22 قتيلا في اعتداء تبناه تنظيم "داعش" خلال حفل موسيقي في مانشستر ببريطانيا

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قتل 22 شخصا بينهم أطفال وأصيب العشرات في اعتداء استهدف حفلا موسيقي كانت تحييه المغنية الاميركية اريانا غراندي مساء الاثنين في شمال غرب إنكلترا، وتبناه تنظيم الدولة الاسلامية الثلاثاء، في اسوأ اعتداء تشهده بريطانيا منذ 12 عاما.

وقع الانفجار العنيف الذي اسفر كذلك عن اصابة 59 شخصا عند الساعة 22،30 (21,30) تقريبا مساء الاثنين على احد مداخل قاعة مانشستر ارينا التي تتسع لحوالى 21 الف شخص في نهاية حفل لمغنية البوب الاميركية، واثار الهلع بين الجمهور الذي شمل عددا كبيرا من الشباب والاطفال.

واعلنت الشرطة الثلاثاء القبض على شاب يعتقد أنه على ارتباط بالهجوم، وقالت في بيان أنه "في إطار التحقيق المستمر بشأن هجوم الليلة الماضية (الاثنين) المروع على قاعة +مانشستر ارينا+، يمكننا التأكيد بأننا ألقينا القبض على رجل يبلغ من العمر 23 عاما في جنوب مانشستر". 

كما اعلن قائد شرطة مانشستر ايان هوبكنز ان منفذ الاعتداء قتل بينما كان يحاول تفجير "عبوة ناسفة يدوية"، مشيرا الى ان الشرطة تسعى الى معرفة ما إذا كان قام بالاعتداء "بمفرده أو اذا كان مدعوما من شبكة" معينة. 

والثلاثاء اعلن تنظيم الدولة الاسلامية تبني اعتداء مانشستر في بيان تناقلته حسابات جهادية على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي ذكر فيه "تمكن أحد جنود الخلافة من وضع عبوات ناسفة وسط تجمعات للصليبيين في مدينة مانشستر البريطانية حيث تم تفجير العبوات في مبنى للحفلات الماجنة"، متوعدا بمزيد من الاعتداءات.

ونددت رئيسة الوزراء البريطانية تيريزا ماي بـ"اعتداء ارهابي مروع"، معتبرة ان منفذه "جبان" لانه "تعمد استهداف اطفال ابرياء ضعفاء". كما اعلنت تعليق الحملة الانتخابية التي تقوم بها استعدادا للانتخابات العامة في 8 حزيران/يونيو، وكذلك فعل زعيم المعارضة جيريمي كوربن.

وما زالت الحصيلة مرشحة للارتفاع نظرا الى العدد الكبير للجرحى باصابات الخطيرة الذي نقلوا الى ثمانية مستشفيات في المدينة لتلقي العلاج، بحسب ماي التي ستتجه الى مانشستر، ثالث كبرى مدن البلاد، في وقت لاحق.

وبين ضحايا الاعتداء طفلة في الثامنة من العمر.

والثلاثاء واصل الكثير من الاهالي البحث عن اولادهم الذين انقطعت اخبارهم اثر الاعتداء وسعوا الى التعاون عبر مواقع التواصل، فيما انشأت السلطات مركز استقبال في ملعب نادي مانشستر سيتي لكرة القدم لدعم الضحايا والاقارب.

- فوضى عارمة -اثار الانفجار الذعر داخل قاعة الحفلات وخارجها حيث كان الاهالي ينتظرون خروج اولادهم بعد ختام الحفل.

وصرحت ستيفاني هيل التي حضرت الحفل برفقة ابنتها كينيدي لوكالة فرانس برس "كان هناك الكثير من الاطفال والمراهقين. انها مأساة مريعة".

وروت كينيدي "كان الناس يقعون على الاخرين على السلالم وسط فوذى عارمة. الكل اراد الخروج في اسرع وقت لان الجميع اعتقد بوجود شخص يطلق النار على الحشد".

وروت غريس تريبيت (11 عاما) التي حضرت الحفل مع والدتها لوكالة فرانس برس "قالت والدتي انه قد يكون انفجارا بسبب الغاز، لكن عندما علمنا انه اعتداء ارهابي شعرت بخوف مروع".

وندد وزير الداخلية البريطاني "باعتداء همجي يستهدف اشخاص بين الاكثر ضعفا في مجتمعنا، شباب واطفال خرجوا لحضور حفل بوب".

