مشروع قانون أميركي لزيادة العقوبات على حزب الله

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عاد ملف العقوبات الأميركية على "حزب الله" إلى الضوء مجدّداً، اثر اقتراح العضوين الجمهوريين في اللجنة الماليّة في مجلس النواب الأميركي النائبين تيد باد ولي زيلدين، مشروع قانون يزيد الضغوط والعقوبات على الحزب يَنتظر التصويت في لجنة الشؤون الخارجية في موعد يُحدّد لاحقاً، ومن ثمّ مجلس النواب بكلّ أعضائه.

ويتضمّن مشروع القانون بحسب صحيفة "الجمهورية" دعوةَ الرئيس دونالد ترامب إلى تحديد ما إذا كان ينبغي تسمية "حزب الله" على أنه منظمة إجرامية عابرة للدول أو منظمة أجنبية مهمة لتهريب المخدّرات.

وفي حال تسمية الحزب بأحد هذين الوصفين، فإنّ ذلك يتيح لوزارة الخزانة الأميركية وبالتعاون مع وزارتي العدل والخارجية، فرضَ عقوباتٍ إضافية على الحزب وفروعِه في الخارج وعلى داعميه.

التعليقات 12
Thumb lubnani.masi7i 11:15 ,2018 شباط 23

Mr. President, as a Lebanese citizen very familiar with this evil group I urge you to label them as a “transnational criminal organization and an important foreign drug trafficking organization.”

Thumb Southern......... 11:15 ,2018 شباط 23

so where is the news here! we know that election is due shortly but the dumb americans don't know that these unjustified actions will only increase the voters in favor of the party. go on doing the campaign for free.

Thumb _citizen_ 07:35 ,2018 شباط 24

ironic you call yourself 'patriotic' and yet you admit you are a slave to Iran.

Thumb Mystic 11:16 ,2018 شباط 23

So they believe that Hezbollah will now drop their arms and surrender?

America think a Resistance is all about money, even in the 80s when the Resistance had no money and Iran was at war with Iraq, we could still force out the American bastards from Beirut.

Thumb joebustani 11:25 ,2018 شباط 23

bless anyone person, entity, organization, brigade or country that inflicts extreme pain and unbearable suffering, death, torture, and destruction upon the iranian sectarian terrorist militia and its members, sponsors, supporters or followers wherever they may be.

Thumb Mystic 13:59 ,2018 شباط 23

I could give you a great suffering to little man.

Thumb justin 11:28 ,2018 شباط 23

lol @patriotic(mystic);)

Thumb ashtah 14:24 ,2018 شباط 23

good eye @justin figuring out the irani with multiple user names!

Thumb Machia 23:57 ,2018 شباط 23

Here we go again the Israeli comments brigade is back at it.
The only reason the US is imposing more sanctions on Hezbollah is not because they care about Lebanon or the US. They are doing it to protect Israel.
The sanctions will hurt Lebanon and make Hezbollah stronger but then US politicians don’t care as long as they receive the support of the Israeli lobby. Same case with guns and the NRA. Who cares that school kids are dying by the dozens from the lack of gun laws in the US, as long the NRA is supporting the politicians. If American politicians don’t care about their own children, you think they care about us?

Thumb Machia 00:03 ,2018 شباط 24

We are but a pawn for them. And Israel will be happiest if we start killing one another again. The way the Syrians are doing it. This is why you have those vicious comments on Naharnet. They are Israeli bots. They probably taught the Russians how to saw division in the US and interfere in the US presidential elections.

Thumb warrior 04:13 ,2018 شباط 24

You know nothing about the American constitution, politics and what drives the U.S decision making process. You try to sound smart and in a typical M.E fashion you succumb to the conspiracy theory.

If you are happy with what hezb of iran is doing to Lebanon, its economy and people then join them and become a drug dealer if you are not already one.

Calling people israeli bots does not make you sound smart, stupid!

Thumb _citizen_ 07:33 ,2018 شباط 24

lol @Machia
He found himself the last few days;)