الحريري لروحاني: لبنان دولة مستقلة لن تقبل بأي وصاية!

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ندد رئيس الحكومة سعد الحريري بالكلام الذي جاء على لسان الرئيس الايراني حسن روحاني بأن لا قرار يتخذ في لبنان دون إيران.

كتب الحريري في تغريدة له على تويتر "‏قول روحاني أن لا قرار يتخذ في لبنان دون إيران قول مرفوض ومردود لأصحابه."

وأضاف "لبنان دولة عربية مستقلة لن تقبل بأي وصاية وترفض التطاول على كرامتها".

وكان روحاني أشاد الاثنين بمكانة بلاده في الشرق الاوسط محذرا في الوقت نفسه من مخاطر الانقسامات السياسية الداخلية.

وسأل روحاني في كلمة بثها التلفزيون الرسم "اين من الممكن في العراق وسوريا ولبنان وشمال افريقيا والخليج الفارسي اتخاذ قرار حاسم دون اخذ الموقف الايراني في الاعتبار؟".

التعليقات 17
Thumb barrymore 10:48 ,2017 تشرين الأول 24

“Rouhani's affirmation that no decision is made in Lebanon without Iran is unacceptable,” emphasized the PM replying to Rouhani's remarks in a Monday tweet.

Spare us your Bravado! We all know Rouhani is 100% correct and you helped him do it.

Thumb chrisrushlau 17:37 ,2017 تشرين الأول 24

If Lebanon had a government, Hariri wouldn't be in it.

Thumb rolfmao. 20:41 ,2017 تشرين الأول 24

If the US had a democratic elections, trump wouldn't be president.

Thumb ___flamethrower___ 11:27 ,2017 تشرين الأول 24

lol @ 'Unacceptable';)

Missing humble 11:28 ,2017 تشرين الأول 24

Who is the No 1 enemy of Lebanon?
5.Other(precise which country)
What's your vote!!!

Thumb lubnani.masi7i 11:31 ,2017 تشرين الأول 24

hezbollah is Lebanon's only enemy.

Thumb galaxy 11:56 ,2017 تشرين الأول 24

the terrorist iranian hezbollah is lebanon's number one enemy.

Thumb shab 16:07 ,2017 تشرين الأول 24

The filthy murdering militia

Thumb lubnani.masi7i 11:31 ,2017 تشرين الأول 24

Hariri Slams Rouhani's Statement about Lebanon as 'Unacceptable'


Iran through hezbollah said Aoun or no President.

Iran through Hezbollah forced the timing of the Arsal battles and transported the killers of the army soldiers in air conditioned buses.

Iran through hezbollah imposed a proportional representation election law to ensure hezbollah will have parliamentary majority.

so what is your point Hariri?

Thumb galaxy 11:57 ,2017 تشرين الأول 24

"so what is your point Hariri?"

He has none.

Thumb Puppet 12:35 ,2017 تشرين الأول 24

Mr. Saado Hariri has earned my utmost respect and captured my imagination for Slamming Rouhani's Statement about Lebanon as 'Unacceptable'.

Thumb ex-fpm 13:52 ,2017 تشرين الأول 24

Save face and at least summon the iranian ambassador and give him an earful. But you are incapable of even doing a simple routine political maneuver.

Thumb galaxy 13:59 ,2017 تشرين الأول 24

didn't the iranian shoe mowaten say just the other day that Iran does not interfere in Lebanon's affairs?:) Yet, his iranian president is saying nothing happens in Lebanon without Iran's approval.

Thumb lebnani4ever 17:31 ,2017 تشرين الأول 24

Might be unacceptable but unfortunately very true. Thanks to the 33% veto power they have and let's not forget their military arm.

Thumb lebnani4ever 17:34 ,2017 تشرين الأول 24

In the absence of authority they thrived until they became stronger than the army. I do not know anywhere else in the world that this can happen.

Thumb ashtah 17:47 ,2017 تشرين الأول 24

seriously, this guy is a joke.

Thumb Elemental 18:56 ,2017 تشرين الأول 24

Shouldn't have let them in to begin with.