب ما لبث أن فارق الحياة.


Thumb gigahabib 11:59 ,2017 أيار 15

Lol, is Hariri even capable of doing a speech?

Thumb galaxy 12:25 ,2017 أيار 15

Lol, no but you are great at labayka ya hussein speeches.

Thumb gigahabib 12:48 ,2017 أيار 15

Glad I have some fans here.

Thumb sophia_angle 14:03 ,2017 أيار 15

best PM ever

Thumb sophia_angle 14:03 ,2017 أيار 15

best PM ever