وقال نظيره الفرنسي جيرار كولون "ان المستهدف هو مجددا شبابنا ونمط حياتنا"، بعد عام ونصف على اعتداء جهادي استهدف قاعة حفلات في باريس واسفر عن مقتل 90 شخصا.

وهو الاعتداء الاكثر دموية في بريطانيا منذ 7 تموز/يوليو 2005 حين فجر أربعة انتحاريين انفسهم في مترو لندن في ساعة الازدحام ما ادى الى مقتل 52 شخصا واصابة 700 بجروح.

- "فاشلون" -ادانت ملكة بريطانيا اليزابيث الثانية الاعتداء ووصفته بانه "عمل همجي"، معبرة عن تضامنها مع الضحايا ورجال الاسعاف. وقالت في بيان ان "الامة باسرها صدمت من جراء سقوط قتلى واصابات في مانشستر"، مضيفة "أود ان أعبر عن اعجابي بالطريقة التي تصرف فيها سكان مانشستر بانسانية وتعاطف، في مواجهة هذا العمل الهمجي".

وتوالت ردود الفعل المنددة من مختلف عواصم العالم ومشاعر التضامن مع بريطانيا، التي شهدت قبل شهرين تماما اعتداء لندن عندما قتل رجل خمسة اشخاص بصدم حشد بسيارة وطعن شرطي قبل مقتله قرب البرلمان.

ووصف الرئيس الاميركي دونالد ترامب المعتدين ب"الفاشلين الاشرار"، معبرا عن "التضامن الكامل" مع البريطانيين، فيما عبر البابا فرنسيس عن حزنه العميق حيال الهجوم "الهمجي"، واكدت المستشارة الالمانية انغيلا ميركل عن "حزنها".

كما اكد الرئيس الروسي فلاديمير بوتين عن استعداده "لتطوير التعاون في مكافحة الارهاب" مع بريطانيا بعد هذا الاعتداء "الوقح والمجرد من الانسانية".

كذلك أعرب الرئيس الفرنسي ايمانويل ماكرون عن "صدمته" و"حزنه الشديد" بعد الاعتداء، قائلا انه سيجري محادثات مع رئيسة الوزراء البريطانية تيريزا ماي. 

في مانشستر، أطلق السكان حملة لتقديم مأوى للذين كانوا في الحفلة فيما اشارت تقارير الى ان سيارات الاجرة كانت تنقل الركاب مجانا.

وعلقت حركة القطارات من والى محطة فيكتوريا في مانشستر الواقعة تحت القاعة. وقالت مصلحة السكك الحديد الوطنية في بيان ان هذا القرار سيستمر حتى مساء الثلاثاء.

كما ألغى نادي مانشستر يونايتد مؤتمره الصحافي المقرر مساء الثلاثاء عشية نهائي الدوري الأوروبي لكرة القدم "يوروبا ليغ" مع اياكس امستردام الهولندي، فيما اتخذت تدابير أمنية إضافية في محيط ملعب التدريب التابع ليونايتد، ووقف اللاعبون دقيقة صمت حدادا على أرواح الضحايا.

التعليقات 118
Thumb justin 08:35 ,2017 أيار 23

How convenient?

Who benefits..... except Iran!

Thumb Southern...... 10:36 ,2017 أيار 23

while Trump sales more arms to the wahhabi state, KSA which sponsors those terrorists!

Thumb joebustani 20:53 ,2017 أيار 23

A senior advisor to British Prime Minister, Theresa May revealed to Michele Poisonne AFP's senior correspondent in Manchester the suicide bomber was a shia fundamentalist recruited by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard to cause chaos and mayhem in Manchester. The suicide bomber was filmed on CCTV moments before the blast pumping his fists and beating his chest while chanting the words " Labayka Ya Hussain"

Shia Islam is a primitive and restrictive offshoot of Islam and is considered by many moslem scholars as heresy. Shia Islam bans music, mixing of the opposite sexes in public places and considers live concerts an act of evil and indecency.

The suicide bomber is survived by his wife Zainab, a 15 year old Iranian refugee and 6 children.

Source: Agence France Press

Thumb liberty 21:54 ,2017 أيار 23

thanks Joe for letting us know the suicide bomber was a shia iranian devil worshiper follower of wilayat al faqih. Actually it comes as no surprise.

