نصر الله: انتصرنا في الحرب السورية ونحن نصنع تاريخ المنطقة وليس لبنان

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أكّد الأمين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصرالله انتصاره في الحرب السورية، قائلا "شهداؤنا وأسرانا يصنعون تاريخ المنطقة".

وقال "أننا على بصيرة من أمرنا في هذه المعركة (في سوريا)، وشهداؤنا وجرحانا وأسرانا وناسنا يغيّرون معادلات ويصنعون تاريخ المنطقة وليس تاريخ لبنان». وشدد على «أننا انتصرنا في الحرب (في سوريا)... وما تبقّى معارك متفرقة".

وأشار إلى أن "المشروع الآخر فشل ويريد أن يفاوض ليحصّل بعض المكاسب".

وجزم بأن "مسار المشروع الآخر فشل، ومسار مشروعنا الذي تحمّلنا فيه الكثير من الأذى مسار نصر ونتائج عظيمة ستغيّر المعادلات لمصلحة الأمة".

ولفت نصر الله أيضا الى أن "قتال داعش والنصرة كان أكبر محنة عشناها منذ 2010، وأخطر من حرب تموز 2006".

وأضاف "منذ 2011، كنا على يقين بأن ما يجري فتنة كبرى، وأن هناك مشروعاً أميركياً ــــ إسرائيلياً ــــ قطرياً ــــ سعودياً بهدف القضاء على المقاومة وتسوية القضية الفلسطينية".

التعليقات 13
Thumb Hayek.Feghali.Abdelatif 11:00 ,2017 أيلول 12

Nasrallah stated that Hizbullah has “won the war in Syria,” and that the party is “making history in the region

Thumb smarty 11:50 ,2017 أيلول 12

Russia won the Syrian war as well as the US led alliance which includes gulf countries. Hassan is high on meds or hachich.

Missing humble 11:53 ,2017 أيلول 12

He definitely is. Also trying to brainwash his people.

Thumb Mystic 12:08 ,2017 أيلول 12

Just how did the U.S and Gulf win in Syria? Their plan was to oust Assad to begin with, now Assad still sits on his seat more powerful than ever with a battle hardened army.

They failed and you lost. March 14 lost, why else do you think Geagea, Jumblat and Hariri rushed to make a government with Hezb?
They realized Assad won and took their chances with Hezb instead of complete isolation.

Missing humble 11:55 ,2017 أيلول 12

They can win anywhere even in Zimbabwe, but have lost in Lebanon where they destroyed this beautiful country.

Thumb Mystic 12:10 ,2017 أيلول 12

Lebanon is more beauty than ever.
Seems my camp is more patriotic than yours, you are not even loyal to Lebanon just to America and dollars.

Thumb Hayek.Feghali.Abdelatif 16:09 ,2017 أيلول 12

patriotic? loyal to Lebanon?

Thumb Hayek.Feghali.Abdelatif 16:10 ,2017 أيلول 12

patriotic? loyal to Lebanon? part 2

Thumb Maxx 21:15 ,2017 أيلول 12

Forgive us if we do not find beauty in the ashes of civil society and Lebanese independence that your Iranian Occupation Forces have left in their wake in what was once OUR country, the country of the Lebanese. And now, since your great meister has claimed he is writing the "region's history, not Lebanon's", perhaps you can all of you f-off from Lebanon and into the region. We have plenty of problems without you, so at least spare us the disgrace of having you exist on our soil, Iranians.

Thumb bronco 15:36 ,2017 أيلول 12

his speech proves everyone right, what've been said all along that his party is working for Iran and syria while Lebanon is last on it's list. so his priority is outside this border while the Lebanese are suffering because of his actions.
if that isn't the recipe of a traitor i don't know what is!!!!!!!!

Thumb bronco 15:36 ,2017 أيلول 12

his speech proves everyone right, what've been said all along that his party is working for Iran and syria while Lebanon is last on it's list. so his priority is outside this border while the Lebanese are suffering because of his actions.
if that isn't the recipe of a traitor i don't know what is!!!!!!!!

Thumb Maxx 21:18 ,2017 أيلول 12

The finger! LOL! Spot on mate!

Thumb shab 21:23 ,2017 أيلول 12

Filthy murdering militia