Thumb mahdi-firuz-berhouz 13:14 ,2017 أيار 23


I couldn't believe it when Insi, my Ethiopian domestic helper kept messaging me on WhatsApp saying " Sir Sir Flamesrower is now Kermit the frog". I had to log in to make sure she was telling the truth.

Here you are Flamesrower having your own muppets show.

Somesing Anazar Flamesrower!

Thumb marcus 18:48 ,2017 أيار 23

if you say so shia troll, if you say so.

Thumb enterprise 06:40 ,2017 أيار 24

but you are supposed to be dead mowaten/flamethrower?

Thumb janoubi 08:37 ,2017 أيار 23

yep, Iran's response to the show in Riyadh did not take too long.

Thumb justice 11:48 ,2017 أيار 23

no need, he already knows he is.

Thumb ashtah 08:45 ,2017 أيار 23

This is horrible!

May all the victims rest in peace.....

Thumb sophia_angle 08:56 ,2017 أيار 23

since when ISIS is backed by iran...

Thumb galaxy 09:06 ,2017 أيار 23

since Day One but a good 'Christian' like you fails to see it;)

أكدت كبيرة المستشارين في معهد واشنطن لسياسة الشرق الأدنى ومستشارة سابقاً حول شؤون إيران في مكتب تمويل الإرهاب والجرائم المالية التابع لوزارة الخزانة الأميركية، كاثرين باور، في حديث مع "العربية.نت"، تورط طهران في تقديم تسهيلات لـ #تنظيم_القاعدة بتنقل عناصره من إيران إلى مناطق مختلفة، إضافة إلى استضافة عدد من قياداته في طهران.
وقالت باور: "علاقة إيران بالقاعدة نشأت حتى قبل أحداث 11 سبتمبر حيث كانت بمثابة المحطة لحركة تنقل عناصر القاعدة ونقل الأموال وتقديم التسهيلات للتنظيم بنقل المقاتلين والأموال من شمال آسيا إلى سوريا وإلى منطقة الخليج بهدف تسهيل أنشطة خلايا القاعدة".

Thumb justice 11:34 ,2017 أيار 23

keep trolling and voting:)

Thumb ___flamethrower___ 10:12 ,2017 أيار 23

lulz @ flame.from.jabal.mohsen

Thumb Southern...... 11:02 ,2017 أيار 23


did any wahhabi sheikh or priest abused you when you were child!?

Thumb justice 11:30 ,2017 أيار 23

southern only in your non-religion shiism is abuse rampant.

Thumb Southern...... 11:32 ,2017 أيار 23

are you sure!

Thumb Southern...... 11:30 ,2017 أيار 23

RIP victims! victims of Usa / Saudi founded terrorism.

Thumb justice 21:25 ,2017 أيار 23

Were the U.S marines and French Peacekeepers in Beirut also killed by USA/Saudi founded terrorism ya heretic or the hundreds of French civilians killed by your hezbollah's car bombs in Paris during the 80's?

Your Iran and Your terrorist hezbollah invented car bombs and suicide bombings. Spare us your paid propaganda ya irani!

Thumb gigahabib 11:37 ,2017 أيار 23

Wahhabism strikes again.

Yet the Americans are still propping up the old Saudi goat kings.

Thumb ex-fpm 11:43 ,2017 أيار 23

oh there you are! I was getting confused with your other hezbaloid aliases.

Thumb lubnani.masi7i 13:28 ,2017 أيار 23

ashraf nass strike again

توقيف 5 لبنانيين في النبطية بجرم تعاطي وترويج مخدرات

Thumb ex-fpm 11:44 ,2017 أيار 23

وهاب عبر "تويتر": جريمة مانشستر بشعة وقذرة متضامنون مع الشعب البريطاني في مواجهة الإرهاب.۔


All we need now is for the party that invented terror and suicide bombings to condemn the act.

Thumb justin 11:52 ,2017 أيار 23

wow, troll fest brought to you by giga flamethrower and company;)

Thumb justin 11:57 ,2017 أيار 23

23 February 1985 Bombing 1 14 Bomb attack against the Marks & Spencer store in boulevard Haussmann, attributed to the Hezbollah.[21][22]

7 February 1984 Shooting 2 1 Assassination of Gholam Ali Oveisi, a former military governor of Tehran, and his brother in Paris where they were in exile. The Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility .

29 March 1985 Bombing 0 18 Bomb attack against the Rivoli Beaubourg cinema in Paris during a Jewish film festival, attributed to the Hezbollah.[19][21][23]

7 December 1985 Bombing 0 43 Double bomb attack against the Printemps Haussmann store in Paris, attributed to the Hezbollah.[21][22]

3-5 February 1986 Bombings 1 35 Three bomb attacks in 3 days against the Claridge Hotel on the Champs-Élysées, a bookshop on the Place Saint-Michel and a Fnac store on Les Halles by the CSPPA and Hezbollah.[21][22]


Thumb justin 11:58 ,2017 أيار 23

20 March 1986 Bombing 2 29 Bomb attack against the Point Show gallery on the Champs-Élysées by the CSPPA and Hezbollah.[21]

5-15 September 1986 Bombings 5 131 4 bomb attacks against a post office in the Hôtel de Ville, a Casino caféteria in La Défense, a restaurant on the Champs-Élysées and an office in the Préfecture de police by the CSPPA and Hezbollah.[21]

17 September 1986 Bombing 7 55 Bomb attack against the Tati store on rue de Rennes in Paris, attributed to the CSPPA and Hezbollah.[1]


All fiction according to flamethrower/roar;)!

Thumb Southern...... 12:52 ,2017 أيار 23

i'm worried about your mental state ya jewstin!

Thumb gigahabib 20:45 ,2017 أيار 23

Wikipedia is not a source in itself, it links to sources from the articles.

Thumb mahdi-firuz-berhouz 13:17 ,2017 أيار 23


As smooth as a V-8 engine

Somesing Anazar Flamesrower!

Thumb gigahabib 15:50 ,2017 أيار 23

By now, I'm pretty sure Jewstein isn't a goy...

Thumb gigahabib 16:38 ,2017 أيار 23

What's that? I don't understand Hebrew.

Thumb EagleDawn 17:08 ,2017 أيار 23

but you understand Farsi

Thumb gigahabib 17:47 ,2017 أيار 23

Farsi is a nice language.

Thumb EagleDawn 18:10 ,2017 أيار 23

gigahabib 19 minutes ago
Who says I'm Shia

Thumb EagleDawn 12:08 ,2017 أيار 23

Nassrallah, Khamanei, and Assad are a three-headed hydra.

Thumb gigahabib 16:04 ,2017 أيار 23

Anonymous activist sources revealed that "joebustani" is an unemployed Pakistani (real name: Yussef Qurayshi), living in his parent's basement in Birmingham, who earns his pocket money from the Saudi state by spreading fake news on irrelevant websites.

Source: AFP/CNN/Fox News/Naharnet

Thumb gigahabib 16:49 ,2017 أيار 23

Yeah, and I'm sure you're "new" and not just another Mustaqbot alias.

Thumb EagleDawn 16:58 ,2017 أيار 23

gigahabib 26 January 2017
Lol, I'm probably the least frequent poster here

Thumb EagleDawn 17:07 ,2017 أيار 23

Giga Iranian mouthpiece: pathological liar.

Thumb gigahabib 17:48 ,2017 أيار 23

Yeah, keep posting that quote, parrot. It sure had an effect so far.

Thumb ex-fpm 17:11 ,2017 أيار 23

Absolutely! Just like Iran managed to have die-hard 'Christians' like flamethrower/the_roar etc to join its propaganda machine, it also managed to enlist Sunnis to do its dirty work under the banner of ISIS and derivatives.

Thumb gigahabib 17:50 ,2017 أيار 23

Ok, so the Iranians are posting fake news that implies the bomber was Iranian? Is that what you're trying to say, delusional Texas?

That's your best theory so far.

Missing hajjradwan 18:09 ,2017 أيار 23

Forget the luck of the Irish, i want the luck of the Iranians, the single biggest enemy of isis has yet to be attacked by isis lucky lucky lucky

Thumb flamethrower-_ 18:57 ,2017 أيار 23

lulz @ mowaten the most brilliant trolling multi-character poster ever! Logical and precise "iran is using shias to use sunnis to use bombs to kill christians" so funny. I once heard of a Alawi Syrian, president Assad, using a Lebanese an ex-Kataeb Christian, Minister Michel Samaha, to use bombs to kill Sunnis and Christians but that's completely difrent ;)))))))))))))))))))))))

Thumb flamethrower-_ 19:07 ,2017 أيار 23

lulz @ radwan, luck has nothing to do with it! ISIS has not been able to attack the Islamic Republic of Iran because it's Supreme Leader Grand Ayatollah Ali Hosseini Khamenei in chatting face to face with the coming Mahdi on as daily basis asking him to smite any ISIS plot against the Islamic Republic of Iran till the time of his return. That's a fact!

Thumb gigahabib 20:11 ,2017 أيار 23

It might be a bit hard for ISIL to do an attack in an overwhelmingly Shia Muslim country, don't you think? They have attacked Iranians in Syria and Lebanon already.

Thumb gigahabib 21:27 ,2017 أيار 23

Loool, all Iranians in the west are against the Iranian government, every toddler knows this. Attacking them would be meaningless.

Thumb EagleDawn 21:51 ,2017 أيار 23

"all Iranians in the west are against the Iranian government"

1)Show us some evidence.
2) Are you saying a fanatical suicide bomber who allegedly hates every shia in the world is only targeting iranian regime supporters?

Lol, come on tell us we are dying of excitement;)

Thumb gigahabib 22:09 ,2017 أيار 23

Most Iranians in the West came as refugees who fled the 79 revolution. This is a simple fact, I'm not here to do your research for you.

Many of them are wanted by the Iranian government, so I'm not sure how it would be hurt by them being killed.

But please enlighten us.

Thumb enterprise 04:09 ,2017 أيار 24

giga iraní

You are a joke and a waste of oxygen. Your arguments and logic are as giga as your ego. Typical shia

Thumb EagleDawn 18:13 ,2017 أيار 23

lol @ sheikh mowateh;)

from an atheist to a sheikh in one post;)

Thumb Elemental 18:36 ,2017 أيار 23

With the help of the Obama administration and Iran's dirty tactics, ISIS was born. Not only does this show how naive they made others, this is yet another wakeup call to secure proper borders instead of those coming and masquerading as "refugees" You'd figure the rest of the world would learn from Lebanon's embedded greed and stupidity not to let them in....Time to get out of lala land and grow up people, we don't need to hear takia rats and their saudi fetish either. Notice how they involve the rest of the world in their crap?

Thumb Elemental 19:05 ,2017 أيار 23

takia.rat.movaten, you're responsible for contributing to the creation of these subhuman things. You're no better than them are equal to them in the rest of the civilized world's eyes. You're a coward, a cheat, and designed to lie through your teeth in order to promote your sick agenda. Snakes hold a better standing in life than any of you.

Thumb Elemental 19:06 ,2017 أيار 23

What if I told you there's people who aren't fans of either of you? Takia rat.

Thumb Elemental 19:09 ,2017 أيار 23

No actually, I'm not surprised you made another fake account. You just fail to acknowledge your actions. You and Saudi's are in your little fetish war, keep it amongst yourselves instead of playing the victim and involving others in the mess you've both created. Nice assuming I'm Saudi too, shows me your level of intelligence.

Thumb Elemental 19:18 ,2017 أيار 23

Keep living in your world of fake accounts and lies Movaten, I just find it hilariously sad that you keep on creating them, all to passive aggressively assume everyone else is Saudi/Zionist who disagrees with you. You pretty much make yourself a fool in the eyes of everyone who reads your lies, and of course attempt personal attacks which in your mind "work" when you can't admit a mistake. Nice try though, you get a cookie and a balloon for your effort. Big man sitting in front of is laptop lol.

Thumb Elemental 19:10 ,2017 أيار 23

Passive aggressive movaten :).

Thumb Elemental 19:23 ,2017 أيار 23

Like I said, you're both trash. Shame on both of you for involving others who have nothing to do with your dirty agenda. So now outline what Iran does for each^

Missing peace 19:24 ,2017 أيار 23

sheikh yusef : for the sake of honesty you should also compare with iran.... or you want to embellish iran's image by only smearing saudis? LOL

Missing peace 19:18 ,2017 أيار 23

After 9/11, Iran and Hezbollah wished to conceal any past evidence of cooperation with Sunni terrorists associated with al Qaeda.

Missing peace 19:20 ,2017 أيار 23

As we mentioned in chapter 2, while in Sudan, senior managers in al Qaeda maintained contacts with Iran and the Iranian-supported worldwide terrorist organization Hezbollah, which is based mainly in southern Lebanon and Beirut. Al Qaeda members received advice and training from Hezbollah.

and hezbi lovers want people to believe that al qaeda had nothing to do with iran but everything to do with saudis...

they want people to believe that iran has nothing to do with terrorism, only saudis are involved.... iran are peaceful only saudis are warmongers! LOL

Missing peace 19:23 ,2017 أيار 23

and why don't you quote what is right after "bin laden did not want to alienate his supporters in Saudi Arabia. "

let me do it for you: "Khallad and other detainees have described the willingness of Iranian officials to facilitate the travel of al Qaeda members through Iran, on their way to and from Afghanistan. For example, Iranian border inspectors would be told not to place telltale stamps in the passports of these travelers. Such arrangements were particularly beneficial to Saudi members of al Qaeda"

and iran have nothing to do with terrorism, wahahaha!

Thumb Elemental 19:25 ,2017 أيار 23

We've got a "badass" right here^ watch out people, another fake account Movaten uses is going to try to show legitimacy :D

Thumb Elemental 19:28 ,2017 أيار 23

refer to the above comment.

Thumb Elemental 19:27 ,2017 أيار 23

refer to the above comment.

Missing peace 19:28 ,2017 أيار 23

iran has nothing to envy saudi arabia: both fanatic islamists countries , both involved in terrorism, only hezbi lovers will deny any role of iran in terrorism...and they pretend to be objective? LOLLLLLLLLLL

Thumb Elemental 19:29 ,2017 أيار 23

They can't think beyond their inbred programming. Although hilarious, it's very pathetic at the same time.

Thumb Elemental 19:32 ,2017 أيار 23

Refer to the above comment^

Thumb Elemental 19:34 ,2017 أيار 23

Also, you keep redirecting. I sad for you to display what Iran does for the exact same things. Like I said you're both the same trash on opposite ends of the coin.

Thumb Elemental 19:34 ,2017 أيار 23


Thumb gigahabib 20:12 ,2017 أيار 23

The attacker is confirmed to be a Sunni Libyan. Yeah, I'm sure he was mind-controlled by Iran!

Thumb Elemental 20:21 ,2017 أيار 23

Still an organization which your Iran in partnership with Obama's administration created. Who said anything ab9ut controlled gigatakia?

Thumb gigahabib 20:47 ,2017 أيار 23

No, he didn't personally recruit him, but he is spreading the intolerant Wahhabi ideology throughout the world in Sunni religious schools, and funding Wahabi militias all over the Middle East.

Thumb justice 21:03 ,2017 أيار 23

and who is funding the wilayat al faqih ideology in Bahrain, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Nigeria, etc and funding and arming shia iraqis, shia pakistanis, shia afghanis etc ya heretic or you are paid to just pour your poisonous venom here on the forum?

Thumb gigahabib 21:11 ,2017 أيار 23

So are Shias blowing themselves up in big cities all over the world?

Missing peace 21:18 ,2017 أيار 23

seems you forgot syria's mufti's threats in 2011 : " Assad’s Mufti threatened Europe and the US that if Syria was attacked or bombed then they would suffer from suicide operations carried out by people residing in their own countries.

Hassoun said in a video clip on YouTube: “Once the first rocket is launched onto Syria, the people of both Lebanon and Syria will be suicide bombers on Europe and Palestine.”

funny how his threats are now set in motion .....

Missing peace 21:20 ,2017 أيار 23

Hassoun added: “I say it to all of Europe and America: We will send suicide bombers, for after today, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth with the instigator being guiltier, and you are the ones who hurt us.”

Thumb justice 21:36 ,2017 أيار 23

gigahabib 23 minutes ago 30
So are Shias blowing themselves up in big cities all over the world?

not of late because they no longer consider the west their number one enemy. Instead their number one enemy are the sunnis of the arab world. Just like your nassrallah said Israel is not his number one enemy but the sunnis in Syria and the arab world and the road to liberating Jerusalem goes through Aleppo and Zabadani and every sunni city in Syria or Iraq.

Thumb gigahabib 21:12 ,2017 أيار 23

Libyan Sunni. Get it into your thick skull.

Thumb gigahabib 21:12 ,2017 أيار 23

Lol, who would accept being "hired" to kill themselves? What do you do with the money afterwards? Judging from the idiocy of your comment, perhaps some Sunnis are dumb enough for that.

Thumb gigahabib 21:17 ,2017 أيار 23

He funds Wahhabi schools which radicalise Muslims in the west, and he funds Wahhabi militias in Syria whose members then go to the west.

Just like they did in Afghanistan in the 80s.

Are you denying any of this?

Missing peace 21:18 ,2017 أيار 23

seems you forgot syria's mufti's threats in 2011 : " Assad’s Mufti threatened Europe and the US that if Syria was attacked or bombed then they would suffer from suicide operations carried out by people residing in their own countries.

Hassoun said in a video clip on YouTube: “Once the first rocket is launched onto Syria, the people of both Lebanon and Syria will be suicide bombers on Europe and Palestine.”

funny how his threats are now set in motion .....

Missing peace 21:21 ,2017 أيار 23

Hassoun added: “I say it to all of Europe and America: We will send suicide bombers, for after today, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth with the instigator being guiltier, and you are the ones who hurt us.”

Thumb gigahabib 21:24 ,2017 أيار 23

LOOOOOl. Ok. So tell me again. You're saying a Sunni Libyan who grew up in the UK killed himself on behalf of Bashar al Assad?

Please, say you are, and lose all the credibility you never had.

Missing peace 21:27 ,2017 أيار 23

think a bit instead of using your stupid shortcuts....
or is it a too difficult intellectual exercise for your little brain?

you keep saying it is the saudis who do this regardless of the syrian regime's own threats, so look further than your nose... if you can

Thumb justice 21:28 ,2017 أيار 23

giga heretic has all the facts all the time

Thumb justice 21:30 ,2017 أيار 23

what do your mahdi schools preach and teach? tolerance and understanding?

You have your 5 year old children wrapping their heads with yellow labayka ya hussain ribbons marching on the streets vowing vengeance.

This is your hateful ideology: blood thirsty heretics with no place in the civilized world.

Missing peace 21:31 ,2017 أيار 23

hassoun's threats...


Thumb gigahabib 21:34 ,2017 أيار 23

Lol, one thing is marching with a ribbon, another thing is blowing yourself and civilians up in every capital of the world. Shias do the former, not the latter.

But come on, explain to us why a Sunni Libyan who grew up in the UK would kill himself on behalf of Bashar al Assad. The excitement is killing us.

Missing peace 21:39 ,2017 أيار 23

"they would suffer from suicide operations carried out by people residing in their own countries."

just listen to your master hassoun, a sunni... LOL

if you know who sent the bomber waw! you are sooooo strong minihabib... what i am pointing to your narrow brain is that not only saudis as you pretend support terrorism, your own master threatened europe! but of course you will deny it... the syrian regime cannot send suicide bombers even if they threatened to do so... LOL

your binary mind cannot comprehend those things as you only see the world in black and white , the bad saudis the good baathists.....niyellak!

Thumb gigahabib 21:42 ,2017 أيار 23

Yes, Hassoun asked a Sunni Libyan in the UK to blow himself up on behalf of Bashar al Assad.

Is that what you're telling us?

Missing peace 21:58 ,2017 أيار 23

think whatever you want minihabib...
you already figured everything out, good for you

Thumb gigahabib 21:59 ,2017 أيار 23

Your story is getting more and more convoluted, with more and more in-congruent conspiracies in the mix.

Have you heard of the scientific term "parsimony"? No, it doesn't have anything to do with Persians, whatever your delusional mind would think.

Thumb Elemental 22:35 ,2017 أيار 23

Notice movaten attempts to redirect the subject? Typical Iranian tactic, and of course playing the "victim"

Thumb warrior 22:35 ,2017 أيار 23

i take it that shikh.yusef.flamethrower is not shia itself

Thumb warrior 22:36 ,2017 أيار 23

shikh.yusef why are you not posting as mowaten anymore?

Thumb Elemental 22:38 ,2017 أيار 23

No salafi sheikhs or mullahs of Iran would make this world perfect. I just find this psychiatric splitting of these Iranian implants to be very, very sad. They are just as bad as Daesh, yet act like they're saints. Hypocrisy at it's finest, added with ignorant assumptions.

Thumb Elemental 22:58 ,2017 أيار 23

Redirecting, and playing the victim yet again Movaten^ By the way since when did you even care about Western cities, yet wish death upon the West at the same time?

Thumb Elemental 23:02 ,2017 أيار 23

Nice attempt at redirection, and yet you didn't answer my question. Refer to above comment.

Missing peace 23:03 ,2017 أيار 23

their sect is of no importance, what is is who manipulates andemploys them...
if they are not shia does it automatically means iran or syria is not involved? LOL

Missing peace 23:07 ,2017 أيار 23

i already provided links so go and check them...

Thumb Elemental 23:04 ,2017 أيار 23

If you knew how to read, you know I get at both Saudi's and Iranian fools like you. Again, typical coward, you can't even answer a basic question. So answer it.

Thumb Elemental 23:07 ,2017 أيار 23

A coward as usual who can't think for himself. Nice work Movaten^

Thumb Elemental 23:07 ,2017 أيار 23

Now, answer the above question.

Missing peace 23:09 ,2017 أيار 23

sure elemental they should rejoice on the contrary... attacks on satan's countries as they put it should make them happy... LOL

Thumb Elemental 23:10 ,2017 أيار 23

lol exactly, hypocrisy at its finest. Notice he tried to change the subject and play the victim all the time? Also little whiny threats too, typical of them.

Thumb Elemental 23:11 ,2017 أيار 23

Answer the above question.

Thumb Elemental 23:13 ,2017 أيار 23

Answer the above question instead of redirecting.

Thumb Elemental 23:48 ,2017 أيار 23

Nice attempt at redirecting Movaten, now answer the question above. Are you scared of a legitimate question?

Thumb Elemental 00:26 ,2017 أيار 24

It's actually entertaining having that fake account creator Movaten around. Big man can't even answer a basic question, yet manipulates chronically. As per below for example.

Missing peace 23:15 ,2017 أيار 23

i never said saudis are clean.. but whenever one attacks iran or syria you people automatically assume they are pro saudis or zionists...

you defenders of iran cannot tolerate that one ask the question of their involvement as they threaten several times western countries! you are the biased one, not me as for me iran or saudi are two fanatic islamists states nothing to envy each other both ruling their countries on the chaaria! LOL

but you always want to clean iran and say they are only victims never culprits! very objective way of thinking indeed LOL

Missing peace 23:25 ,2017 أيار 23

that is a narrow minded view... no one knows who is behind, who gives the orders! if one knows here then he d better work for the police force lol

but the thing here is that those supporting iran on this site never doubt iran always always say they are victims, never involved in terror, never massacres.... that is the point here! so when you say you have no doubt that iran is not involved or syria then it means you do not question the threats made by syrians nor that iranians want the death of western countries and jump to the conclusion that only saudis are behind... that is a very dangerous way of thinking, a fanatic way....

i will not say iran is behind nor syria nor saudis as i do not know, but i say that anyone could have been behind! all have very good reasons! we won't know for sure as medias and gvt love manipulating people's minds... like you it seems....

Missing peace 23:29 ,2017 أيار 23

"saying things like ISIS is an iranian invention" = this you do not know who is behind ISIS as they serve many countries interests from iran to syria and saudis, qatar... for example ,the syrian regime are experts in manipulating islamists groups for their interests!

"or shias are worse than ISIS is not legitimate criticism." = i agree! shia is a sect not a political party so you cannot associate them with ISIS nothing comparable!

Thumb Elemental 00:25 ,2017 أيار 24

Answer the question above^

Thumb Elemental 02:48 ,2017 أيار 24

Nice to see you actually admit something, besides whining like a child constantly. The fact that you are happy with these things happening is sickening to begin with. Secondly I'd like to see you be an adult and stop with these pathetic fake accounts. How on earth is one going to take someone seriously who makes fake accounts? Absolutely immature. Thirdly? Your inbred assumptions of them being Zionists or Salafists is absolutely stupid, so how can I get at something they're not? You just assume like an idiot just boost your childish ego. Your ignorance and outright insults don't exactly make you look like someone to be taken seriously. So show some decency, be a man and cut the crap with the fake accounts. Your vulgarity only males you look like a joke. You were just has happy this happened there just as much as those primitive Daesh.

Thumb Elemental 02:49 ,2017 أيار 24

Makes you look like a joke*

Thumb enterprise 04:23 ,2017 أيار 24

sheikh.mowaten go and commit suicide it might be your best bet.

Thumb justin 11:16 ,2017 أيار 24

but when you sheikh mowaten and your giga habib aliases write who benefits when syrian children are gassed to death by chemical weapons it must be fine and dandy because you are iranians and clever.